
Water Management Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"The Dutch have a solution: rather than hold back water, why not live on it?"
"Clean and healthy drinking water and safe and effective stormwater and wastewater infrastructure is necessary for every thriving community."
"This design ideology helped the Taipei 101 to decrease it’s potable water consumption by at least 30% compared to the average building consumption, saving about 28 million liters of potable water annually."
"China agreed to share water data with Mekong River countries last October."
"Having water strategically around your garden is important."
"Researcher Dr. Arlen Andrews senior believes... a scale model to design, develop, test, and document the water flow for public water projects."
"Water is a renewable resource. As long as you manage the area, water will flow in perpetuity." - Nelson Switzer
"Remember, folks, if you don't tell water where to go, it will make up its own mind."
"Water scarcity isn't a problem that we need to be facing if we were just bolder and more equitable."
"Regular water changes dramatically increase success rates."
"Trust ye in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is Everlasting strength."
"The city may have to soon raise its structures to stay above water."
"Relocating water upstream from pollution, respecting topography, ensuring cleaner resources."
"Israel has become the first nation in the world to be water independent."
"Avoid throwing the carpets in a leftover puddle from your previous wash and just keep them to the side for now."
"The South-North Water Transfer Project: Overcoming China's water challenges."
"So now the water is flowing here again, we'll eventually start to see this clear out, the water turn brown again, everything will be right in the zoo."
"Whether it is water regulation or power generation, it has encountered more severe challenges than in previous years."
"Can you imagine a country that irrigates plants with salt water?"
"Israel has overcome the droughts that have plagued this region of the world for millennia."
"Climate whiplash really strains our water infrastructure."
"Water management is so entwined with Dutch history and culture that it forms the basis of their political system."
"I want my water system to be predictable and easy to understand for me in the future."
"No Western city would be where it is without major aqueducts bringing water where it's needed."
"Ribbons of water created by power, politics, greed, sacrifice, and genius."
"The main limitations for growing food are not soil-based; they're water, topography, and temperature."
"Ancient Egypt's waterworks: a pre-dynastic marvel."
"Detroit's growing legs and moving out of water you've been waiting for the moment where the AER plan would show fruit this appears to be it."
"Israel is saving millions of gallons of water from being wasted each year."
"I thought about the Hoover Dam, that blockage of that body of water creates a redirection and that redirection creates power."
"Watering more, less often is the key to efficient watering."
"If you manage the water, you've managed the whole job."
"You can have water running off the roof going into there. You can store the water. You can decant it as and when. And then you can purify it ready to drink."
"Water can only feed so many plants, so instead set the water and vegetables in rows and your plants will actually grow faster."
"This water thing is a big slow moving steamroller of a situation..."
"Sophisticated networks of retaining ponds, canals, and water wheels were built along the river's banks."
"So there we go, that's a little bit more like it. As you can see, the water system has now been put underneath the ground."
"Once this takes in the region we should be good, there's certainly not going to be any water problems in San Francisco for now anyway."
"Rotating water: a practice, not just a rule."
"The higher up in the landscape that you can store water, the more potential to move that water down using gravity."
"What the beavers do is, very simply by impounding water by felling trees... is they kiss the earth again with life."
"Israel is ranked number one worldwide in water recycling, reusing 86% of its water."
"Water capacity has just exploded and that should sort out all of your water needs."
"Petra was equipped with a sophisticated irrigation channel that provided water for around 30,000 residents year-round."
"Wait until they have the Colorado River harnessed to a big Dam. When the great waters of the Colorado are controlled by man's will and ingenuity, we can get the big pumps to going and pump water over this wonderfully prolific valley land."
"...the reason why we lifted up our bed so much is because we have 100 gallons of fresh water and that tank is right underneath our pillows."
"If you're digging a lake you have to think about two things how you get the water in and how you get the water away."
"The Almos Tunnel in Peru channels water from the Huancamber River on the Atlantic side of the Andes to the Pacific side, addressing severe water scarcity."
"The golf courses use recycled water."
"Water is the key to determining where cattle, to a lesser extent sheep, are going to be willing to spend their time grazing."
"Test the flow rate of your water source. This will tell you how many emitters you can feed in your garden."
"This sophisticated system of water management matches up to the stories of Atlantis."
