
Energy Saving Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"The maximum power savings mode shuts off everything except essential apps, giving you 73 hours of battery life."
"We are currently saving up to 30% in electric cost just by using what we have now discovered."
"Unplugging saved me 76%. Then I tried harder and saved another 11%!" - Jonna
"Anytime you can cut down an outside source that might be heating your home undesirably, you're going to save money."
"Turning airplane mode on can help a lot with saving battery life... your phone is not always searching for something to connect to and using energy in the background."
"Turn off lights, electronic appliances when they're not in use."
"For every degree that you raise that thermostat, you save between one and three percent on your utility bill."
"Screensaver: Hey, I'm all for Eco mode, saving energy. There's no planet B."
"For every two consoles that switch to shutdown energy saving for one year, we will save the equivalent amount of carbon removed by one tree planted and grown for a decade."
"Drop the brightness down and turn off adaptive brightness to save power."
"Retune the display's brightness level if you don't need it to be too high lowering it can certainly help extend battery life."
"It's just to save people money on their electricity and to save electricity, like why wouldn't you want that?"
"By using this reversible feature in the summer and winter, it can help you save money on your cooling and heating costs."
"You're going to get a lot better battery life if you keep this thing in dark mode."
"And now I'm definitely saving so much energy because I leave multiple times during the day they turn off without me having to spend all the time turning off all the devices."
"Utilize natural light... programmable thermostat... regulate the temperature... save on energy costs."
"Now you can cook healthy fried food, take in fewer empty calories, and save energy."
"Getting over that and not caring what other people think about me has saved me so much time and mental energy."
"Once you start automating your devices it helps you save not only time but energy and saving energy is like saving money."
"Let it coast... no energy consumption. Gives you another two or three hundred meters of distance without using any energy. And this all adds up at the end of the trip, and then you are saving lots of energy."
"The financial model we're using is print on demand, which means you're not having to put all your energy into a fundraiser."
"You are not going to save any money on your electricity bill by raising and lowering the temperature on a regular basis."
"Read the report. 30% savings on the energy usage. $2 trillion of savings from an economic commercial perspective."
"I actually like the rebound aspect because it saves the energy."
"Turn off the lights before leaving."
"Smart thermostats: energy-saving convenience."
"I always recommend to have the Comfort setting turned off, as it's adding wear to your boiler and increasing your gas bill."
"These things save you energy time and they are freaking fun."
"Being mindful can save you a ton of money with electricity."
"Using proper body mechanics helps save energy."
"I'm saving so much energy right now. I feel like I'm not even putting deodorant on."
"Adjust the thermostat... this can make a big difference in your electricity bill."
"Put a towel in the dryer... this will reduce the drying time."
"In future house, I'll show you how improvements to roof shingles can save you energy and make you more comfortable."
"What would happen if you switched every bulb in your house to a compact fluorescent?"
"According to Ryan, his corals have never looked better and in the process save a ton in electricity over the metal halides."
"He was telling me that the Tesla has a dog mode, that saves the energy of the car but circulates the air."
"cook outside in hot weather to avoid overburdening your ac"
"I waited until after Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving, that turkey roasting and pies baking warmed the kitchen and that's where all the action was that day."
"Why would you want to suck a bunch of power out of the wall and give all your money to the power company when you don't need to?"
"So that's a very easy choice to make and to save on electricity."
"We save energy as far as fuel, that's the part that we're trying to achieve with the outdoor reset."
"For a light media server that when maxed out only uses about 15 watts, well, it's definitely worth considering."
"I apologize for that interruption, somebody thought it would be really brilliant to save the planet and have lights that turn off automatically if there's not enough movement in the room."
"It's pretty cool it can save you money in the short term there, and then of course over time if you know exactly what is using electricity, it can obviously save you money there too."
"It's important to hang on and try to save energy being in that draft when you can."
"Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE, the ability to use it with very low power consumption."
"Dry your clothes using clothes horses and clotheslines to save electricity and make your clothes last longer."
"A heat pump can extend your range by 20 to 25 percent depending on the vehicle and the driving conditions."
"The house achieved a low energy standard by incorporating insulation, a ventilated wooden facade, and connections to a solar thermal system and district heating network."
"The whole point of building a new home for me is building an ecological home and to save energy."
"Put the lid on the pot, because the energy can't escape, the heat can't escape, so therefore it takes less time to get that water boiling."
"The Super Wave Oven uses 80% less energy than a regular oven."
"Be a little hot, be a little cold, cut down the AC unit usage."
