
Gaming Humor Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Why is there snow-covered lands in this deck? Ah, because they're cooler."
"Silo Agent 99: A meme that shook everyone to their core."
"Mordekaiser is such a goofball. Oh, Skarner, you poor fool."
"Just winning has a guarantee to make you win unless you're techone." - Playful and humorous.
"That ragdoll feature in this game is hilarious, man!"
"When you don't kill someone for about five minutes, you do end up looking a bit like a [ __ ] pig."
"Deliver me diamond armor... oh baby, yeah, yeah! Nobody clipped that, do not send me Instagram messages with that in it."
"Untitled goose game about to be better than cyberpunk 2077."
"Who's a good boy? Who's dealing 1700 damage? You are, you are!"
"Nobody's gonna know. Here I go. I'm gonna shoot you with the magic missile. Got him!"
"Red is gonna give us an impossible question to answer because he's Baldi."
"You've got to rate the irony of a perfume Pokémon in a tier called PU... gonna be dead tier on that alone."
"This game is perfectly balanced, has no exploits whatsoever and is working exactly as the developers intended."
"One of the better mini bosses with Prawn in his electric tuba."
"For players that use keyboard mouse versus one behind me, oh sweet baby, you're dead."
"It's not about the gold, it's about the friends you killed along the way."
"Comrade Mario, mar it's his [ __ ] Bowser on screen."
"That is stupid and merry people that is a stupid amount of people in one freaking Square guys."
"The Simpsons Hit and Run at Marathon runs is always funny because there are so many references."
"Witness me! That's what he's saying now. It looks like he's wearing a giant sandwich over his torso."
"Kill the streamer! Yet, kill, kill the streamer!" - A humorous reference to in-game events or strategies.
"Welcome to desperate Alliance: it's a defense mission where the enemy forgets to attack."
"The egg on the defense of getting is crannium pushed in by gabe newell."
"You want a quest? How about a fetch Quest? Fetch quests are the best quests."
"Humor was considered one of the most important parts of the game."
"Don't die, Thanos, you died to an SMG, are you kidding me? And you died to Family Guy, bro, are you serious?"
"Toxic gamers when they die in a game. Good relation with your mother, I have."
"You guys make fun of me for playing Pot of Greed, yes, yes."
"Take a look around you just in case the devs are sneaking up behind you to pull your trousers down and then point and laugh."
"Fox only 1v1 FD no items... Better ingredients, better pizza."
"I'm burying my past. Come on, guys, it's Minecraft. I'm allowed to play it up a little bit here."
"Rockstar has never been above making an elaborate joke at the players' expense."
"Tom Nook is making money off of me but little does he know I've taken millions of bells from his nephews."
"The ice cream might be the best weapon in the game, wow, we found it."
"We got the cow! Oh, it's got the head over here, are you kidding me? That literally looks like me, cow got hair look like."
"The first rule of Yu-Gi-Oh is read your cards, the second rule of Yu-Gi-Oh is don't read your cards." - Unspecified
"Rick Astley he Rick rolls you I believe in one of the troll games."
"The elements build is kind of XD right now, no cap."
"The ultimate boner killer: monsters reduced to math."
"Sonic schoolhouse it's God Games it's got education it's got it's got Sonic that isn't the game of the Year contender I don't know what is s tier for that one as well."
"The humor of Delta Rune's writing is one of its strongest factors."
"Well, you just spent a bunch of time watching tree people kill a glowing rock. I hope this experience enriches and enlightens the rest of your day."
"Goats: part of the 'armor stands are alive' fan theory."
"Wow guys, if at first you don't succeed, spend Robux to beat the game."
"Thanks for watching this video about the times that games roasted themselves with Easter eggs."
"Oh you know what, I could have just done this move, I didn't because I'm silly but not taken."
"Draven two at three-five, that is some donkey nonsense."
"Healers are the true daddies of the dungeons."
"That's totally me trying to play a console video game."
"Phoenix Wright would be absolutely hilarious as a character."
"Permanent polaroid invincibility, mmm, nice underwear."
"We finally got to play the killer and that shit was so fucking funny, man."
"Goodbye mega sparse you know you try so hard got so far but in the end I've made this joke way too many times I need to stop I need to cleanse myself of this stupid stupid song reference."
"Professor Kukui humorously nods to 'my body is ready.'"
"I had no horse in this race. I had a big fat horse. I had a one horse in Zelda that you get in, it's really big horse in Breath of the Wild."
"Shooting lasers at robots and monkeys in a spaceship is dumb fun."
"My favorite game other than Minecraft? It's gotta be Minecraft again. Aha, checkmate. I'm so clever."
"Basically three DPS in a trench coat." - A humorous take on a character archetype.
"Flying in 9.2? Oh, it's a little hat. Look at the little hat, dude. Oh, wow, isn't that special?"
