
Surroundings Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Your environment definitely has an effect on you."
"The quality of life is determined by how I am, not what is around me."
"One doesn't need a map to find treasure. It's all around us even where you least expect."
"Take inspiration from the things around you."
"Not to take for granted the cool stuff around us."
"I turned my head the other way to see who must be approaching."
"We're surrounded by properties that excited us."
"The people that we are surrounded by play a huge role in our outcomes because they can either bring us up or bring us down."
"You've got this beautiful forest surrounding us here and we can hear the stream running in the background."
"It seems remarkable that we have all of this stuff going on around us."
"We live surrounded by possibility, not merely by presence."
"Our physical surroundings can either support or hinder our ability to concentrate, make decisions, and manage stress"
"Your unconscious habitual mind is constantly aware of our surroundings whether we're aware of it or not all of the time."
"It lies all about us, it has its capes and shadowy peaks."
"He lives in broken things, and so much around us is clearly broken."
"This looks so cool, the arcade is right above us."
"You have to appreciate your surroundings and where you are."
"You're surrounded by this beautiful energy right now Virgo."
"This entire property is everything you see around me."
"If you don't have a good relationship with yourself, you can absolutely ruin everything around you."
"It's been another of those days that qualify for the word idyllic, full of pleasant surprises in glorious surroundings."
"Your external surroundings start to change when you change your internal state."
"Simplify your surroundings can lead to the amplification of your spirit."
"The worst surroundings in the world can be tolerated if they are interesting and kind."
"You become the average of the eight people you surround yourself with."
"I looked around and just tried to soak in the magnificence of where I was standing."
"Surroundings influence how you feel. Creating a clean, itemless place makes me feel the most organized."
"Surrounded by incredible natural beauty."
"Not a lot of activity right close by."
"The only thing that I don't really love about this particular Garden is that as soon as I come home, this is the first thing I see."
"Challenging myself and surrounded by like-minded people in beautiful surroundings like there's nothing better."
"Is there anybody up here on the second floor with me?"
"Wow, I guess this is the main lobby. This is nice."
"What and who you let in can affect how you stand."
"That is true. We have so much around us that is amazing."
"Our surroundings, what we are hearing, what we are seeing, play a very significant role in our lives."
"It's not just about the monuments themselves, but also about what's around them."
"I woke up and I'm sitting up in bed sleeping on a mattress on the floor and facing the door at a diagonal angle."
"If you want some history, it's all around you."
"You want to surround yourself with amazing people."
"Flowers have surrounded me for as long as I can remember."
"Be aware of what's around you in terms of resources."
"I am filled and nourished by the love that surrounds me."
"Improve upon your physical surroundings."
"You are grateful for all of the beauty that surrounds you."
"We are surrounded by two fantastic stories."
"There are lots of spiritual activities going on around us."
"The definition of comfort is not being aware of your surroundings."
"One thing that I am really, really liking about this place is that you're constantly reminded in a very tasteful way everywhere you go of just where it is that you are."
"The presence of evil... all around you."
"You need to learn to adapt to their surroundings. We all have our wants but you have to be willing to compromise."
"You can see everything going on around you, which is wonderful."
"We're surrounded by beautiful mountains."
"Literally right next door to this field."
"I feel like I've been getting good energy from people around me."
"Just purely focusing on contours and objects around me, the architecture, the train here as I was commuting in Europe."
"The most dangerous of those around us all the time are the Hypocrites."
"...everything in this town is absolutely gorgeous all the houses we're just walking by they're so so pretty..."
"Your environment can determine how you feel about yourself."
"It just gives you more of an appreciation for the beautiful things in your life, I feel, when you surround yourself with beauty."
"Inspiration is all around us and I truly am inspired by my surroundings, any objects that I can set up to paint from life, also any views that I have outside my window."
"I am grateful that inspiration is all around."
"I love love the views all the way around this house."
"We're literally surrounded by cherry blossoms, it's so beautiful."
"The moral of this story is always to be aware of your surroundings."
"It feels really private even though we're pretty much in the center of a residential area in Brunswick Heads."
"There's no better feeling than stepping out and just being surrounded by beautiful Canal."
"The noise around him grew more and more harsh."
"Surround yourself with things that have a purpose in your life, and you over time will find your purpose."
"There's something very lovely about the surroundings and the environment here."
"The views around here are awesome."
"As you will soon see, there is water everywhere around this hotel."
"It is as natural an environment as one could seek."
"It's interesting how when we believe something to be a certain way, we may also find ourselves surrounded by others who believe the same thing."
"Kai Fukosimo's style cleverly integrates street art murals to interact and incorporate their surroundings."
"The environment helps mold the mindset."
"Exemplifies the eerie dissonance between the enormity of his actions and the banality of his surroundings."
"Surround yourself with things that look good."
"Many of HeeJin’s outfits match her colorful surroundings, a rainbow shines across her face."
"What surrounds you is not a 100 accurate reflection of the reality."
"Now this area, you realize, you can see your neighboring area. That's your surrounding houses. I love this neighborhood so much."
"Beautiful community surrounding me."
"Does anybody hear this, does anybody hear this outside?"
"Every energy, the people around them, yes sir."
"This backyard is surrounded by the amazing city and ocean view."
"Despite the massiveness of this structure it is surrounded by a realm far larger."
"He was enjoying his time in the peaceful surroundings."
"We are surrounded by mystery on all sides."
"If you really look at your surroundings, there are many beautiful things that we do not notice."
"His aim was not to acquire but to realize, to enlarge his consciousness by growing with and growing into his surroundings."
"Think about things that aren't awful... just be curious about the things that are in your vicinity."
"Everywhere you look is something beautiful and something to admire."
"Everything around here looks awesome."
"I'm often inspired by different things around me."
"The environment I'm in has such an impact on my mood and how I'm feeling."
"Appreciate the beauty inside and all around."
"Sometimes people fail to notice what's happening just a few steps away from them."
"Magic and blessings are all around you."
"We are unable to appreciate the things that are around us."
"It's just surrounded by amazing architecture."
"Enjoy all of what is stirring around you."
"There's so many beautiful things around us."
"It's hard not to be enamored with the history that's all around us."
"We're surrounded by nature which I think is what I love most about it."
"Open your eyes, what can you see around?"
"Look around, and I just started to notice how much there is going on just right around me."
"Pay attention to other people wherever you are. Just be aware of your surroundings."
"The environment, all the conditions surrounding us that influence life."
"Your environment is continuously influencing you."
"I've always noticed that if I turn my attention to it initially, then I realize that my center of interest is going to be surrounded by interesting things."
"When you're at peace, everything around you looks beautiful."
"We forget just how important it is to be aware of our surroundings."
"Keep your eyes open and pay attention to everything that is going on around you all the time."
"Sometimes you just have to be still and appreciate what's around you."
"The surroundings are breathtaking, I'm just in awe of this place."
"I was surrounded by a ring of eight or nine coffins resting vertically against the stone walls."
"Make sure that everything is safe where you are and you're aware of your surroundings."
"The thing with metallic is it reflects everything around it."
"There's a lot going on around us."
"There are certain things that we enjoy seeing or certain environments that we enjoy being in."
"You've always got to be aware of your surroundings, you always have to be aware of the unexpected."
"You're aware of your surroundings."
"Pay attention, be aware of everything that's happening around you."
"Everywhere you look here is nothing but just awesomeness."
"Surround yourself with beautiful things right now."
"There has always been beauty all around us."
"This transformation leads to transforming everything around you."
"You have blessings and abundance all around you."
"There is happiness, it might not be in this situation, but there's happiness around you."