
Symptom Management Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Taking off the makeup isn't treating the problem, it's treating a symptom of the problem."
"Giving a patient nutrient supplements that fight inflammation could help ease their symptoms."
"If for some reason you can't go get tested, please just self-quarantine... you're not always gonna feel like you're dying when you have it."
"Eliminate the vast majority of complications and symptoms associated with fasting."
"Advanced technology will unlock treats that unlock symptoms."
"Within 24 hours, the patient was completely symptom-free."
"It's possible to manage your symptoms and to live a full and meaningful life even if you are living with an illness like schizophrenia."
"Understanding the biology and understanding the symptom is so important because a person's reaction to their symptom can keep them stuck."
"If you develop symptoms do not just go straight to the ER."
"It's not about treating symptoms, it's about the cause of the symptoms."
"America what it do it poisons us with food then it sends us to the pharmaceutical people right who's given us something just to treat symptom of what we're doing with the food."
"When you have a symptom of sickness come on you, you just have to receive what He's already done."
"At the end of the day, a lot of it seems like we want to alleviate symptoms."
"Every symptom is a conversation, a dialogue that we can join, guide, and learn from."
"Access to social media has helped many young adults to identify their symptoms better, manage them, and hopefully get help."
"Lack of symptoms does not mean that you're healthy."
"Your symptoms are not your fault. Knowing this is the first crucial phase of healing."
"Speaking up would be they're already so disregulated that they just, they are basically just spending all their time managing their symptoms."
"It's a game changer if you're suffering with symptoms like lethargy, shortness of breath, lack of strength, lack of focus."
"It's like treating a disease by only suppressing the symptoms. It doesn't work, does it?"
"The pharmaceutical model of mental health is only capable of treating symptoms."
"I have seen patients recover from putting their symptoms of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder into remission."
"Executive dysfunction is a symptom that happens when your brain has a condition that disrupts some of the key functions that help you to manage and control your thoughts, emotions, and actions."
"The big one is really that I think like before if my symptoms were like an eight or nine now they may be more like a four or five."
"Yeah, it's like you break your leg and you're in excruciating pain and you're just taking pain killers but you're not dealing with what the problem is, which is your broken leg."
"High dose thiamine has been used to improve the symptoms in a wide variety of different health conditions."
"This is a perfect example of treating a symptom and not the disease."
"Neurological dysregulation is the symptom underneath the vast majority of other it symptoms."
"Compression neuropathies: when discomfort masks as peripheral neuropathy."
"Getting rid of symptoms means getting to the cause."
"That's not encouraging mental illness, that's treating symptoms."
"The sooner you take an antiviral after the first symptoms appear, the better."
"Routine, frequent weekly exercise is highly recommended to help control the symptoms better."
"So if a drug is necessary, aim to be on the lowest necessary dose and then pay attention to what is the symptom that is being treated."
"The elimination phase of the low FODMAP diet is associated with symptom improvements in around 50 to 70 percent of IBS patients."
"When I started focusing a bit more on the brain stuff... the symptoms collectively eased."
"So if you can treat that symptom, identify it, and break the cycle, you can improve quality of life."
"We can treat the symptoms as much as we do with asthma but we aren't necessarily going to cure the problem."
"Most people experience a full recovery from these symptoms if they do the right things."
"...it's a treatment model based on 'here's the medicine to mask your symptoms so that you don't feel bad.'"
"We use symptomatic drugs to treat symptoms all the time."
"Symptom improvement so important...we want to be dealing with the root cause drivers."
"My symptoms started to decrease once I started doing relaxation techniques."
"Symptom control is important on the weekends as well."
"Actively managing your symptoms you and your health care team together could help reduce the risk of severe flares and long-term organ damage."
"...the goal of surgery is to halt any progression of symptoms so if we're able to press pause on how you are at the time of surgery and you don't get any worse as your life goes on, that's considered a win."
"Unless we dig into the root cause, we are not really solving the problem but only solving one of its symptoms."
"Not trying to get rid of symptoms, but revealing the underlying emotional learnings."
"The great news is you don't need to suffer with the symptoms of PCOS like acne and facial hair. Many of these can be reversed."
"Symptom reduction is not a goal of ACT."
"A part of care approach focused on symptom management and preservation of quality of life is recommended."
"Priority is always the order that addresses the symptoms that are in the question."
"Once you can manage your inflammation better, whether or not you really recognize how many symptoms you have, you will not have as many or any symptoms."
"It's important to figure out with the patient and with their caregiver what the most bothersome symptoms are."
"Curing only manages the symptoms."
"BPH treatment is a stepwise approach to meet the symptoms and the needs of the patient at that time in their life."
"Your primary job is to prevent your brain from paying extra attention to your symptoms."
"If you choose to do these, your primary job is to prevent your brain from paying extra attention to your symptoms."
"The last thing we want is for you to increase your fear and preoccupation with the symptoms."
"It does not serve you to worry about your symptoms."
"Regular meals through the day can actually curb the intensity of those symptoms sometimes."
"If you understand the etiology of a problem... if you can remove what's causing the issue you won't have the symptom ology or it will be dramatically decreased."
"Palliative care reduces the symptom burden of our patients, reduces depression, and improves quality of life."
"We wanna be as healthy as we can, and be free of symptoms for as long as we can."
"Don't think of palliative care as just hospice or something that we reserve for end of life; they should be engaged in care to help with symptom management all throughout the journey."
"I'm trying to address the problem and not mask the symptoms."
"Take care of these pathways first, see how much of your symptoms you can correct."
"It's about gaining control over these symptoms."
"Many people with Alzheimer's, with other dementias, with Huntington's, with ALS, notice that the symptoms actually get less severe when they're eating a ketogenic diet."
"Using mobility aids like a wheelchair can be a tool for helping you to manage your symptoms and to make your day more comfortable and more accessible."
"She does not present any longer with symptoms of psychosis."
"It's important to address each and every symptom and try to get each one manageable."
"Pacing and planning is really about not doing too much all at one time or all in one day in order to conserve your energy."
"Allowing and accepting your symptoms might initially increase anxiety, but our goal is long-term freedom."
"Your job is to live your life, giving your symptoms as much space as possible."
"We want to optimize your hormones to effect, to address the symptoms, and let you get the most out of your life."
"Palliative care is a treatment to manage pain, symptoms, and side effects of chronic illness."
"Most of these symptoms are actually really treatable."
"They deal with symptoms; they don't deal with causes."
"It's dealing with the causes of anxiety rather than only trying to blunt the symptoms."
"The overall effect is to increase cardiac output, which may relieve symptoms of heart failure in some people."
"In no other field of medicine would we withdraw the treatment for the disease because someone is exhibiting symptoms of the disease."
"I generally favor following a diet that helps your symptoms."
"We have really sound clinical trials now showing us that acupuncture manages symptoms."
"There is almost always something we can do from a symptom management perspective."
"It's only when the impairment starts to start up that's when intervention is usually warranted."
"The TheraCycle just helps them to kind of get back on top of their symptoms and feel like they're getting some real benefit."
"It's really important to not underplay your symptoms."
"None of the drugs are actually solving the problem of the disease; they're all really truly just masking the symptoms."
"The future really is not thinking only about treating people who have symptoms, but actually, treating people before they have symptoms."