"Take cold showers and cold baths... it's really good for you and it can save some energy."
"I'm so happy that we do not get an electricity bill every 3 months."
"I'm turning off all of the lights that were left on, opening windows, letting natural light come in."
"Don't forget to switch off your sets. Sleep well and God bless."
"Dark mode is also going to save battery life since the black pixels are not on and they're not using battery life."
"If each neighboring bond wants to be anti-parallel to save energy, one thing you can do is share the pain, and that's what happens in most negotiations."
"The more efficient it is, the less power you'll use, and the faster your clothes get dry."
"At midnight, the Nyon automatically shuts down from standby mode."
"Belly breathing... not just for body armor but also for energy conservation."
"Reusing is the next best of the three R's because you are reusing a product with no new energy investment."
"For every cubic foot of air you stop leaking out of the top, that's one less cubic foot of cold outside air that has to come in to replace it."
"Did you know the more food you put in your refrigerator, the more energy efficient it is?"
"This will automatically put the AirPods Max to sleep and save the battery as much as possible."
"So to summarise, there are four things you can do to save money on your energy bill."
"If everybody used dark mode, we would save like a zillion monies in electricity."
"If you want to save some money on heating and try to quickly warm up your room on a cold day, turn the fan on."
"It looks nicer, in my opinion, and it earns me money back on my heating bill."
"This thing is great, it doesn't use a lot of power and it does have a USB plug on the front."
"The beauty of this is you don't have to preheat, so there's no wasted time or wasted energy."
"These guys save a lot of energy and they just work really well."
"You can't go wrong with a heat pad, especially at the moment when you're trying to keep the cost of radiators right down."
"If you're not using it, turn it off."
"Your home is fully automated, so when you step out of your home, all your lights, they turn off to save power."
"This type of arrangement is always preferred or it is recommended because it saves the energy consumed by the compressor."
"Lowering temperature and pressure settings could reduce energy consumption by 9%."
"One of the best ways to save your battery is to maximize that power saving."
"It cooks food up to 50 percent faster than a conventional oven while using up to 85 percent less energy."
"The clever thing here is that at low speeds and under light acceleration, the supercharger is automatically disconnected and the engine's airflow bypasses it to avoid wasting energy."
"The cross ventilation that you can get... we did not have to run the air conditioner."
"Microwaves are really useful to achieve uniform and quick heating and save on the energy."
"Switching off lights when we are not using them helps to save energy."
"You can also set a timer so you can charge it in the middle of the night when energy use isn't so expensive."
"When I left the room for a while and no motion is detected, it's going to turn off the ambient lighting in the office to save a bunch of energy."
"As you start to build your smart home, you're going to realize that you can not only save time but also energy."
"Turning down your thermostat... saves about 117 pounds for every one degree that you turn it down."
"I prefer the dark mode personally because it helps me save battery on my Mac."
"In reaction injection molding, no heat energy is required and more cost is also low."
"For the same life cycle cost... you can save 65 percent of the energy."
"Recycling an aluminum can saves about ninety-five percent of the energy required to make a can out of virgin materials."
"It's supposed to be really, really good for saving energy and saving money and just being eco-friendly."
"The main advantage is it's a lot more energy efficient."
"For every degree you turn your central heating down, you reduce your annual fuel bill by seven percent."
"It means there's a lot less water to heat up, so you're saving quite a chunk of electricity as well."
"If you find a room an apartment, a house, or whatever that's under some shade trees, you're talking the difference between having to run an air conditioner all day in the heat and not having to run an air conditioner at all."
"In one year, the United States recycling of Steel saved enough energy to heat and light 18 million homes."
"Turn off all the lights when you leave the room."
"Replacing just one normal light bulb with an energy-efficient light bulb will save you 25 pounds over the lifetime of the bulb."
"I've literally cut my energy usage in half."
"The air fryer saves a massive 25 watts by consuming just 1,475 instead."
"Hibernate puts it into a sleep mode where all of the user environment settings are stored in a file."
"The amount of energy saved in a lifetime of using this hairdryer over a traditional one equals the same equivalent as planting a tree."
"Your phone is doing this when you're just browsing or messaging someone, it can switch to the lower voltage and save your battery."
"It saved me some time, it saved me water, and it saved me a little bit in energy."
"I'm after these doormat things... I feel like we're not being energy efficient."
"By using fans in the room that you're sitting in, you can raise the thermostat on your central air by up to four degrees with no loss of comfort."