
Personal Intentions Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"You're basically gonna start having people want to connect with you with the intent to be with you."
"Somebody wants to have something like a clean slate with you, they want a brand new beginning."
"I wanted to marry her, I had been expressing that."
"God gave it to us to enjoy it, and I intend to do that."
"I already planned to ask Cheryl to marry me, we're just waiting for the right time."
"He is telling you what he wants to do, believe him."
"This person wants to reach out to you... it is on their mind to reach out and reconnect."
"An eclipse is a new moon when we plant seeds effectively. Focus on how you want your life to feel, not just what you want it to look like."
"It's time to program how you want your life to be, what you want to manifest."
"We should have a fundamental right to our intentions."
"Power always reveals. When you have enough power to do what you always wanted to do, then you see what the guy always wanted to do."
"We can gently teach it how we would like it to respond in accordance with what we were determined to design for the self."
"Your person's intentions is to reunite if you guys are not together."
"This is what these individuals wanted to bring into your life."
"Your intention will showcase itself, but your intention is almost like the strength card."
"What matters is your intention behind things."
"Setting intentions: be the master of playful living, release expectations."
"Everybody doesn't always have good intentions for you and sometimes you know the most peaceful people the sweetest people end up getting the rot end of the of the of the deal it's messed up but that's just how it is sometimes in life."
"I hope I know what you taste like by the end of the year."
"I'm going for ten... eight, and that's about eight more than I can do in real life."
"It's a perfect time to set an intention or write a list of things that you want to materialize on the physical plane."
"We're focusing our energy where we want it to go, not where we don't want it."
"This person wants a commitment with you, they want to make big moves with you type thing."
"It's time to set your intention for a new adventure in your career, whatever that means for you."
"The way out of apathy is to remind ourselves of our intention, which is to get higher and freer."
"This person wants something serious with you, Scorpio."
"Set a new intention for what you want to manifest in your life."
"I want to take John on a nice date. I don't want ten dollars."
"The reality of the Rosary is pouring your needs and your hearts and your intentions into each of those mysteries."
"I just don't see him wanting anything but the best for her or hating her or anything like that."
"If a guy tells you head on while you're just getting to know him that he's looking to get married that is a green flag to me generally speaking."
"It's going to be a powerful time for manifestation, for new intentions, so we were told to do that on January 1st, but we should actually do that on March 20th and around that date."
"This is the time to make sure your emotional energy is fully aligned with what you say you want or what actions you've been taking in the world."
"They're genuine, with intentions rooted in passion and creativity."
"They really, really want this new beginning with you."
"It's a wonderful time to set subconscious intentions, affirmations."
"You're always making people feel something... I predicate it on my intentions." - Jay Shetty
"You were never in the wrong, I know you did everything with love."
"This person is here because they want to be here, they want to be in this position with you, they want to get to know you better."
"They want to go to the next step with you, this person wants you guys to come together in union."
"We can drink together, party together, but our intentions in life are different."
"It's a good time to set new intentions towards what you really want to be doing."
"Set your intentions, rise above the things that have frayed you, and watch what unfolds."
"Give yourself permission to be still, to set intentions for your day."
"New moon: time for new beginnings, planting seeds of intention."
"Ultimately, our intentions, the goal of our intentions ultimately is to be happy."
"Your intentions, thoughts, and emotions are carried as messages in your electromagnetic field."
"I have my little notebook with all of the intentions that my own personal ones as well as the ones that people have sent me."
"Health is at the core of any intentions you set."
"You're manifesting new beginnings for yourself."