
Computer Building Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It's a fantastic time to build a new computer."
"The 5600G is the way to go for a budget build."
"Nearly always start my builds around my CPU and GPU because apart from being the most expensive components and therefore taking up most of my budget, they also dramatically narrow down the other parts that I might select."
"Now I talked about in the beginning buying parts the main thing with making sure that your computer build will be successful is make sure you buy the right parts."
"Ladies and gentlemen the climax of the build little e is this the backplate oh my god that looks sick he had the reflection of the RAM sticks on there."
"I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show him how it's done, but little does he know he actually gets to keep the PC after we're done building it."
"One of the most fun bits about building a gaming PC..."
"The most difficult and important step is cable management."
"Hope you have fun building your Ryzen 7600 gaming build."
"This is kind of like a start-to-finish Choose Your Own Adventure of building a mini ITX PC, and if that's appealing to you, great."
"And with that, our build is complete; now onto powering up and testing!"
"In my opinion, this is the sweet spot PC to build right now."
"There is no right or wrong way to build a computer."
"RGB adds about five to ten pounds, you can buy a version of this that doesn't have RGB."
"This is a great system for a first-time builder."
"Building your own PC is about choosing the parts that suit your needs or your aesthetic tastes best."
"The only time I would recommend going with that beefy high 80 plus rating power supply is if you were overclocking high-end hardware."
"I personally really enjoy working with cooling solutions and good coolers and if I'm gonna build a computer for myself I like the idea of spending more money on a better cooler just because to me that's a fun part of the system."
"I'm not usually a guy that endorses pre-built, but really, you're only paying $200 more for a professional to build your system."
"Build Redux takes the challenge and the hassle out of building your own PC."
"If there's one thing you can cheap out on, it's totally the case."
"It's extremely easy to build in for micro ATX case."
"That is universally reviled as kind of the most annoying part of a computer build."
"For most of 2020 our recommendations always were if you're building a computer period AMD and Ryzen were going to be the better buy."
"I'm going to build a computer that's normal... the part that's not normal is that I have to guess the price of every single component that goes into it."
"Let's get this opened up; this is going to be one of the most complicated things that's going to be in our computer."
"It's a very cost effective case that has room for upgradeability in the future all the I/O you could ever ask for and it's really easy to build in which is exactly what we wanted."
"So, for anyone who has the money and likes this style of design of this case you'll have a pretty good time building your system in it."
"Building a gaming PC can be a challenge... you need to know what parts to choose and how to make sure that they work together..."
"But yeah, you know, so I can build one of those with my eyes closed, you know what I mean, I've been building computers since I was 10 or 12 years old, you know."
"And just like that following your step-by-step guide we have a completed and finished build."
"So what's the most satisfying thing about building a PC? Probably the part when you actually turn it all on and everything works."
"It's all about safety, this is how Sarah taught me to build a computer."
"Rather than exhaust ourselves and, you know, get all sweaty building computers, we've decided to fight this as more of a proxy war."
"Love it, these are the kinds of things that give me joy when I'm building a computer."
"I'm a pretty big fan of building computers on bread boards."
"These are great by the way if you build a lot of computers."
"...if you have a budget to build a computer, just think twice before spending 90% of it on the GPU."
"It's a good case to build a system with."
"That's another thing that's nice about going with air cooling instead of water cooling; it's just one fan header, it's simple, a little bit easier to build."
"Is that a clean build or is that a clean build?"
"I'm pretty happy right now, but of course, when we wake up, we're not just going to test all the parts out, make sure they're all working and we didn't get hosed."
"I'm pretty sure you guys are tired of me talking about these PC components, so let's get into the part where we are actually building the PC."
"Building computers is fun and I enjoy it. That's what we do on this channel, so I'm gonna keep doing it, damn it!"
"The only thing stopping you from building a new computer today is, of course, graphics card availability and pricing."
"This case is definitely aimed at people who are trying to build something aesthetic."