
Political Career Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Even on a conservative basis I think that if you're tracking Amazon's operating cash flow the stock actually looks quite attractive right now."
"Joe Biden has made it 50 years in politics without having to take a stand on anything. Joe Biden has been an empty suit blowing in the wind, and it's actually worked out pretty well for him because he keeps getting elected to the Senate."
"Four-term serving Northeast Wisconsin in Congress has been the honor of a lifetime and strengthened my conviction that America is the greatest country in the history of the world."
"They're the most important thing in my life, which is why I withdrew from the senate race to make sure that they knew that there was never a question in their minds that they were always and will always come first for me."
"Bernie Sanders was a small mayor of a small town who rose as an independent congressperson and senator to eventually be the runner-up in the presidential election of the united states of america."
"Hillary remains the only first lady to have a dominant political career after leaving the White House."
"Being gay hasn't been an obstacle to pursue great political ambitions."
"Donald Trump is all about history Donald Trump is all about making a name for himself expanding his legacy and he may think these four years are too short he may want his legacy to evolve."
"Four years into her House career, she's embracing a new role: team player."
"Wallace was reelected four times, and after being paralyzed in an attempted assassination on his life, Wallace became a born again Christian."
"His career as prime minister is going to end in failure... inevitable."
"Johnson's fall has been particularly striking considering that just two and a half years ago this British Prime Minister was able to reap a resounding electoral success, the largest Conservative majority since the days of Margaret Thatcher."
"Trump had four years, his whole life, he has been doing this for years, decades."
"Is there any more clear of a contrast than a man who walked away from that power versus a man who has been clamoring for it and claiming credit for it for 48 years?"
"Kevin began his dive into the political career and so far it's paid a lot of dividends."
"Caesar was able to resume his public career."
"And unlike in 2016 where we all knew that Bernie Sanders had one more good presidential run in him this time it's over for Sanders permanently."
"I've done a lot of stuff, you talk about Heisman Trophy, you talk about all the athletic awards, business awards I won. But the best thing I've ever done in my whole entire life is run for the Senate seat right here."
"How media coverage drove Biden's political plunge."
"Fake it till you make it: becoming a congressman based off a life of lies."
"I think I'm pretty outspoken and that's not probably a good thing in terms of a politician but it's a good thing if you ever got elected, you can really do a job."
"I always say one man getting up off a couch giving one hour a week of volunteer time is the reason I'm a United States Senator."
"Forget going for congress now my wife hasn't agreed to it yet but I promise brigaders you will be the first to know."
"Putin's career in jeopardy as rebellion looms amidst war with Ukraine."
"Ron DeSantis has been a hawk his entire career."
"But it can also mean adjust your crown the crown is to know so adjust your knowingness know that you will be successful know that you are going to be at the top of your game and achieve your goals."
"For over 40 years Joe Biden has had the courage to speak out and lead on the toughest issues facing."
"His decision to become someone with political ambition."
"The sentiment that doesn't agree that Jammu and Kashmir should be a part of this country. It's the sentiment I fought against all my entire political career."
"We're talking about somebody who had already run for office in Florida."
"A fallen political star rethinks her future."
"Kim yo Jong's political career began in 2007 when she was appointed as a junior cadre in the ruling Workers Party of Korea."
"The killing of Hamilton, who was widely mourned and celebrated as one of the chief architects of the United States government, ended Burr’s political career."
"Sang-sok has learned her lesson and continues to be brutally honest, so after telling the two men to get jobs, she goes to the tv station to have her first debate as a comeback into a political career."
"The tragedy here is that he could have gone on to bigger and better things, he could have become governor or senator, he had everything going for him for higher political office and I think the assassination fever just ruined it for him."
"Mr. Trudeau's wife and children have played a prominent role in his political career."
"His was an extraordinary life of public service, including as defense secretary, foreign secretary, and Secretary General of NATO."
"No matter my faults as a man and as a politician, I have kept the faith."
"What'll matter to me then is the relationships with family, friends, the loved ones who still care about me, and the things that I can still see as having an impact in the Australian community from the time that I was in office."
"Politicians are people as well, so we really have to thank him for 24 years of service."