"That's the accomplishment of the water engineers."
"And using water, I mean obviously a liquid is easier to move around than a solid in some circumstances like damning a river..."
"Not only is this power important for the local region, but the controlled levels of water are used to irrigate around 273 square miles of land downstream."
"As it does, millions of gallons of water are being pumped back out of the lake 24/7 to keep Las Vegas alive for another day."
"Having water automatically added and removed is just the way to go and it just makes the hobby so much more enjoyable."
"So yes you heard right we fill all this up 9,500 gallons of water with a 5 gallon per minute garden hose."
"In 2014, the Indonesian government revealed the plans for what they called 'Giant Sea Wall Jakarta' expected to be completed by 2025."
"The bottom line is, you can greatly increase a crop's drought resilience and reduce its water requirement by making sure that it gets nitrogen in forms other than nitrate."
"Water savings in the agriculture sector itself can reduce depletion by 40 percent."
"Water per evapotranspiration. Paying attention to how much water is being lost."
"It's all about turning the land into a sponge and holding that water so that you get no runoff."
"Water is an enemy and we want to keep it away from the house as much as possible."
"Getting that dirt compacted is the only way that it's going to shed water away from the foundation."
"This is what a French drain does."
"For the way it addresses those two challenges of water and consistency and soil fertility."
"...you definitely want to have a clear path for any water to escape from your underbelly if it ever got in there..."
"This has the potential to really revolutionize water management in the West."
"Devaraya II also engaged in large-scale infrastructure projects, digging large networks of canals that expanded the agricultural potential of the land around the city."
"Using the IBC was a really good idea. It's allowed us to have a lot of water up here and wash it all down."
"Efficient irrigation is key to maximizing yield."
"But no, it's pretty slick, really, really cool that I can just kick off an actual auto water change from my phone."
"The best system is a diverse one. Diversifying your water portfolio is crucial for long-term sustainability."
"You have to make sure you have the right system for your particular type of foundation, and you better have enough pumping power to be able to handle the volume necessary to keep your basement dry."
"All the water here on the island is desalinated."
"So once the five rain barrels have filled right to the top and there's no more room, right on the back here I have a 2-inch ABS pipe that's connected into there."
"The good part about this first flush is that it automatically resets itself."
"Later Bhagavan then had his well back outside the dining hall, after which there was no water scarcity."
"The most important change we can make is the way we think about the value and manage our water."
"We are overusing our water; we are directing too much to agricultural purposes and water development patterns pose serious ecological and social negative impacts."
"The system can be engineered and it can be managed to balance the needs of water supply and ecosystem health."
"It's a limited water supply; that's why we have to be as efficient as possible, both on the human side and the environmental side."
"You have the Nautilus water control center here, so this is a great feature."
"We came up with a creative idea for what we wanted to do with our water here."
"The seriousness of drought has farmers looking for alternative ways to save water."
"California's water network is designed to deal with months of water scarcity."
"This is going to allow proper water flow."
"Water is the key. The management of water, I think is the key that will open a very bright future."
"Water holes, 110 gallon tank, 150 gallon tank, a lot of digging, but something you can do by hand in an afternoon."
"Once the Colorado River passes through the Imperial Dam, 90% of it is diverted into irrigation canals."
"The case of the Aral Sea serves as a stark example of the environmental consequences of unsustainable water management."
"The Khmer soon became experts in the control of water in the landscape."
"These vast reservoirs served a dual purpose: they acted as overflow tanks in the monsoon season and allowed the Khmer to store water through the dry season."
"The question you should be asking yourself about any management system is not how do I keep water out, but how does water get out should water get in."
"It's all gravity-fed, guys; the systems have been in place for thousands of years."
"The deckle works as a dam, holding the water on the screen, forcing it to drain through the wire and out the bottom."
"We'll see the San Antonio River Authority's newest lift station start up for the very first time."
"The radial gates have not opened to release water from Lake Wivenhoe since 2011, but when these massive gates open onto the spillway, it's an awesome spectacle."
"We have changed a lot of the water infiltration on this farm and we also have gained organic matter."
"Soil function is its ability to moderate water flow and storage, to store and recycle nutrients and to sustain life."
"When we get these pulse rains into the landscape, it's about capturing water in thoughtful ways."
