
Compelling Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"The evidence of alien visitation is just, you know, compelling and almost overwhelming."
"Jesus Christ Superstar it's just so compelling just the music is so great it just feels as dramatic and impactful as it should it's just so good in every way."
"Mars... was a beautiful and compelling read from start to finish."
"Direct payments to individuals is critical to prevent economic impact collapse in our country."
"This is such an amazing case... it was one of the most compelling modern-day UFO encounters."
"The pursuit to the answers to these questions become closer and we feel highly compelling."
"Absolutely mind-boggling. Neil Schusterman does it again with this trilogy. I guarantee you will not want to put these books down."
"I think the footage that's been released by the coroner is actually very compelling because we get a second-by-second almost take on what was happening to Diana just before she died."
"I just really love the concept and the premise and like the themes it's eliciting which I all found really compelling."
"A compelling, interesting three-dimensional character."
"11/22/63 for me proved Stephen King still has it. It's so compelling, so original, so interesting, and so well-handled."
"The world that they've created here is surprisingly compelling; it's got a lot of character to it."
"It's probably one of the most compelling CCGs I've played in a long time."
"One of the most compelling storylines of any Transformers show."
"There's just something about seeing this unfold right in front of you that makes it so much more compelling."
"Renji's character development and arc is one of the most compelling."
"The action sequences and the storytelling and the sound, is so well done. I'm not a huge anime fan. Maybe I need to look at some more stuff. It's absolutely brilliant. Really compelling!"
"No matter how you choose to look at a coincidence, though, it's hard to ignore; they can often be very compelling."
"The Hyundai Tucson has so many options to choose from for buyers that it is very very compelling."
"He compels a choice the way no other religious founder does."
"It's two hours long. It is compelling from beginning to the very last question at the very end absolutely."
"I found the writing, specifically the show's commentary on race, compelling and honest."
"The mystery of it that makes the movie so compelling you know that something is wrong but you can't put your finger on it."
"There is nothing more awesome, compelling, and mysterious than that."
"The start of the show is pretty amazing. It's very compelling."
"All of us should look like Agnes. All of us should be so compelled by the gospel that people can't get close to us without experiencing Jesus."
"Samoa Joe is so goddamn compelling as an evil badass kind of guy."
"Enthusiasm and authenticity and knowledge is immensely compelling to viewers."
"It's very compelling watching people explore, talk about, share their passion for a particular subject."
All of the boogaras, all of the believers, they're gonna say, "This is pretty compelling."
"I think it was an incredibly compelling story, and that's what I really loved about this film."
"If you're not subscribed I hope you will consider subscribing."
"I'd have loved more scenes of Jack Gleeson as Joffrey because it's so damn compelling."
"The story just has to be good, the story line has to be compelling."
"Arthur is just simply that compelling."
"Every single character has a unique personality and journey of growth which makes them so compelling."
"I find that extremely compelling and I'm glad we finally got a character like that."
"He's the guy with the best arc, the best transformation that's the most compelling in his own way."
"The themes of psychological horror were much more present and compelling in later chapters."
"Is easily one of the most compelling stories I have ever had the chance to cover."
"You genuinely were by far the most compelling, the funniest, the most..."
"It was awful and I loved it. It is so dark and twisted and, but I mean, I could not stop reading it."
"Aarian is the most compelling character in all of Baldur's Gate 3."
"This is more compelling than the men's game."
"The new Tacoma is tremendously compelling and a great redesign of an iconic vehicle."
"The story is compelling throughout all three seasons, and the ending is so satisfying."
"By making the cast more engaging, the show is able to produce some genuinely compelling material."
"The evidence provided by your report with documentation is very clear and very compelling."
"It's funny and it's also this wild compelling sort of Caper of a story."
"It's too compelling—the story here is so compelling."
"...a powerful, compelling film..."
"His storyline ends up being very compelling."
"I think it's compelling and very interesting."
"There are compelling stories set to unfold."
"pale Saints makes the most of this 12-minute run time each song is quite different from one another but they are all compelling in different ways."
