
Character Effectiveness Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Yemoja is still one of the best characters in the game."
"You don't have to worry about your character being completely unviable. They're all good."
"Human Torch is just crazy good for any scenario where there's just a really big amount of regeneration that does need to be reversed."
"Rico isn't like an absolute ruler but in the right hands he's an absolute carry pick."
"Widow's an A tier... on certain maps, a good Widow, you literally just don't play the game, you just lose."
"Tracer's an A tier... especially now, I think they finally found that spot damage-wise they want with Tracer."
"This guy alone beats enamorous too... so versatile."
"Roadhog, he's just about flanking... he's playable because if you get a good hog player on your team, the whole dynamic of your team changes."
"Roy is very good, very scary once played right."
"Bravo is hands down the best operator they've come out with."
"The Fay Enchantress is arguably one of the best life spell casters in the game."
"One of the best legendary lords in the game."
"Kha'Zix is one of the best assassin junglers... a great pick if you need someone for damage and killing potential."
"Max was easily one of the best brawlers in the game with the last meta."
"I do think Namek Goku is the best unit in the game for long events."
"Ezreal... not only pretty easy to play but also very effective."
"Charles Martel is a freaking amazing commander and has continued to be so into 2020 for all of those reasons."
"He tied them out with his pocket Pac-Man, like one of the second best characters in the game."
"Don't get me wrong guys, Hutao is an amazing unit."
"Robo-baby is kind of sh*tty... does such little damage that it's effectively meaningless."
"Sombra deals with so many things that you might think are going to be troublesome to deal with and almost single-handedly without any other characters being involved destroys the mercy Zen meta."
"Even with just his 30 charge... he was already good enough to be a reload meme."
"Oh my God, the Hexwraiths are just slaughtering stuff, dude. They're so good."
"He's good for garrison, he's good for it, oh so many things."
"Calling him the shrimp pimp just feels right, but as long as you're accurate with his primary weapon, you start destroying with him."
"If your superhero needs prep time to be effective, then your superhero probably sucks."
"Saryn, her only use is map clear and killing, and she does it very well."
"Maulie Tankard is awesome, she's so damn good."
"Man eater still forms some of the best, easiest to build clan boss teams."
"Chop chop automatically deserves an A rank because it counters swords."
"Pikachu is one of the best Pokemon in the game."
"R2-D2: always successfully completes missions using clever programming and a wide assortment of equipment."
"Overall, Rogues are the best in the game in season one."
"Killjoy is without a doubt the best sentinel in the tournament so far."
"Black Knife TSH fights like a wolf and she's useful every single time you bring her out, and that's pretty cool."
"Luke is just so good and he's never a bad choice any map any mode anytime."
"Knight's Revenant epics, they're insanely good."
"I was honestly surprised how consistently effective the werewolf was throughout."
"This character has a ton of potential to be both a fantastic and frequent burst damage dealer and then still a fairly strong sustained damage dealer."
"Moira a tier easy a tier one of the best characters especially in Solo Q play super good healing super good damage super good survivability fastest building support Al is there really much else to really say here."
"Jonly's best options to maximize his geodamage include weapons like the staff of homa..."
"Ball was good against double shield, but now he's come to kill you."
"E Wiz is in a very healthy spot as well right now."
"The electro wizard way up here top end of A plus tier."
"Miner... also really good inside the game right now."
"It's very rare in the wrestling world now that you do get a heel that people just don't like."
"ADC Quinn just can't compete with Midlane Quinn."
"AP Shyvana is looking to be a pretty solid pick. Once you get six, you're a lot more useful in team fight or skirmish situations, but don't force fights needlessly."