
Gameplay Critique Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Despite the clunky combat and everything else, there’s still fun to be had in multiplayer."
"No objective mode is kind of a no play for me."
"The Sims 4 is horrific for lacking any consequences in gameplay and I think it's a great move to start making the Sims 4 feel a little bit more alive."
"The vehicles themselves are fun, a little buggy and overpowered but fun nonetheless."
"The shooting here won't exactly wow you or anything but it certainly gets the job done."
"Power play is nothing but completely overpowered."
"Pumpkin Trail just ends up doing nothing most of the time."
"By making a game with no obvious gameplay, Reiden is able to make criticism the main mechanic."
"I think it's fine, but this holds counters really well. So maybe like just a smaller, like a three mana, one-one double striking flyer would be better. You'd like that more, yeah."
"I would recommend them for that reason I mean there it's it has its issues but I still think there's a really solid game here good stuff."
"Honestly I have nothing to say bad about the gameplay itself because I've just enjoyed every single moment of it."
"No Mither is actually probably one of the best perks to run against, only the best perk, No Mither's still terrible, but it's a really solid perk."
"I realized just how much I've underestimated the intelligence and instant reaction that these things possess."
"The game would be less fun without its rubber banding."
"Aaron Black should return. My gut instinct says should return because I think despite everyone loving his appearance, they hate his playstyle."
"It feels like two steps forward and one step backward because the actual gameplay of 19 so far has made changes in important parts."
"Now I don't think the question mark block would be needed for power-ups for this guy."
"I'm sure many of you who have played this game were wondering why I never did the multiplay throughs like you're actually supposed to with this."
"Aspect I like about this is after you defeat an enemy you could then choose which moves you want to steal from them meaning by the end of the game you're going to be really powerful but do you really want to play this hot mess that long?"
"There's a lot of backtracking in this chapter."
"The chance that gets cleared off the line is just too casual."
"Combat and BioShock Infinite feels quite sluggish when you've got skyhooks and environmental staff and weapons and powers that really combine nicely with."
"No one wants to play idle quest or idle quest - son of idle quest because standing still is kind of boring."
"This was a game that was almost entirely held back by his gameplay hints the perfect disaster."
"The way they played the record all honestly was just super confusing to me."
"Oko is not about synergy, it's about generically absurd."
"Tarak just isn't worth your time and it feels as prehistoric and dated as the dinosaurs it features in its gameplay."
"Doing rift of worlds raids and beasts too early is like putting cheese on doodoo."
"Take a leaf out of my book and don't do this play. I think this is actually really bad."
"Unlike the Avengers game where the main gameplay loop was punching."
"This game is ridiculous. What has been the opening twenty minutes of this game?"
"This game was mega problematic, it was beating me up left right and center, it was insane."
"Enemies die so fast it almost feels a little bit pointless."
"When the game shifts from sneaking around to all out combat, Prey starts to feel like a generic and somewhat dated attempt to copy Bioshock almost ten years after that game’s release."
"The turns in which this game is very generous are somewhat outnumbered by the turns in which all of this random chance causes the game to lock up entirely."
"Combat has a rhythmic flow to it that shines most when you're pulling off combos."
"Offense should be able to kind of combo hits more effectively now with these changes uh it's a comment in my opinion."
"OverWatch 2 improves upon the core gameplay and characters fans love but loses some of its predecessor's spirit in the process." - Gamespot
"Nothing feels like a challenge... there's not much of a game at that point."
"Classic is doing so well because there's too much bloat in the current game."
"As the game gives you a solid eight hours of leveling with relatively few upsells, then grinds to a halt as you run into level limits for story quests, forcing you to grind away at the same content over and over again."
"The problem with Divine spark isn't just that it has a proficiency bonus per long rest mechanic."
"I'm not gonna lie, this is one of those games where unless something absolutely mind-blowing happens in the story, I feel like I don't need to beat the game to review it."
"It's a total looker without a doubt, even if the lengthy intros to a lot of these minigames do get old pretty bloody quickly."
"Realism isn't necessarily fun to play, which is why it's kind of a bummer that you can't like actually fly around a solar system."
"This spending 20 minutes in one expedition only to get one shot and get some welfare blue items is the most unsatisfying gameplay loop I've ever seen."
"The dungeon at the end of the Champion’s Ballad DLC, though not technically a 'beast,' fixes a recurring issue throughout every Divine Beast."
"It's crazy too 'cause that's all he did when he was using the brick move there."
"Should lords and Fire Emblem be good? Well, yeah, they should be."
"Mages already suck man... Mages are gonna be so bad."