
Indigenous Quotes

There are 417 quotes

"The most sweeping affirmation of inherent indigenous rights ever."
"Every single person that is not a Native American is an infiltrator to this land."
"Grab your paper and pencils, because Mpisi from the Ndebele Tribe is about to drop some knowledge."
"Nearly everyone who has ever tried to contact them has been met with spears and with arrows and some unfortunately never left the island alive."
"This is our country. We've been here indigenously before anyone else."
"The Badlands Guardian... looks just like a human wearing an indigenous type of headdress."
"From coast to coast and everywhere in between, there lived hundreds if not thousands of different nations, tribes of people whose land this was; this was their home."
"Indigenous communities... they're like portals to connect to Earth."
"If you have ever heard of skinwalkers, you know some of the terrifying stories that come with the name."
"I believe in ghosts and witchcraft, but most of all, if an indigenous person tells me something, I'm going to believe them."
"The latest research shows that the landscape and much of the biodiversity of the jungle was created by the Indigenous community that lived here in the past and still live here now."
"The film focused on the Lakota tribe's battle to protect their lives and land in the face of ambitious European settlers."
"These symbols deliver a clear message to us aliens, natives of this land, but this is not our land. We are not indigenous to this land. You are not owners of your Homeland, you are visitors."
"The Mojave is full of life; it's been home to native tribes for thousands of years."
"We hold indigenous secrets about Sasquatches families have talked to them I've met them that we don't want to share with the Western world."
"For indigenous peoples it's considered an epic blessing to have seen dreamed or heard a Sasquatch."
"In the past for many indigenous peoples, encounters with the Sasquatch were considered a blessing of great wealth."
"Of all the indigenous forms of art storytelling remains the most essential to the teaching of culture our relationship with others and our connection to the environment."
"Indigenous people were at the southern tip of South America more than 14,000 years ago, suggesting they took a coastal route."
"A lot of black, brown, indigenous communities are actually the first people to do things that are eco-friendly out of necessity."
"I specialize in indigenous Foods. I'm not here to heal you, I'm here to remind you how to heal yourself using food."
"And here's a good way to tell when you're on a good native site you see these uh pieces of cracked up Sandstone they're all red and fired well they're red like that because they've been fired around a campfire."
"This is flatland where natives live for probably 13 14 000 years."
"Home to the most native tribes in all of Mexico."
"The indigenous people of Northern Scandinavia and Finland, and their paganism actually lasted the longest all the way into until the 1800s."
"If you want to try to sell things that are quote unquote artifacts or are things that were made by indigenous populations, you have to be careful."
"Olvera exemplifies the ongoing intermixing of indigenous American African peoples."
"The house was built right next to an old indigenous graveyard."
"Right out of the gate we are meeting our vision. This will be by far the largest majority indigenous owned Pub Co in the country."
"The Indians never disappear; they're always here."
"We are all indigenous to Earth, we all come from this place, this is our roots, this is our home."
"For my situation it's so like indigenous so like a nourishment we're very egotistical so yeah."
"We are the first peoples of the Americas."
"Native Hawaiians continue to be overly commodified, misconstrued, and exoticized."
"We are indigenous to all lands. If we go to Australia, we're there. You go to New Zealand, we're there. You go to India, we're there. New Caledonia, we're there."
"There's a lot of buzz from indigenous astronomers and in Haudenosaunee communities that this eclipse is going to help amplify the message of peace."
"As we are all calling from different lands, I would encourage you to take a moment to acknowledge those lands you're on before the program starts."
"I'd also like to acknowledge that I'm joining in from Los Angeles, the occupied land of the Chumash and Tongva nations, and I'm an invited guest on this land and want to recognize those who have stewarded it past and present."
"They see Europeans in much the same way as they were accustomed to seeing other First Nations, not necessarily as friends or foes, but as potential threats, or as potential opportunity."
"We may be landless, but as native people, we're not homeless."
"Native tribes like the Blackfoot, which span both the United States and Canada, have clans on either side of the border."
"Every time I've gone to the Hopi reservation or the Navajo or anywhere up there, I'm always getting along with all of the indigenous people of Arizona. They're always so friendly to me, more friendly than I deserve honestly."
"Talkeetna's history goes back thousands of years with the Denia living and hunting in the area."
"I wanted to elevate indigenous voices."
"There's this lack of awareness that makes indigenous people a target."
"It's food that's native to Australia and has been grown, gathered, prepared, and eaten for millennia by indigenous Australians."
"He's a big indigenous guy. He was the first-ever indigenous captain to leave this country. He went to New Zealand and captained the Aboriginal All Blacks."
