
Performance Appreciation Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"That was so every single lyric I could see, you really connected."
"Everyone nails it, they feel so human and so real."
"I'm sorry, the amount of times I had to like stop what I was doing and just watch him, it was so perfectly paired down."
"Can we stop to appreciate how quick he's playing?"
"Her memorable performances continue to resonate with audiences."
"If you guys like having us around, we'll come back."
"This guy kinda slaps, not gonna lie, holy cow, he's really good."
"Everyone's performances in this game are so damn good."
"You've been a wonderful audience, thank you."
"Didn't expect to like Josh Hutcherson's character as much as I did, elevated by his performance."
"They did a fantastic job. Please send them your love."
"Speak about Michelle Yeoh in such narrow terms sells her performance short."
"They were brilliant on this level that is a discovery in the movie."
"Every single goddamn moment of his existence was a joy to watch."
"I just thought they were just incredible. I mean, my God. I don't know how you could perform some of those dances. They were just amazing."
"How can you watch what he did and be like that wasn't awesome?"
"What a performance from him and definitely my man of the match so far."
"So for performance, I gotta give it to ARK. You gotta give a hat tip deck to management when it's there."
"I think the reason we keep coming back to it is because of you guys because of the audience because as an artist there's nothing more rewarding than having people watch your work."
"You were amazing, that's so funny how he does that."
"Samoa Joe on commentary is brilliant." - Adam Wilborn
"Crystal nailed it and congratulations to her!"
"I thought it was brilliant, I thought Joaquin was phenomenal."
"Miss United Kingdom, her presentation was one of the highlights for me... I really, really enjoyed it." - Commentator
"The most impressive thing to me was really the expression and the commitment to that right that tear at the end it's great it makes it feel so much more raw and in some ways it makes it feel even more relatable."
"It's amazing to see what you can actually do on a real console."
"Your family and friends will be amazed at this majestic drama."
"Both are fantastic fun... but yeah, I'm just so impressed with the ATS-V."
"You even had the skeptic doctor Shermer really praising that performance."
"It was like the greatest column essay that I've ever read and it was spoken on a stage."
"He was great as boomerang, he was one of the best things in that movie."
"They have done an unbelievable job in delivering."
"I'm impressed... I like how he's getting it."
"I wouldn't mind seeing a movie about the rise and fall of MoviePass."
"Everyone on the show is truly incredible... they all deserve all the awards."
"They are doing a great fantastic job and are making this format as best as they can."
"I like the way they played off each other. It actually played out really well."
"Justin has been the heart and soul of the show since the beginning."
"Daniel Bryan is incredible professional wrestler Cesaro I mean WWE must know what they have with Cesaro now you can put him in any environment and he will deliver exactly what you want."
"I think what we have here in Hollywood is high Arts it's [Applause] [Music]."
"Owen McGregor is as good as ever as Obi-Wan."
"This has been the first electric motorcycle where it actually feels like it's making real horsepower."
"What a great performance yesterday holy [ __ ] that was amazing it doesn't look well what's fascinating is they get such a cross political section of supporters"
"Joe brings that level of character work to the WWE."
"There's a reason she was nominated for that BAFTA, she was awesome."
"What happened to having respect for these people that are performing?"
"Oh my gosh, the actor for Stan Lee was amazing."
"Your audience isn't really going to judge you for the things that you think they're gonna judge you for... most people enjoy it, so let us see it."
"I love being in the fourth quarter I love when the pressure is high I finish."
"You've already won if you have people who are singing your songs word for word, if they're hero in your home."
"It's just an easy car to drive. It's just a brilliant car to drive."
"That was great original work. Saved by the belt!"
"Thanks very much, guys. You guys have been awesome. Without that, we'd be dead."
"That might have been the greatest halftime performance I've ever seen in my life."
"Despite the fact this is now getting on in age as a platform, this thing still has some boogie and it just feels nimble enough to throw it around a bit."
"So polished, so fun to watch. Thank you so much for hanging to the end."
"Call me impressed, I did not think it would do this well, this is very impressive."
"I enjoy Marceau when he said, 'We see who were the better costume.'"
"This was uh incredible uh the audience obviously loved it uh having you guys on it's no surprise you guys are entertaining the world on a regular basis."
"He not only sold the performance, but he fit the character very well."
"That was a great drink, it is really good job, thanks, you've been a great audience."
"He's been incredible, worth every penny paid."
"The performances from the actors were phenomenal."
"It's just funny because I thought he did a really, really good job."
