
Cautious Optimism Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Anything that potentially can help and that certainly can potentially help is a good thing."
"I think it's probably months to years away from knowing but at this point there's a great set of indications that oh my God we might be onto something new."
"Just don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory."
"Just because there is potential danger, that doesn't mean it is necessarily dangerous."
"Maybe things could become incredibly much better if we walk carefully and think carefully."
"The risk is definitely there. I wish it was not the case." - Danielle DiMartino Booth
"Maybe it'll go sideways. Maybe it'll go wrong in the future but it's still a good thing."
"Maybe you should wait and find out before letting yourself get anything invested."
"Is the Indian economy back in the short run? For the long run, one should be somewhere between cautious and anxious."
"I'm taking a wait and see attitude." - John Campion
"Let's wait and see what happens with the US case." - John Campion
"I hope it will become a trend, but one year is not a trend, yeah."
"I remain cautiously optimistic because the possibilities are huge."
"Optimism is a good thing, but let's take it game to game."
"Chiefs liked what I saw yesterday didn't want to panic after week one."
"We will celebrate when they're home safely but certainly we can we can breathe sighs of relief every step along the way."
"Looking good so far, but the jury is still out."
"It's certainly interesting and it seems like there are real applications for this but we're gonna give it some time to develop some more."
"I hope you guys understand and see we still know very little about the game and it’s too early to judge."
"Sometimes you just have to dip your feet in and see if it's going to be okay, take a taste, give it a try."
"Innocent until proven guilty. I am bearish until proven bullish."
"If we are cautious and we get vaccinated, then yes, we can make progress steadily."
"Your heart is open to what can happen, but you're not investing all of your eggs in this."
"The overwhelming majority seem to be in agreement with a wait and see attitude."
"Am I concerned about the cliffs? Yes, but am I still open to hope? Certainly you have to be with these cases."
"Analysts are widely expecting the industry to rebound in the next few years, but there are some caveats."
"Victory might be upon us. Don't jinx it, low kibs, don't jinx it."
"It's far too early to get carried away by Arsenal's crazy start."
"There ain't going to be another cycle like this and if there is it'll be a bonus."
"I'm not gonna get too happy about that yet. I'm just gonna casually look at my team because I don't think we're there yet."
"I bought, you know, like, that's what I do. But I also, you know what, honestly, part of me believes in it. Like, it's not, I'm not all in, but part of me does believe in it."
"I think it's going to be a steady few steps back into it, but I'm glad it's back."
"Thoughts on the NFT ecosystem right now? NFTs or anything on Cardano, I take it with a grain of salt. They could sound like the greatest thing ever, but none of them is working until Goguen and smart contracts are working."
"Shoo for the skies, even if I worry that they're going to be able to pull off everything."
"Hope for the best, but the demon's inch now lasts longest."
"They've got to find something from somewhere because it's...you know, I want to be careful in saying that there is long-lasting damage."
"Just because one movie he did that was really good doesn't mean he's the only guy who can do it. But again if they announced him I'd be all for it."
"I want to say I'm a seven because they're good with him, but I still don't ever trust nobody fully."
"I'm ready to find out what it is really that's out there. I'm ready to find out what I saw that day in August. I just really hope it's nothing bad."
"Prepare for the worst and hope for the best... that's how I try to look at things... balance."
"I don't know if it will work but it's all I got right now."
"We're not quite there yet, and perhaps there's still a chance."
"I'm barely good with this move. I do think it might pay off a little bit if not a lot."
"You never really know... but there are red flags."
"2023 isn't a blueprint for the future of RPGs, but it might be an omen."
"As excited as I am for this sort of technology, it still makes me feel a little uncomfortable."
"I'm excited if it all works well but I'm just you know I'm still kind of in a wait-and-see mode."
"Honestly, I didn't know at first because you just don't know, but it worked out way better than I thought it was going to."
"I'm cautiously optimistic for Netflix's version of Death Note."
"Until we put in a new all-time high, we cannot claim victory."
"It's possible for now, but look at the forces trying to shut it down. I still feel like we're in the prelude, you know?"
"I don't know if it's necessarily going to be better six months from now than it is three months from now."
"It is a step in the right direction but it is only a step and I hope that it will be the beginning of a better approach."
"I'm not naively optimistic... if we are a democracy January 20th, 2025, I think we will have escaped the worst."
"It's important to stress that this is not by any means over."
"I'm gonna stay optimistic but cautious after that last E3 with all the hyping behind the executives."
