
Web Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"When capable, the web's distribution model really wins."
"There's a lot of superficial information out there on the web. I know that it's confusing, I know that it's hard to sift through because you don't know who's reliable."
"This is where this web just gets all just clustered up."
"Web automation can help with operations like form filling, screen scraping, data extraction, and transfer across apps."
"CloudFront is a content distribution network that creates a cached copy of your website and copies that content to servers located near people trying to download your website."
"The web is obviously a very dominant part of the software ecosystem."
"...the web is still where a very large proportion of overall activity is taking place."
"...a lot more likely to work even if the user is on a very low-end device with a poor network connection."
"Google Analytics is your best companion."
"A spider can weave a web as long as the Earth's equator."
"The web should be more than about reading information; it should be about reading and writing."
"So this PWA movement that we've been talking about isn't just lip service all of these new modern web capabilities deliver a materially better user experience and it shows up in the bottom line of the businesses that we've all built on the web."
"Have you been let any human stroke you? Leave this [ __ ] web."
"PNG is a great format to use for the web and for mobile applications pretty much anything with the digital display because PNG um long story short it makes it uh it allows you to work with multiple channels it allows you to have a transparent background which a JPEG doesn't."
"There's nothing stopping you from setting up a website on your own web server and connecting it to every computer in the world, right? The web, from that perspective, is permissionless."
"Web Authentication API provides a standardized way for using strong authentication on the web."
"The game is written in Rust, it's running on WebAssembly, and it's in the browser."
"...blame the web. Well, everybody's not gonna say things the right way, you know?"
"If this new era of the web is anything like past eras of the web, it's going to create untold wealth, many jobs, and new innovations."
"Why are spiders so smart? They can find everything on the web."
"Yes, you can link internally and externally."
"This is a classic web application security vulnerability called insecure direct object reference."
"You'll see APIs everywhere because they power modern web everything."
"Lastly, if you are done with your app, you're proud of it, and you want to deploy it to the web so you can share it with your colleagues, friends, parents, professors, bosses, you can deploy it using dash tools."
"That's the model of the web. There are billions of websites of every way, shape, and form, but now those websites on an information topology, what if they now could manifest to the next layer of human interaction with people, places, and things?"
"Social login is very common in modern web applications."
"HTTPS is really a must-have when it comes to deploying any application that you're going to make accessible over the web."
"When you animate on the web, other people can interact with your animation."
"The speckled house spider relies on her web to catch prey."
"So basically, to answer these questions, browsers use a security model called the same-origin policy."
"...the web is so broken when it comes to money right now..."
"Blown Away by how much this does and like how cool this feels and knowing that this is all built on web Tech."
"Let's enable HTTPS for encrypted goodness."
"Bug bounties focus mostly on just web applications and they're not focused on getting remote code execution."
"Assistive technology can be used with our web pages or documents."
"The W3C creates the international standards for the web."
"The web is a streaming thing by default."
"HTTPS is not just encryption; it's both encryption and verification."
"There seems to be some kind of a web that connects us."
"We're going to be using React Router DOM, Context API, and Firebase."
"Cross-origin requests are allowed."
"All of these are going to be important skills for you to develop if you want to be successful as a content creator for the web."
"The World Wide Web was invented at CERN in 1990 by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee."
"The web that we all use today is so much more interactive."
"They're dynamically generating the HTML that shows you all of those pictures and search results of cats."
"Good design fundamentals are essential when you're doing website and UI design."
"WordPress powers more than one third of the internet, so it is by far the most popular platform for making websites."
"Most people don't know that images on the web can be broken into a single very long line of code we call this a base64 string."
"Instantly extract publicly available data from any website with Data Collector."
"It has to be an onion website for the traffic to be encrypted between you and them."
"Filters play a primary role in securing your web application with Spring Security."
"Understanding code allows you to better understand how the web itself works."
"The web is a symbol of the interconnectedness of all things."
"The web is a network of documents, a network of information, as opposed to a network of computers."
"The same-origin policy underpins the security of your web browser."
"I help developers to create great experiences on the web and Android."
"Intrigued? Well, you can get it right now with React 18 and also the new support for the streaming API in Next.js 13 and Remix with its deferred API."
"Language models can automatically acquire knowledge from the web."
"Secure your web server with HTTPS and SSL encryptions."
"It stands for cross-origin resource sharing."
"When bees.com tries to access ons.com, it basically is actually activating CORS."
"The browser is going to preflight... it's an OPTIONS request to check if CORS is allowed."
"The server needs to respond with headers like 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'."
"Always change the origin, the headers, and the methods to the appropriate values for it to work properly."
"Directory listing is actually considered as a weakness or security misconfiguration in a web application."
"Web APIs are simply a set of remotely hosted functions accessible over the Internet or over the web, typically through the HTTP protocol."
"We're able to successfully execute a crypto buy from the web."
"It's one of the most powerful technologies available on the web."
"WordPress powers 39.6 percent of the websites, and Divi powers more than 1 million websites."
"Anytime you view a website, you're really interacting with an API."
"We'll talk a little bit about web search engines."
"The web has become the medium of human information at this point."
"Keep your artist statement short... people don't like to read things on the web, so you got to keep it really short."
"Try creating a web application around the work that you've been doing."
"Each URL is unique and it points to a specific resource or page on the web."
"Web scraping is fundamentally a deconstruction process."
"Web scraping is as much of an art sometimes as it is a science."
"The web was this amazing open environment where your creativity and your ability to just make something and give somebody a link was a big reason why this thing took off so quickly."
"I was able to use web read to just scrape that website and bring the information into MATLAB for myself."