"When I talk about missing people, it's hard to talk about missing people without talking about Native Americans."
"Lots of little souvenir stores you get things that are sort of these almost look native american inspired."
"The truest original chapter to this country started with the Native Americans."
"The healthcare system was not set up in favor of indigenous peoples and it continues to show today with how they are often treated as if they don't belong in healthcare settings or as if they're a nuisance who should seek care elsewhere."
"Salmon 'n' Bannock: the only indigenous owned and operated restaurant in Vancouver."
"In this process, we create a worldview where everybody can look at us not as Indians, but as real human beings indigenous to North America with a new healthier consciousness."
"We as indigenous people sometimes internalize someone else's definition of not only what success is but how to get it."
"Sterling Harjo rejects television's tendency to situate native characters in the distant past."
"Virginia: originally home to many indigenous peoples."
"In reviewing the life of the sheep eaters, perhaps we disclose a deep longing as well as a need to rediscover our own balance with the natural world."
"It's just in the text literally of just like this is about the how Native Americans were murdered in this country like it right now it's not super complicated."
"The world needs healing, but don't forget about the indigenous people who have suffered."
"Even if a young indigenous girl has a loving family and support from the community, statistically she is at a higher risk for violence."
"We do need to become adept at some realization, some kind of a vision of the original country, not the uninhabited country but the country as it was before we European Americans and sometimes our black slaves came here to inhabit it."
"What a privilege to be out on Country learning the ways of the indigenous who have inhabited this land for thousands of years."
"We speak with a unified voice from all over the country both native and non-native together to protect sovereignty, preserve culture, educate youth, and build capacity."
"We offer scholarships, we offer undergrad and graduate scholarships for students who wish to obtain a degree and work to serve their tribal communities and Indian country as a whole."
"This collection has indigenous folks, poor white people, and enslaved Africans."
"Indigenous folklore is less silent on the matter, having at least one traditional story about an enormous fish which dwelled in a lake in Northern Ontario."
"Children hearing the sky woman story from birth know in their bones the responsibility that flows between humans and the earth."
"We are the people of the seventh fire who will begin to reweave the world."
"There's approximately 40 street gangs that operate throughout the city, they're largely Indigenous-led."
"My most recent endeavor, Project 562, is dedicated to photographing every indigenous nation in the United States."
"Never again will the buffalo range in such numbers and never again will tribes like the Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Arapaho roam with such freedom."
"Humans, you know, the indigenous people for example, who live close to the Earth, who don't have very much technology, even though they may struggle in many ways, there's a natural joyousness that's there."
"The Grand Canyon has been a home to Native Americans for centuries."
"In the 1700s, local Indians called the beast 'n'ha-a-itk' or 'Lake demon'."
"We acknowledge that indigenous peoples have had and continue to have a presence and deep connection with the lands."
"This is all Cherokee Nation territory over here where we're at, and at one time this was actually allotted Indian land."
"Native Americans, indigenous, whatever you want to call them, are some of the most marginalized people in this country."
"The area out here is home to the Gubby Gubby language people."
"The Comanche are a mighty people who have laid claim to the most valuable real estate on the plains."
"Reindeer sledding and feeding - what a Sami culture experience!"
"I did hear very directly from at least one of the elders that they're irritated that these objects are here and they don't belong here. They belong with them."
"The physical building of community was an integral part of indigenous life."
"My people have always had this medicine for thousands of years."
"The history of the boomerang in Australia goes back to a time long before the first Europeans were sent there."
"...the telomian is Malaysia's hidden gem, this breed native to the rainforest near the telum river has a history intertwined with the region's indigenous people."
"Nowhere can you really see the growing power of indigenous people more than in the election of Evo Morales, the president of Bolivia."
"Four indigenous Colombian children were found alive in the jungle after five weeks of being lost in the jungle after they were in a plane crash."
"They're still around. There are still plenty of indigenous and native people and Indian people still in North Carolina."
"In under 60 years, the local Aboriginal population was reduced to just 50 people."
"Linking Indians with Old Testament prophecy regarding the gathering and restoration of Israel, proponents of the ten tribe theory suggested that Native Americans might represent the last mission field before Jesus's return."
"Proponents of the ten tribe theory were attempting to rescue Native Americans from extinction."
"Going back to indigenous values, looking after country is actually understanding that we live in a very complex system."
"American soldiers and settlers faced American Indians and seemed from our perspective to have engaged in a terrible game of one-upsmanship."
"The indigenous people already knew how to have a good time."
"The result was constant conflict between Indians and white settlers."
"'It's an important step in making a change in the way we view and treat indigenous culture in this country.'"