"Having water be redirected in a landscape in more meaningful ways does not have to be complex at all."
"The average water volume of the Han River is about 30 billion cubic meters per year and the government wants to transfer one third of it to the north."
"It's no wonder why the Dutch say they keep their heads above water."
"Learning to control and harness the flow of water has been a critical ingredient in the development of civilization."
"The park contains water retaining structures, including sophisticated surface and subsurface hydraulic systems, many of which are still operational today."
"We wanted to capture all the runoff, all the irrigation water, and then make it into an ornamental feature."
"Once the fifth phase is completed, it'll be by far the largest connected network of pipes and aqueducts in the world."
"It's all about the water. That's what if you're trying to grow bonsai you got to learn how to water."
"Tulips need water to grow, but they don't like too much water."
"Such is the sophistication of this water system that archaeologists initially assumed that it must have been created by the Spanish after their arrival in the region."
"We're investing a record 56 billion into our water infrastructure."
"Delta Works is a vast network of 13 dams and barriers, featuring sluices, dykes, and levees."
"Nature provides more than enough water for everyone, but it takes the ingenuity of man to put it in the right place at the right time."
"All the things we need to do to deal with sea level rise, we know how to do. It's just building differently in different places, changing our relationship with water."
"On November the 5th, 1913, William Mulholland opened the gates, the water flowed, and history was made."
"We redirected water to form a whole new lake, flooded some new lands near the main channel, and created half a dozen or so rare Mediterranean temporary ponds which are now full of life."
"Ever since mankind first developed civilization in the concept of a city or an urban center, one of the most important things to control has been the flow of fresh water."
"The water levels are extremely consistent."
"We wanted to make sure more importantly water flow was maintained throughout the system as best as possible."
"Relying on the force of gravity, the used water embarks on a gravity-guided journey through the expansive tunnels."
"Through this innovative endeavor, Singapore harnesses the power of nature and cutting-edge technology to create a harmonious cycle of water conservation, reclamation, and purification."
"The DTSS project symbolizes Singapore's unwavering dedication to progressive water management practices."
"At the heart of the DTSS project lie four fundamental components, each working in synchrony to reshape Singapore's water landscape."
"The underground city had access to Fresh flowing water through an extensive network of channels."
"The Archimedes screw was invented by Archimedes of Syracuse apparently to pump water out of the hold of a ship."
"The solution is simple: we have to fix the plumbing; we have to restore the natural flow of water back into the Everglades, into Florida Bay."
"Turning our wastewater into high-quality water for irrigation is a world record."
"We had the vision to think ahead many years and establish this spine across the state of Israel."
"In catching the water, you start to reestablish the ground cover and we also start to reestablish the trees."
"The goal is to recharge this well and to stop the land from falling into this seasonal river."
"This landscape was really designed to capture, collect, and cycle water."
"This brook continues off scene and that is our water drainage for all of the rainwater that would land and fall into this area."
"I love this plant; it's a South African native, so it does like the heat, but it cannot handle too much water."
"Water rights are an incredibly complex and fraught topic."
"I have a plan to not only reopen my water but also help all of Colorado with a water supply problem."
"Thank you for joining us today to discuss QGIS for water modelers."
"The fundamental problem we have in Florida is one of balance, the balance between the growth and economic prosperity we want and the demands that those benefits place on our water resources."
"I want to really maximize the water flow on our property to be able to grow these trees as sustainably as possible."
"The float valve will turn on and off depending on how much water there is in the reservoir."
"30 to 40 percent of Singapore's water supply is recycled wastewater."
"The Temple Mount was built in such a way that rainwater in the winter would collect on the platform and drain down into the cisterns underneath."
"As you guys could see, that was one really awesome culvert design; that trash rack worked perfectly."
"The ancestral Pueblo were also master engineers when it came to manipulating and controlling the region's limited sources of water."
"Keeping the soil covered stops runoff and gets water in the soil where it belongs."
"There are two main types of leak detectors: cheap wireless ones that detect a puddle of water, and whole home monitoring solutions that track your water usage."
"Progress came and took its toll, and in the name of flood control, they made their plans and they drained the land; now the glades are going dry."
"They have a way to push the water and guide it into a specified area so that they don't have any unnecessary floods."