"Learn how the web works... then move into the security part of it."
"AI was almost like x-ray vision for web pages."
"The importance of a page should be based not just on how many other pages link to it, but how important those pages are."
"We want the web to be more expressive and fun and also selectable."
"The Web tends to be open by default, but if you want, you can apply obfuscation and so on to close it off."
"We want to enable those same types of use cases in a way that's safe for the web but equally performant and expressive."
"Rest APIs aren't really made for humans to look at; it's meant for software to communicate with each other over the web."
"Status code is something that you might not be that familiar with, but it's something you definitely use all the time."
"A REST API allows your application to work with another application through the web."
"The power of the web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
"Web content accessibility guidelines are broken up into four different principles: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust."
"Pages to which a lot of other pages link will have a high probability to be on at time equal infinity."
"It's so powerful that you can do this over the web in a real-time session."
"This would allow great polyfill ability for the future of the web."
"By using mod_pagespeed, you're going to serve images in a modern web format that is not supported by all browsers, but your site will still work well on all browsers."
"The web can be something engaging."
"We've all seen this accelerating trend for applications to move from desktop machines into the web."
"The Chrome browser is the playground where we prototype and implement HTML 5 features."
"It uses that value to uniquely identify you if you return again and again to the website."
"The World Wide Web is the information, and the internet is the physical infrastructure."
"JavaScript is the programming language of the web."
"JSON is used everywhere on the web; it's the most popular data format for exchanging data."
"The weaver in the web that he made."
"...it's all one big web of connectivity."
"The evolution of the Web has just gotten better and better, and we have all these amazing features today."
"WebRTC and HTML5 could enable the same transformation for real time that the original browser did for information."
"Welcome back to Web Data Simplified, my name is Kyle, and my job is to simplify the web for you."
"I hope you found this talk interesting and that I've challenged some of your assumptions about the web."
"Chrome supports the Payment Request API, which is an open web platform feature."
"There's a lot that we can do to reignite the web games ecosystem."
"Make sure your site has an SSL certificate installed and activated."
"I thought about a better future for the web."
"We call the messages that go from a web browser to a web server the request."
"We call the things that go from the server back to the browser the response."
"SharePoint is more than just web storage."
"The superpower of the web is the fact that it has interaction on demand."
"The web is incredibly important to us."
"The web is the global information platform for humanity."
"We think this is going to really change the face of the web."
"Decentralized is something you'll hear all the time. And it's not only decentralizing the Web infrastructure and decentralizing opportunity, but it's also decentralizing ownership."
"Everything is interconnected in a web-like faction instead of in those pyramid type schemes."
"Making the web bigger, and better, and more accessible to everyone is what drives me."
"This can save you loads of time and become more efficient as you work with content inside of a web page."
"Decentralization is possible on the web without crypto."
"The physical web is a bridge between physical things and the web."
"It stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is what the Internet pretty much runs on."
"And yeah, there we go, the Spidey's throwing this web that attaches just like we showed on the last one right there."
"We've made a bunch of webview improvements to help you blend web content."
"You can provide different styling, a different CSS file for the same exact web content to make it fit into your app's look and feel."
"Gradient backgrounds have a way of making your design look beautiful."
"Web push allows you to take the reach that you're able to get on the web and combine it with the engagement features of your mobile devices like push notifications."
"Mobile first does not mean native only; you can't have a complete mobile strategy without investing in both the mobile web and native."
"The purpose of the tag really is it's a review body so working groups that are either at W3C or other standards bodies will come up with some new feature that they want to add to the web platform."
"In H2 we finally do away with that and we introduced multiplexed requests and responses on one connection."
"Content security policy... remains a very powerful tool if used well."
"HSTs is a really simple thing everyone should be using it."
"Referral policy is a policy that prevents browsers from sharing the full URL of the page that the user is on when they click off your site to go to an external domain."
"Sites can start to say we are a good actor, we are not going to do that by declaring a feature policy and just turning off features of the web that have generally been agreed upon as bad practices."
"If we turn them off browsers can optimize things better, search engines can give you potentially ranking bonuses for having good practices on your site."
"The green lock is what you're shooting for; this means you have HTTPS set up, everything is good."
"A completely free system where you can mix things together just like you do on the web may be even better than the web."
"An engaging user experience uses the magic of the web: it's indexable, searchable, linkable, and shareable."
"It's something that drives a browser in an automated way and it mimics human action."
"The future of the web is the web platform."
"As the web gets better and better, content gets to the screen much faster and seamlessly."
"I love the web interface at all, it's all very seamless."
"Once the web community gets involved, that's really where things start to matter."
"The web is an incredibly powerful platform."
"Progressive web apps are still websites... but the difference is that progressive web apps work really well without any install."
"Progressive web apps are like websites that took all the right vitamins."
"We believe that the web is for everyone, no matter what your device, what your internet speed, or what your purchasing power."
"The web should just work for you."
"That seamlessness, that low friction of the web, it's such a great superpower."
"My original impetus was, 'Wow, I can put up a web page and anybody in the world can see it.'"
"The web is great at fulfilling the immediacy of intent."
"We all know that the web is great for user reach; now we want you to believe that the web can be used as a great user experience platform."
"The mobile web is no longer just this subset of the web that you think about at the end of your development; the mobile web is just simply the web."
"You can really change the web and update a blog. You're doing it, congratulations!"
"It's a language for programming the web, and making a sophisticated application that runs in the browser is a very challenging thing."
"Accessibility -- the answer to a more inclusive web."
"It's such an exciting time to be a designer on the web."
"Deep linking is when you can link to something within the page."