"It really is something special watching her perform. It's simply delightful."
"Everybody who saw him perform got a little piece of his soul."
"If you play good football, the fans will like us more."
"I have no idea how to depict any of that, but I believe every single emotion that man was going through, that act is outstanding."
"It's one of the lost great performances of Robin Williams."
"I think there's no understating how great Mark Hamill's performance was in this game."
"Stunning, uh, Louisa. It was phenomenal. Thank you."
"Thank you, it was an incredible performance. Thank you so much."
"Looking good, sounded good, thank you so much!"
"Dave Chappelle is a really great storyteller."
"A big special thank you... hundreds of people show last night sold out packed house... it was kind of stunned to show up to the building to see this lineup going around the block."
"Our fans are really the best they give us a crap for the things we do wrong and we deserve it and they embrace us when we do great things."
"Seeing all these crazy musical numbers and performances... I really enjoyed watching it."
"I thought that Kaori's performance and her reaction afterwards to me that felt like the one gold medal of the event even though it was a bronze medal."
"That's why we come here, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's good to see Christian back and just like with Edge last year, Christian looked fantastic doing the professional wrestling action. He didn't look like he's lost his step and it's great to see."
"Winning cures everything like when an actor is amazing you never get tired of seeing them when they're not so good that's when you get tired of them."
"Emma Stone is so, so fantastic. I mean she does so much."
"This is standing ooh. It's a standing ooh. Please stand right now at your computer or other device in which you watch this."
"He's just a great performer, gives it his all."
"The tempo where it speeds up quickly and then ends with a finisher, love it."
"A v6 isn't necessarily a V10 or V12, but it makes a very nice tone."
"Nothing beats seeing a band live, it's huge, it's good energy."
"I'm finding it to be an astonishingly good motorcycle in almost every single respect."
"After a questionable year in terms of creative decisions and a few pretty lackluster matches, Nature Boy Ric Flair captured the hearts of WCW fans."
"I have to stop the fucking narrative the Joker movie was commie propaganda and was up to its own ass the whole movie trying to be avant-garde the movie was entirely predictable the only saving grace was Phoenix's performance."
"Mark Hamill is perfect giving you chills at some of his lines."
"You're lucky to be witnessing greatness right here before your face."
"If you haven't watched Batman The Dark Knight trilogy, you need to watch it right now. RIP to Heath Ledger. Before it came out, everyone was saying that Ledger would never be able to do Jack Nicholson's Joker and he just crushed it."
"Every single performance he does in a Tarantino movie, like, you really forget what a [ __ ] fantastic actor he really is."
"You're not gonna have that many moments in your life where you're going to see the edge of human performance meeting the edge of human performance and so when they actually do meet it's beautiful man."
"...Chloe can put on a show boy I mean that girl does not play when she goes on that stage."
"He was great, Michael Shannon was great."
"I thought those things were really well done. Every scene with Jon in it, I thought was really well done."
"Sometimes those races where you really do bad are where you appreciate feeling really good."
"I like what Joe Wheeler did in that promo."
"It's a beautiful performance and what I really like about it also is that it's in perspective."
"Oscar Isaac is really doing a great job."
"It's a really beautiful way to see Central Park and also the performance at the same time."
"I thought she was very very good."
"Thank you for being here and being such a dazzling artist."
"Everyone killed it, I have a really big love for Chris Cooper, the actor who plays Al here."
"I enjoy watching a dog that can perform."
"The power and the finesse that they both had as talented musicians was amazing to watch."
"She really makes it worth every moment she's on screen."
"I never get tired of watching him; it's just so pure, like his comedy, there's just no fat, it's just so truthful."
"You have to drive one to understand how bloody good that is."
"I love how he was sliding through, love the flow, love the delivery over that as well."
"It's been amazing to watch you out there."
"In an ironic twist, the audience loved the performance."
"My high every night comes at eight o'clock when those people come in and I see people standing outside and paying money to see me, it just blows me away."
"Everyone just stood up, they gave a standing ovation."
"I liked the one that did the rapping."
"This little Mulgari Icon 2 Warbird has blown me away."
"God bless you, I was really impressed by your performance, you're a great artist."
"I love Tina Turner, Angela Bassett, I think she did a marvelous job."
"Great job ladies, and it was so much fun watching you. Thank you for the glamorous, beautiful show."
"The Brits are solid-ass performers, man. I love them."
"Every performance is so good, and by the end, you might feel a certain way about characters where you're like devastated or happy, but everybody is real."