
Speculative Technology Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The U.S. military as well as many other organizations have been actively interested in the type of technology depicted on the Stargate SG1 television show."
"What if you could upload your consciousness into an MMO? Would you do it?"
"The idea of energy harvesting megastructures encompassing an entire star... could there be some kind of energy harvesting megastructures around Tabby star?"
"They can literally weather modify a hurricane or a tornado out of existence."
"Scientists, science fiction authors, and under-qualified youtubers have all spent time pondering just what the human race could do with near-limitless energy."
"I always felt like there was a lot of 'will they won't they' between myself and my little robot droid."
"Tractor Beams are another example of how we might warp space."
"When you can warp reality itself, it lets you change the rules of the game."
"Is it completely artificial or a combination of machine and flesh?"
"I think future is coming fast, we've been afraid that the machines taking us over it may be possible that it will be a collaboration."
"We need to raise our Collective conscious to the point where we can understand that we may actually have anti-gravitational technology."
"Tom Bearden, a retired US Army lieutenant colonel, is among a small group of scientists and engineers who believe that the Soviets have perfected Tesla's ideas."
"Could there be spiritual entities beings inside of these Wi-Fi signals and if so it's even creepier to think that these things are infiltrating the human body in the human mind."
"What we have right now with five g and this smart dust is far way more beyond and sophisticated than just a microchip in your hand."
"Kind of like a Vulcan mind meld and then collectively how much different would society be if we had these capabilities."
"Cognitive... ability to move an object just by thinking about it."
"Mythology is full of mermaids, and it may be possible to tweak people or our pets to have gills."
"Could time travel be the ultimate weapon in the hands of humanity?"
"Do they make Wi-Fi guns that can read RFID chips?"
"For those of us who are outside of the black programs that have been working with nonhumans for decades and who have worked on building time machines and building these portals, it's hard for us to relate."
"The government might be attempting to reverse-engineer UFOs. Apparently, the UFOs that they created were being fueled by a substance called element 115."
"Imagine if voodoo, imagine if I said yes so, um, turns out that's true and uh, scientists have managed to figure out how to exploit it and use it."
"The device was much more than just a time machine; it seemed to put participants in direct contact with non-human entities."
"It felt very alien like it almost felt like interdimensional technology."
"There's so much more and that you know like you were saying earlier the scalar and the longitudinal that's you know where he was going with his transformation of energy over long distances."
"Think about this on Mars when we colonize Mars which I think is a given what currency would they use? Well they use the US dollar and monitor fed broadcasts? I don't think so. I think they'll use Bitcoin."
"I wonder if they'll start having stuff like the robo dogs and things like that... and that will be the excuse to bring those out."
"The singularity is eminent people, the robot uprising is on its way."
"I like to think in the sooner the better of a cybernetic meadow where mammals and computers live together in mutually programming harmony."
"It feels like these animatronics might be roaming around because they have the FNAF 2 security programming attached to them."
"Perhaps the ten rings were not McLuhan tech, they were Eternal tech."
"Only time will tell if this arsenal of exotic space weapons is a preview of our future or a dangerous fantasy world we can avoid."
"We were talking earlier about, you know, that it's very plausible that within the next decade or so, that biologists are going to have figured out and geneticists are going to figure out a way to clone the woolly mammoths."
"I don't know that we need more than one financial operating system, but if we were to have both of these things, there's a lot that makes sense that they would be linked together."
"Great great great great grandchildren are going to be the sci-fi firearms of the future."
"I wouldn't be surprised if the weapons of the future had Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and maybe social networking."
"In some type of anti-gravitational Technology you would think, unknown frankly, I mean it's just unknown."
"If I had a theory about aliens, I would have to say the Roswell incident is more likely Northrop Grumman or Lockheed Martin of the year 2063 sending themselves a package."
"Elon Musk has just managed to find a way to terraform Mars... I don't know, he nuked the poles."
"A civilization might choose to build a mega structure that is as artificial in shape as it could possibly be."
"We can already imagine ways of hiding our planet or our biosphere away from an alien civilization."
"Never know one day we might be able to remove that Genie entirely oh well."
"Wormholes and Wormhole Networks represent a possible Clarketech solution to interstellar travel that would supersede Interstellar Black Hole Highways though likely still be in use with Interstellar Laser Highways for inter-system traffic."
"The wildest was something akin to a telepathic ray gun."
"Essentially when fired at someone, it could make them hear things that weren't audible to anybody else."
"Clarketech is not 'anything is possible' but what might be plausible if something specific in our understanding of the Universe turned out different."
"The Vatican time machine project... is said to involve a sophisticated device capable of peering into the past and future."