
Conservative Politics Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Fox was like a revelation for the conservative movement."
"He was validating the fears that Fox News provoked in the conservative base by repeating them back to them."
"It is the leftist hatred for President Bush and for Mitt Romney and for John McCain that led to President Trump because you guys scorned all of the Conservatives who you derided as corrupt and evil."
"The organized effort among the evangelical right base to get justices on the Supreme Court to effectuate this particular outcome has been a central organizing principle of Republican politics for decades now."
"The eventual answer is going to be launching of right-wing companies in exactly the same areas that don't actually care anymore."
"Hey, Republicans, my fellow conservatives, this election is not over."
"I am running as a Thatcherite and I will govern as a Thatcherite." - Rishi Sunak
"In America, the conservative movement broadly has always made an effort to Encompass the interests of neo-nazis, white supremacists, and white nationalists."
"The anger at Trump existed for Bush, it exists for all conservatives."
"Ben Shapiro and the other conservatives are genocide apologists."
"Conservative leaders have pathologized their numerous fears of failure and powerlessness into one targetable word; a word that covers almost every group they feel victimized by."
"Ben Shapiro is a Jewish person in a primarily Christian conservative movement."
"He has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear."
"Big wins here for conservatives: the Biden administration reverses course on federal grants incentivizing critical race theory in public schools."
"Fundamentally conservative politics is about helping people lead the lives they want to lead and taking obstacles out of their way."
"I'd like to have more faith in people than that which is warranted by the behavior I see from conservatives."
"What conservative politics should be about...is healing and creating a sense that we can all be a part of the whole."
"The hypocrisy of the conservative movement is in full display."
"Should we be pushing on Congress? Absolutely. But you know too many on the right are playing the game because they're afraid of him."
"The only thing that might save the conservative agenda truly is that there's a Republican Congress."
"DeSantis is governing clearly from a kind of populist stance, very conservative, very in your face..."
"The minute you had social media, all of a sudden conservatives start doing really, really well."
"Frankly, I find the knowing that they will keep more of their own money has incentivized them to make more."
"I think that what we have to do is be practical and be honest with ourselves."
"A stunning rise for the conservative Donald Trump ally."
"The more accomplished a conservative black man or woman is, the more the left hates them. He addressed this a bit yesterday in his remarks." - Megan Kelly
"It's time for conservatives to put our money where our mouth is, it's time to replace these bastards before they replace us."
"State legislatures are mostly conservative... putting into place new voter integrity programs." - Unnamed speaker
"The collapse of the Conservatives is pretty extraordinary. It's a huge number of councillors they've lost."
"The left managed to steal the show because the conservatives aren't doing anything interesting."
"There's Clearly Now a space beyond the center right in the conservative party for different kind of politics."
"One of the most shocking things I've seen in the last month is to what extent conservative discourse has moved on this issue."
"This pro-human agenda is now what is going to be the future, I believe, of the conservative movement."
"We need to have good conservative answers to housing, poverty, and drug addiction."
"Conservatives are well placed to be the champions for equality."
"We're in a desperate war with the left to preserve America, and Trump's the guy leading the charge."
"I honestly believe that one more true conservative in the Senate, it's going to move the needle."
"The conservatives get away with it by promising to fund the NHS and promising that they love the NHS."
"I was really hoping that we could do that in the conservative movement where people can kind of get access to a portal and support the people that they want."
"For a long time, conservatives backed away from democracy."
"What we've just witnessed in the Republican primary is not that you had Trump versus a number of conservatives, including preeminently Nikki Haley."
"We need a leader who can unify the conservative family and out campaign and outfight Jeremy Corbyn." - Jeffrey Cox
"Jamal javani won with a larger margin of Victory than any conservative had in those elections."
"The conservative movement has been working on building up young people and attracting them for many years."
"Establishment conservatives who don't want to talk about issues like immigration and demographics are shooting themselves in the foot."
"Vigilante and militia-style rhetoric has become a cornerstone of the movement and certainly of conservative media, and there are consequences and responsibilities when you sort of broadcast that hate 24/7."
"We are indeed at a very frightening moment in the Republican bizarro world."
"That's why you're seeing Hispanics go to the conservative side."
"This is absolutely the fault of a conservative party that is actively celebrating this ruling as a win."
"Mike Pence is the common sense conservative alternative to all of this Maga nonsense."
"‘Strong and stable’. A conservative slogan that did a lot of harm because they didn't mean it."
"President Trump fired the nation's top law enforcement officer for refusing to defend an unlawful, unconstitutional, and deeply immoral order."
"Watching him last night deal with now his second supreme court pick... it's unquestionably now folks you're not living in the real world if you are still a conservative insisting that this guy's presidency hasn't been a success."
"Thank God a conservative is once again leading the Conservative Party."