"One of the most compelling character arcs of recent memory."
"That's just to me, just so, I don't want to say the word addictive, but addictive in a sense."
"Our Hideous Progeny - it just scratched an itch that I needed."
"Sometimes the story is compelling, it's a heartbreaking story that will make you say yeah I get it."
"There is something compelling about them that they are the bearers of a grim truth that brings them more comfort than the rest of their kind."
"It was compelling, it was absolutely compelling."
"The game has one of the most compelling storylines in all of DS game history."
"They've become the most compelling characters in the volume."
"...there's something about the forcefulness of Manza, our main character, that I found really compelling throughout the book."
"If you create a villain who is genuinely sadistic, a psychopath who is completely chaotic and unpredictable, that is a genuinely compelling villain."
"Something about it is so Punchy and so captivating."
"The story is too cool not to tell."
"I've stayed up till half one in the morning every night for three nights reading that book. I finished it."
"What makes this story about Richard Buttros even more compelling is it's real."
"It's got a compelling quality about it and it's nothing to do with pop music. This is to do with art grabbing you by the throat and pulling you through the experience."
"The Batman trailer was very compelling. It made me go, 'Oh, this looks very interesting.'"
"Now you can tell a story that's all it really is, it's telling a very compelling story."
"...jesus christ this is compelling as hell and I'm on the edge of my seat."
"The dead and the dying, you leave that trail behind you. You drag those ghosts behind you, which makes you so fascinating to watch."
"It was one of those that you really couldn't put down."
"The story is compelling enough on its own and it tackles some pretty weighty themes that were left untouched by the previous movie."
"By creating compelling characters, writers are able to draw in viewers."
"But for being a standalone story, this is pretty compelling here."
"This is compelling. Like, this is really, really cool."
"Once I saw the film, I could understand why they wanted to tell this story because it's really compelling and surprisingly devastating."
"You got everything it takes to be one of the most compelling people on the planet."
"I still think it's a really compelling story."
"Discipline is not dead, it just follows the most compelling message."
"Yeah, I mean, this scene is devastating. It's really hard to watch, but it's even harder to look away."
"It does still feel super engaging."
"It's compelling and disturbing and revolting, and yet you want to continue with it."
"...they are such a compelling speaker system for the money."
"Gordon is a character that is just simply so compelling."
"It's a very, very personal and compelling story."
"She has sharp edges. It's compelling."
"He packs an entire story in that flashback that is so compelling."
"I continue to find this to be such a powerful and engaging argument."
"It is very emotional and I just couldn't stop reading it."
"A much deeper and compelling backstory."
"Some of these stories are more compelling until the reason is revealed."
"This book is a page-turner, me I couldn't put it down."
"I find it to be one of if not the most compelling pieces of video evidence of an alleged Sasquatch ever to come forward."
"The way they introduced you to this world and this family was so compelling."
"The vision for the game was really compelling."
"Her words don't permit the reader to skim them. They will not be ignored. They can gut you, turn you upside down."
"...but the best part is the presentation just has something so compelling about it that it draws them right in."
"Surely one of the most compelling State of Origin games in the history of this interstate clash."
"His reign is one of the more compelling reigns remembered for these very reasons."
"I felt it had all the elements that make film compelling."
"I feel like I don't want to put it down and I don't get that often with books. Like, I just feel like I can't put it down. I have to finish it now. I have to know what's going on."
"Saka character development is what makes him such a compelling and great character."
"This was such a freaking good movie. Every single shot was well thought out."
"You can't argue with the fact that Hacksaw Ridge is a compelling story."
"It's propulsive, it's like addicting."
"It's infectious, like you can't put it down."
"What is so compelling about the story that makes us hold on to it after we've been given fact after fact?"
"It is very addictive and it is very compelling."
"It's a really compelling Underdog Story."
"It's such a tragic, amazing, it's a compelling story."
"It's oddly like compulsive and unputdownable."
"The characters in it are so compelling, another situation of grey morality."
"I cannot put it down. I have to know where it's gonna go."
