
Innocence Claim Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"There has to be some kind of mistake, I didn't do it."
"He maintains his innocence so much that he's willing to give all of that up to hopefully get out one day."
"Did you cause the death of Professor Dan Markel? Absolutely not."
"There has never been a more overwhelming case of innocence on my part."
"No, I was never going to spend the rest of my life in prison for a crime I didn't commit."
"New evidence threatens to undo the entire case and set Steve Crum free."
"The author of the letter says that Steve is innocent and that he knows who actually killed Jessica."
"It's a great way of going, 'Look, highest authority says I didn't do this.'"
"I haven't heard one person say these three words: Trump is innocent."
"Mr. Combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name."
"I am NOT a murderer, but there's a brain behind this."
"He is innocent. He would require a verdict of not guilty from you. That's the law, that's your oath." - Anjanette Levy
"The defense pleads not guilty, Your Excellency."
"We the jury find Mark Hauck count one not guilty."
"Lyanna Harris's testimony was in support of Harris's innocence."
"I never did anything wrong and that's all to it. I never did anything."
"Every piece of evidence provided thus far is inconsistent with the defendant's guilt, consistent with their innocence."
"No jury is going to convict me. Why not? Because I'm innocent, and you can mark my words on that one."
"A direct quote from Sam is: 'What? Oh my god, Amber, I don't know what to say. I did not hurt you.'"
"I love my wife I would never hurt my wife she's the light of my life and my daughter's lives."
"Christopher Edwards maintains his innocence he continues to serve out his 100-year sentence."
"I've been accused of manipulating things and doing things that I didn't even know happened until the accusation came up."
"I confessed to save my life, not because I was guilty."
"I did not kill Maggie. I did not kill Paul. I would never hurt Maggie and I would never hurt Paul ever under any circumstances."
"One day I will be proven right, I will be proven innocent that I did not kill Eli Slover."
"There are good faith reasons why people take actions, and innocent people do flee and run."
"Donald Trump's panicked press release tonight begins with the words 'President Donald J. Trump is completely innocent.' He did nothing wrong."
"A jury is going to convict me? Why not? Because I'm innocent. And you can mark my words on that one. No jury will convict me."
"Trump doesn't need to show up and appear because he's innocent as can be."
"I never even operated a wood chipper. I adamantly did not kill them or anyone else."
"In the 1980s Beales began investigating the case and wrote a book where he posits the notion that Armstrong was in fact innocent and may have been framed by a jealous rival."
"They have always maintained their innocence."
"My sentence is higher than anybody's unlike everybody else was a governor I never did get it take a penny, it was politics, it wasn't personal corruption."
"I did not kill Myrna and I never planned to do so."
"I would never hurt anyone, I swear I'm innocent, you have to believe me."
"I swear on everything I love I've never seen the girl out in person never don't recall it."
"I would never harm a turtle. I'm not the [__]."
"I'm innocent. There was a burglary at my business, and I was there cleaning up the mess."
"There's no obstruction of justice there was nothing to obstruct in the sense that the President had nothing to hide because he did not collude with the Russians."
"In 27 pages of nearly illegible script, Tony's claims of innocence...are the only words he underlines."
"You're not doing that. This girl did not collude with the Darkling. She did what she had to do to survive."
"I am innocent. I am guilty though; I'm guilty of being a good friend of John Gotti."
"We know that two of the individuals who they convicted of murdering Malcolm X were completely innocent."
"Imagine being behind bars for 11 years for something you didn't do."
"The defense has spoken; they say she is 100 percent not guilty, she is innocent, and they should be looking somewhere else."
"They kind of relook at your case, that's basically what they do."
"The defense is arguing that Karen Reed was framed, that this was all a cover-up."
"I came to the punishment department. It is to state my innocence."