
Consumer Criticism Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I hate how people call them microtransactions, but there's packages to buy it for a hundred dollars."
"At the end of it all, the sole purpose of all of this is so that you can sell a water filter. That's literally the lamest thing ever."
"A big draw of video games is time away from the [ __ ] of the world and now time and time again microtransactions, loot boxes, ridiculous cosmetics, advertisements are now being aggressively shoved down our throats in our video games."
"Companies in general are trying to sell you on the idea that microtransactions and loot boxes are [ __ ] features."
"Disney's nickel and diming people and they literally are."
"Money-grubbing: microtransactions, day one DLC, and shovelware."
"At the end of the day, this comes across as a shitty, soulless cash grab."
"I genuinely believe the amount they charge for server transfers and renames... is abhorrent." - TotalBiscuit
"The gem store is, at its very core, a cesspit. It's good compared to other games, but it is by its nature a compromise against your fun and the game makers' profit."
"A disproportionate number of the corporate mascots in existence today exist primarily to sell junk food to children, provoking a growing backlash in these health conscious times."
"It's just really short for 60 bucks nowadays."
"You're being overly milked and it's a cash grab."
"Black Ops 4 is way too good of a game to be ruined by a season pass and greedy corporate business moves."
"This game is predatory you are asking full price for basically a half-baked piece of [ __ ]."
"A thousand dollars for a stand that's completely ridiculous."
"Soft locking your own game when you open the premium cash shop, that is a special type of terrible."
"I think it's quite [ __ ] it's yet another mobile game that sure is free-to-play but if you actually want to progress and get the full experience you'll be spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars."
"Nvidia wins for the worst trend of pointless product segmentation."
"Every company wants to have their portion of subscription revenue... but it's always going to put a bad taste in our mouths that you could have just put that stuff not paywalled and given it to everyone. The paywall is just unnecessary."
"Apple doesn't care about you, they just want your money."
"I feel stupid for grinding for something you can buy and even more stupid for paying a thousand dollars for a [expletive] game."
"I'm tired of seeing these [ __ ] packs and all these loot boxes, I hate it."
"Enhanced versions of games have been a thing for a while but at this point in time it feels like such an archaic way to repackage and sell the same thing to your audience again."
"For them to just be adding extra layers of monetization without evolving the Pokemon series first and really taking it to the next level graphically or from a gameplay standpoint."
"Shout out to EA Sports, they are one of the greatest finessers in the history of gaming."
"No premium currency, just a massive slap in the face."
"Clothing bad? No, a thousand dollar t-shirt bad."
"I've always thought microtransactions were obnoxious and shady and whatnot, but now I just feel like it's a terminal illness that may have already spread too far to be cured."
"It is not cool to sell us multiplayer only games stripped of features that the game used to have filled with micro transactions."
"Blizzard has gone so far down the path of greed, they've actually outdone themselves."
"The iPhone 12 will not include a charger in the box. No charger at all. 20 watt power adapter will be sold separately."
"The rapid increase of price has nothing to do with the advancements Jensen wants to get up there and say oh Moore's Law is dead what a year or two ago when the 40 series was announced basically trying to justify the price."
"Increasing the price $30 overnight for next-gen games in Australia at least is a really [ __ ] move. That's my hot take on that."
"Creating artificial restrictions like this for no logical reason beyond monetization is how you piss people off."
"I'm convinced Apple wants to dumb down the products every other year just to see if people keep buying."
"I'm just worried it looks too much like money grab, like you're double-dipping or something."
"Activision... it seems like every single air-quote update has a price tag on it."
"Fuck EA was supposed to have turned a new leaf. No more season passes. No more stupidly expensive hundred and twenty dollar editions."
"Comprehensive complete feeling productions are becoming rarer and rarer shallow threadbare unfinished games that are designed deliberately poorly so that you can pay extra to improve the experience they're becoming the norm."
"The more you look into it, the more shady the things that EA decide to do this year with FIFA 19."
"Instructions like these are just lazy. They just want to sell you the products and make the money."
"They finally give us something nice and shiny and good and still there's somebody to [ __ ] on." - Kevin Smith
"That's like beating someone up and then spitting on them. $310? Oh, but don't worry, it's actually kind of a steal because it's a $457 value."
"It's good that Nvidia will honor all RMA requests, but they did try to just chalk this up to 'well, you guys are all stupid'."