"It's the regeneration of the sponge which is our key tool, our key point of agency."
"Venice is always fighting against the water and always found a solution."
"The city and its walls were surrounded by large canals used for navigation, defense, and flood control."
"It's working, the water is going down here and into the hole and not over the cliff, yay!"
"Control the water, that is such a key component of good recovery."
"Jade plants do not like wet feet, so do not allow them to sit in water-filled saucers for extended periods."
"It's actually working, our dam is working!"
"The way we manage water in the cities... will mitigate a lot of future Heatwave days."
"Urban water management is fundamental to how future cities could be developed."
"Each voyage through the Panama Canal demands an astonishing amount of water, around 52 million gallons to be exact."
"Using such systems to collect free water can lead to substantial savings."
"Droughts are nature's fault; they happen. But water shortages are our fault; that's a choice that we made a generation ago."
"This is very useful for doing things like water audits and water loss studies to find non-revenue water."
"If Sacsayhuamán was primarily a site of water management for Cusco and surrounding land, I believe that Sacsayhuamán was more like a continuous project."
"The operation of a bell siphon happens in a cyclical process with four distinct phases."
"Water is the biggest [issue]; we can do everything else right management-wise, and we go three weeks dry this time of the year, and we're cooked."
"The Archimedes screw allows people to draw water uphill and this is over 2,000 years ago."
"Prudent Water Management enabled the success of the Achaemenid Empire."
"Wears are put into rivers to raise water levels either to make a river navigable, to allow us to abstract water, although the most common purpose was historically to drive mill wheels."
"Once you understand the layout of the tabs and how they all work together, that is fundamental to understanding how the water network editor works."
"There is no quick fix or simple solution when it comes to safeguarding and managing a resource that is in as much demand as water."
"The Inca Misana Water Temple is a shining example of Inca engineering."
"We have spoon drains that keep the water on the surface, collect it and divert it around the house."
"Wetlands act as water stores, they recharge aquifers for us, and they trap pollutants in them."
"Our goal is to keep the water on our land as long as we possibly can."
"Clearing the canal can solve the irrigation problems along the river."
"One of the main reasons that we're doing cloud seeding is we've really determined that it's a safe and effective way to increase the amount of water that's available."
"Diverting surface water off the trail is the most important job in trail maintenance."
"Agricultural use on the other hand accounts for 71% of water consumption in South America."
"Monarchs became adept at harvesting monsoonal rainwater through tanks and interconnected canals."
"A high density of channels allows the water to travel over the land for less of the time."
"Controlling water is the key to controlling disease."
"Through its nuclear plants, like the grey water recycling or desalination, the Israelis are now refilling the Sea of Galilee."
"Some reservoirs so full, water being released to make room for storm runoff and snowmelt that could cause flooding."
"Maintenance is the key... you can't seal the water out, you have to drain it out."
"It's all about the water and healthy habitats and effective management, conserving our flats fisheries takes all three."
"The solution lies in acquiring enough land in the Everglades agricultural area to store, clean, and move water South into Florida Bay."
"King Hezekiah built this tunnel to transfer water from the Gihon spring to the pools of Siloam."
"These are the trenches that are designed on contour to collect the rainwater."
"South Africa actually has more dams than any other African country."
"The National Reclamation Act provided for federal money for construction of dams, canals, and reservoirs."
"It's a big day, do you guys get it? Yeah, like we have water throughout all our two acres."
"By working in sequence, these mills could move water over large distances and eventually out of the marshes completely."
"It would have made sense why the water goes into that pit there; any leftover water goes over the top and it acts as a sump to filter and clean the water that comes down."
"Conservation and education: residents and water users can be educated about basic conservation methods which can reduce water wastage."
"Our goal in water management is to meet the sufficient water requirement for that particular crop."
"Eliminating deep percolation losses and runoff to non-target areas is all we can do for water conservation."
"So any water that gets in this hole is going to run downhill."
"The Persians who lived in present-day Iran were one of the first civilizations to build tunnels that provided a reliable supply of water to human settlements in dry areas."
"This will make California better prepared for the many critical water supply and flooding problems tied to atmospheric rivers."
"The mission is to provide 21st century water cycle science, technology, and outreach to support effective policies and practices."