"...the school was built on an ancient Native indigenous graveyard."
"Long before the region was colonized and settled by the British, the local Tama people had their own tales of something lurking in the water."
"The indigenous artwork is regarded as one of the finest collections in the world."
"Residential schools for indigenous children from the 1830s to 1996... the impact of that is huge today."
"In our modern age, a reservation is just a place where the tribe has sovereignty to run their own government and enforce their own laws."
"Helen Stewart owned a large piece of land near what would one day become Downtown Las Vegas, and she would go on to donate ten acres of that land to the local Paiute tribe."
"Among them are the Ainu: the long-bearded, free-spirited bear hunting animists of the isle of Hokkaido."
They call their traditional territory "Ainu Mosir", which means "a peaceful land where the Ainu dwell", while the word Ainu itself simply means ‘human’.
"The Ainu are an ancient people whose ancestors have inhabited the Hokkaido, the Kuril islands, and Kamchatka for millennia."
"I will never look at indigenous peoples the same way again. Thank you."
"Indigenous cultural safety education and training can be the bridge to close our gaps in our awareness around everything we should all be knowing and be talking about."
"Embark on a learning journey called indigenous cultural safety education and training."
"Members of the Navajo nations are all too familiar with the dangers posed by uranium mining because their tribal lands are littered with abandoned mines."
"...the San Francisco Peaks Are Holy to more than 13 indigenous Nations they are Central for our cultural survival."
"...we are all indigenous to this land to somewhere on our mother the Earth and so these impacts impact us all."
"Every indigenous people develops its own distinctive intellectual tradition."
"Indigenous peoples are the most capable of researching indigenous issues."
"The struggle for indigenous rights is ongoing."
"Indigenous knowledge systems should be defined and controlled by indigenous peoples."
"Take some simple pleasure in the celebration of what indigenous peoples achieve."
"Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination."
"when you look into the histories of many indigenous groups... they all have these stories, these myths, these Legends of their creation"
"We will talk about the First Alabamians, the indigenous peoples who occupied this region."
"The Mississippian peoples were the first Indians in the southeast to be contacted by the Europeans."
"I am an Indian, American Indian. I prefer 'American Indian' to 'Native American'."
"The Indians are doing most of the work themselves and the Indians are getting something positive out of this."
"...Christopher Columbus writes in his first journal entries that he's returning for a second trip because the native people told him that there were black men that came before him with spears that were tipped with gold."
"We're heading deep into the Amazon, beyond the cloud forest and into an unspoiled jungle to meet an indigenous tribe called the Actuar, the tribe of dreams."
"Cranberries are a crop that is only indigenous to North America."
"The poverty levels of the indigenous Wayuu community is heartbreaking to see."
"The biggest challenge is to stand in front of a room of young indigenous people and try to tell them that the pathways offered to you by Indian Affairs, the Army, Corporation XYZ, are not going to bring you any closer to being true as your ancestors would recognize you."
"Being an indigenous person, you can express it in any way you want so long as it doesn't threaten the basic premises of the liberal democratic society of Canada."
"Indigenous round is the time for rugby league to honor the importance of our indigenous culture."
"I'm indigenous woman to my land, what you would call a foundational black American."
"Aboriginal people die in custody and there's no accountability for that."
"Cochise was raised to believe in the spiritual world around his people."
"To be in a context so modern and yet to have the feeling that an indigenous energy is kind of rattling in the background is a suggestion of the strength of the indigenous."
"When I say indigenous, I simply mean something inside of us that is indelibly earth-based, a mirror of what nature is."
"Native Americans were considered wards of the federal government, so none of the tribes had a seat at the table."
"We would like to take a moment to recognize our presence on the traditional lands of many Indigenous peoples."
"Sand Talk is looking at the world from an indigenous perspective."
"Postmodernism is placeless... All indigenous knowledge is grounded strongly in place."
"How can you learn from indigenous communities to create a better future?"
"It's time to heal and to offer another way, another healthier lifestyle, another way of being indigenous in this life so that our children can grow up to be healthy and strong and vibrant."
"It's an opportunity to look at indigenous history, how much we know and don't know."
"It's important to start to bring indigenous languages into this country."
"We'll start by acknowledging the Wurundjeri people on whose land we are standing."
"These moments spent with the Chipayas make me realize how much they love living on these barren, windswept plains."
"We traditional Indigenous health practitioners attempt to take in the entire individual and his relationship with others, with nature, and with the world spirit."
"This is actually a good sampling of indigenous biology from our forest that we can establish in our cropland."
"He said that the tribes people call the Sasquatch the tree people."