"The bosses are kick-ass and many of them are pretty damn funny."
"Button Gwinnett's legacy lives on in the Fallout universe with his name on a beer instead of Samuel Adams."
"CS:GO too? I'm uninstalling Counter-Strike! Just kidding."
"Hitting it is the worst output of damage. I need to smack its balls to make it hurt."
"These things are quick here let me just quick little rundown of it it's just the in game we call it a Toyota because it kind of looks like a Toyota truck but there is no brand because like Giants can't do that."
"If they do mess it up, I've got a suplex with their name on it, you hear me Capcom?"
"Imagine living in a world where you get to say 'Oh come on, you only did 15,000 damage with that salvo.'"
"Wilbur players are REALLY FUNNY. THE. GREATEST. OF. ALL. TIME."
"I want to sink someone by just like parking next to them and shoveling water onto their boat."
"This tank is a marvel of British engineering, it's a complete meme wagon, it is of course the Matilda."
"I'm in hell, goomba time ladies and gentlemen, it's goomba time."
"What a perfect time for fat slob to have 69 villagers by the way, this happened, known as that nice, you know?"
"I'm about to give a flirty introduction to a scarecrow. I don't know about you guys, but I ship it."
"Now, that's pretty good if you're like, in a pinch. Maybe your sim died and you really didn't want them to die and you like, want them back immediately, you know."
"What better way to end the game than to have a penis to get the last kill?"
"I'm gonna keep the knife out because everyone knows you run faster with a knife."
"Oh dear oh dear oh dear dear uh it has no priorities he literally just has um his ankles looks in it doesn't matter what I put in here"
"Avoid like the plague as far as I'm concerned and get origins you will not regret it or maybe you will because you kind of like your free time now you would have just wasted it anyway."
"Reloading your weapon is integral to the spread of democracy."
"That's the wrong way Mario, what are you doing?"
"Playing ARMA without mods is like paying a prostitute to do your laundry: technically possible but missing the point."
"Wooden pickaxe after mining three cobblestones: 'My time has come.'"
"Untitled Goose Game easily made me laugh harder than any other game released in 2019."
"Luckily for you and me, I'm a filthy cheater, so I'm definitely going to spend a full two hours mining."
"No such thing as too much sword flipping." - Seb Deck
"My early game strategy, up to this point, has basically been 'let me be a hungry sausage.' It's kind of ironic, don't you think?"
"This game is a lot like its most famous weapon, Penetrator: big, brightly colored, and as funny as hell in the right circumstances."
"Yo, wait, did this man pick up equipment? These [__] really went to Halo 3 and they're like 'Yo, let me copy your homework.'"
"How you like getting hammered, Hammer bro? We don't need to go in any of the special stages because we got a hammer."
"That was the most ridiculous loadouts you've ever seen."
"We're not here to play extinction, I'm here to play a goddamn game of zombies."
"Nothing is stronger than love, except Paul's burning fist. That [__] almost takes your entire life bar."
"I guess it's the sign of a good game that I can still enjoy this without ever having played Warhammer's 1 through 39,999."
"Here comes the signature move i'm about to get destroyed one blow is it really called one blow yeah that took me down in one blow."
"It's so cool dude, it's just one random naked night elf why am I not surprised."
"Explosive Corpse... super situational... one of the funniest skills in this game."
"Sometimes it feels pretty good to just beat up these preschoolers because free experience, right?"
"Critical hit! Get flipped, flop, no, Mr. Beast, forgive me."
"His little head spins around and you can see that kiss me when you get a kill. Not bad I guess."
"Me after accidentally turning coarse dirt into a path block: I'll never financially recover from this."
"You should have played the tutorial you dum-dums."
"Maybe I'm wrong. We're new to the game, so I'm not 100% sure, but I just killed the zombie and the hammer came out his ass."
"Why are golden apples blue? Because texture pack, uh-huh."
"Playing the same game mode here, Trundle. This is a joke."
"Helping on this boss fight is way funnier not necessarily better but way funnier."
"Damn, we slaughtered those monsters, turned them into baby back ribs made of wood and gold. Delicious!"
"And, while you would usually see it if you feed a parrot a cookie, it can even kill undead mobs too, unlike real poison."
"Video games don't make us violent, lag does."
"The best part of this video is whenever the Druid walked in and got one shot."
"Let's beat up some bears. This is how you do it: you hit the buttons and the Bears fall down."
"Doom Slayer can have a little healing as a treat."
"This game kills people and it's still better than Monopoly."
"I'm literally killing Nazis with a water gun."
"It's only game, why you have to be mad?"
"You kind of just build up a life in your town, buy a house, go fishing, talk to neighbors, do chores, get put in crippling debt - all the fun things you expect from a video game."
"Eating a pancake Roslin gives you will make you sick for one second. Well then, screw it, give me five pancakes."
"Truly, this is the dankest dungeon."