"The writing of this book is so incredibly fast-paced that it is impossible to put it down."
"Jesus is the most compelling and captivating personality in all of history."
"...the parallels are quite significant I think and, if not convincing, compelling."
"A compelling story about humanity coming together."
"Something about this book completely blew me away."
"It's something you know where you're gonna be hit over the head with it like, 'Wow, I can't not listen to this.'"
"The sheer verve of the writing, it just carries you along. It's extremely powerful and vivid, and you can't not turn the page."
"It's a tough watch, it's very compelling, great acting."
"The gospel is reasonable, deep, profound, coherent, and compelling."
"I think that Heath Ledger's Joker is probably the most compelling of all the other Jokers."
"It is compelling and in a beautiful way."
"This all comes together to make for a very compelling addition to your collection."
"Those stories are always more compelling and more interesting than just we showed up and everybody's super best friends."
"It's just deeply compelling; it's awesome; it's just as epic."
"I was invested in the growth of the character; the narrative was super compelling."
"Your religion has to be something compelling."
"The ending alone is worth reading this book."
"It’s one of the most gripping character studies I’ve seen this decade and honestly it’s a near perfect series."
"The dynamic between Guts and Griffith just so great."
"The entire spectacle was just so compelling from start to finish."
"It's so compelling and personal and Bre as a main character I'm just so delighted by."
"This book is so compulsive and hard to put down."
"So compelling, so frightening, even by today's standards."
"I call it a gateway book because once you read it, you're gonna be hooked."
"Storytelling is such a primal part of who we are, it's such a compelling part of our lives."
"Once you get to a certain point, you will not put that book down."
"It's the most interesting and most compelling memory game I have ever played."
"It's a really compelling study of serial killers."
"The irresistible impulse in this instance was the maternal instinct."
"The most compelling thing that's ever happened to me happened in Savannah."
"His story is compelling; his story I believe is real."
"I read this book so quickly; it is the perfect combination of cute, adorable but also a really interesting and compelling mystery at the heart of it."
"Do not skip this volume because it is very compelling."
"The overarching story is very simple, but it's what happens between the characters that is compelling."
"Watching her evolution over the course of two seasons, I found pretty compelling too."
"For some reason, the performance from Tom Hanks was so compelling, it didn't certainly need anything extra."
"It's the most emotionally compelling story for me."
"It's so fun, it's so compelling, it's so funny, it's like 80 minutes long, it's like it's magical."
"It's kind of compelling, it's difficult, it's tricky, it's uncomfortable, it's upsetting, but you don't want to put it down."
"Many cases do have really compelling physical evidence."
"It's one that is so hard to put down."
"The story of the Indy is incredibly compelling with all that true history."
"This movie looks so intense, so compelling, very unique feeling."
"The central character is so compelling."
"These characters are what really makes the show so compelling and wonderful."
"If you can present it well in a compelling way, people will pay attention."
"A funny, weird, sharp, intensely compassionate, subversive, sweet, electrifying, romantic knockout of a book."
"Knowing the job, knowing the organization, and knowing why you want it makes you compelling."
"Melinda was a very unusual, compelling character."
"The metamorphosis that occurs throughout the movie is really compelling to watch."
"It's fantastic, it's compelling, it's relevant, it's deep."
"It's so hard to put these books down; it's just good on all fronts, plot and characters."
"Islam is so compelling on a deep human level and that's why people stick to it."
"It's so good, very very dark, but absolutely like unputdownable."
"This series has honestly been a joy to pick up, each book has been explosive, interesting, dynamic, just so hard to put down."
"It was addicting and just I had to know what was going to happen."
"It's the most unsettling book I have read in so long and I could not stop reading it."
"I really and truly could not put this book down; everything about it was so compulsively readable."
"So far I just love the writing, but just there's just qualities to the story itself that have just really drawn me in."
"It just adds a very haunting and compelling aspect to this Joker character."
"It's hard to deny that the bloodline story is just better and more compelling."
"It's the most topical, the most compelling film I think in this category."