"The positive connections between the indigenous peoples and the Kelly Larimer party were well documented."
"We're not gonna put this to waste; as indigenous people, we try not to waste anything."
"The indigenous history there is insane; it's amazing."
"Crater Lake is sacred to the Klamath tribe, Native Americans indigenous to the area."
"We'd like to acknowledge that the land we're meeting on today is the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary homeland of many indigenous nations."
"The Sami people are the indigenous people of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia."
"The Sami was recognized as an indigenous people in 1990, and Sami in Norway has special protection and rights."
"We believe we were looking to the seven generations of those unborn."
"We are the original inhabitants, the ancient people, of this land, what is now Wisconsin and Upper Michigan."
"We need to define wellness and success from Indigenous paradigms."
"Anything that we do to get us out of our poverty have to be First Nation-led and First Nation-driven."
"Reconciliation really means addressing the harms that have been perpetrated on Indigenous peoples by the systems in which we currently live and work."
"What it means to be haunted as an indigenous person."
"We, as Indigenous people, should all be together, holding each other and supporting each other."
"Brazil has the highest density of uncontacted people on earth."
"In many ways, art is the expression of indigenous people's relationship with the natural and spirit worlds."
"As indigenous people, we all wrestle with big questions and big ideas surrounding indigeneity."
"We were once friends with the whites, but you nudged us out of the way by your intrigues, and now when we are in counsel, you keep nudging each other. Why don't you talk straight and go straight, and let all be well?"
"This is the ancestral land of the Yah Nakota, which means people of the mountain."
"It's a boomerang. Boomerangs are very special to us; we've used them since olden times."
"We would like to acknowledge the what w darong people as the traditional owners and custodians of the land we on today and pay our respects to Elders past and present."
"We are still indigenous, we're still Taino."
"The vast expanse of land called Canada, which the Indigenous peoples referred to as part of Turtle Island, is the traditional homeland for the First Nation, Metis, and Inuit peoples."
"It's considered one of the great natural wonders of the world and is a deeply sacred place for Australia's indigenous Anangu people, one of the oldest civilizations on earth."
"These mountains are home to the indigenous people of Morocco known as Berbers."
"We are absolutely the heart and soul of an indigenous, truthful, honorable, sacred system."
"We're grateful to work on this land, we're grateful to be supporting the films of indigenous storytellers."
"How did the indigenous people in North America lose all their lands? It was Force of Arms."
"Archaeologists believe that indigenous people were using the Susquehanna River Valley as early as eleven thousand years before present."
"The indigenous population here claims descent from the Chanka people, who not only resisted the Spanish when they invaded, but the Incas before them."
"Sagrantino is one of the most interesting Italian indigenous grapes and today is also one of the most studied grapes of Italy."
"It makes use of this indigenous symbol that is so strongly associated with the Canadian north."
"For thousands of years, the area we now know as Toronto has been the traditional land of the Huron Wendat, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River."
"The frontier was ablaze and Kamiakin was a great chief, resisting the white invasion of traditional Indian territory."
"If this is Sac Balam, it is one of the last places where indigenous people could live freely in the Americas."
"The Wallabies indigenous jersey features 14 rings in the design, honoring the 14 indigenous stars who have represented Australia over the many decades."
"I give the Mohawk people the Six Nations territory all the respect that I could ever give them."
"I'm from the Mohawk nation, and that means that there are no borders within the region of the Mohawks."
"The indigenous guys have seen it all, they pick it up, it's extraordinary."
"We agreed with the Indigenous organizations to compensate to the tune of 20 billion dollars."
"We provide core curriculum in things like math, science, social studies, geography... we present it through Indigenous perspectives."
"The curriculum is greatly enhanced by local contributions by local Indigenous communities telling their own story about who they are."
"Indigenous people like the Macaw were stewards of American lands and resources for millennia."
"The ancestral tie between the land or mother nature and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were born there from, remain attached there too, and must one day return thither to be united with our ancestors."
"Living close to Nature as he did, the Indian had great respect for the forces of nature."
"Ishi's story is so powerful and so important for people to know."
"There's a lot of the history of Ishi we will never know; it'll always be a mystery."
"We call North America, Canada, Turtle Island."
"The discovery of oil also opened up vast tracts of Ecuador's Amazon basin to exploration, affecting both the rainforest and the local indigenous tribes."
"This area is sacred for the people indigenous to the land."
"We would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory of many nations including the Anishinabek and Huron-Wendat."
"This ancestral land on which we stand upon today is still home to many Indigenous people and we are so so grateful to have the opportunity to be here."
"This whole area was known to the Cayugas as the burials below the hills."