"This is a huge result for them, but at the same time they're just not gonna get carried away." - Scott Mitchell
"Governor Murphy: 'This is not a declaration of victory... but an acknowledgement that we can responsibly live with this thing.'"
"We haven't won the series yet, we've won a game in a seven-game series."
"Yay, I'm a little bit worried, it all seems too good right now. It all just seems that dude just seems too perfect. I'm just waiting from to crash-land down here or something to go completely wrong."
"We're certainly not out of the woods yet, but I think we've turned the corner now."
"This has potential, but I'll save my final verdict for the end of the week."
"Sentiment though has still been somewhat moderate so i'm still cautiously but also very bullish on where axi could be at the end of the year."
"Support him, I want him to do really well. I'm just concerned about what's going on around him at the moment, and it's not good and it could all be [ __ ] I mean."
"We should be almost level on points... but not throwing the baby out with the bath water."
"So far so good, you know until you hit the ground."
"Is that the SpaceX ship? I hope it doesn't explode if you touch it the wrong way!"
"This is making me cautiously optimistic. I think this could be something really fun. I do feel like almost a little softer Big Short that energy could be something that's really fun."
"Guys, that was good. I'm actually gonna have to check now. That is smart."
"They are legit, let me just still test it though."
"I think anthem is a game that deserves our cautious optimism more than it deserves our day 1 money."
"Stay grounded, practice cautious optimism, and trust your instincts."
"Enjoying OverWatch 2 is an exercise in cautious optimism, not just in the future direction of its ever-changing lore and world but in the idea that years of new content will ultimately deliver on the promise of a full sequel."
"I think we're very close to Victory though, famous last words."
"Nothing really worried about but a few things to think about."
"Survival rate today has been absolutely phenomenal. Why, I shouldn't speak too soon."
"The right move has been made there, hope it comes through negative, hope Tony's okay."
"Light No Fire looks really cool. I love the setting and the premise. We should be very cautious but we're going to hope for the best and let's see how it all pans out."
"I'm not going to say pre-order obviously, but I think there are plenty of reasons for cautious optimism at this stage."
"Given that this is an early look at both of them, I don't really want to try and walk away right now with some kind of judgment of, 'Oh, this one's amazing and this one's bad, or this is why these ones are better than others.'"
"Not terrible, could be better, but it's a good start."
"I don't want to be entirely too pessimistic, right? Because I do feel like we're kind of on the cusp of some movement."
"You should always wait and see, especially with early access titles."
"I'm cautiously optimistic. There are some ideas in here."
"Take a leap of faith, but look at where you're going. Check yourself before you jump, that's what this grasshopper is bringing forth."
"Let's not bet all on one horse... and let's not all bet on Bill Gates."
"I would rather be cautious and say, 'Look, it could be tumultuous for the next 12 months,' than saying, 'Yeah, everything's going to be hunky-dory.'"
"Globally, it's great to see those cases go down. I think it's too soon to start having, you know, mission accomplished banners up or anything like that."
"Fear is the best opportunity for you guys to make gains right but you do not want to be greedy okay right."
"It qualifies it as a long shot for this to happen, absolutely."
"People are cautious but the game launches and it's surprisingly good."
"I'm also backing up as I'm doing this so I hope I don't hit anything but yeah this should be a really good one."
"She deserves to be the favorite, but she's not stand out enough to just kind of lean on her."
"I'm not celebrating just yet, but it feels so good."
"I think you just have to be very careful, but I do believe in them because I know a lot of people meet through Instagram."
"Once bit and twice shy, if we start to see bad football, it's going to be so hard to get behind them."
"The global economy continues to gradually recover from the pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine but it is not yet out of the woods."
"Well, it didn't blow up; that's a good thing."
"I'm hesitantly optimistic after our conversation."
"I'm carefully optimistic also to have really my key players back in a perfect shape."
"Once we get a handle on this, we have to start opening things up in small doses."
"Cautious optimism, I feel like that's something we're hearing again and again."
"It's very early to judge, so we just hope for the best at the end."
"As exciting as it is, I think the 'C' word, the cure word, needs to be used judiciously and a lot of work needs to be done for treatment."
"I'm trying to keep my expectations low, but I can't help but be excited for today."
"I'm not trying to say that it's the cure... but I'm so happy with the results."
"I'm not giving it that name per se, but it definitely is very bullish."
"I'm not too bullish on it, but if you like it, by all means, invest into it."