
Critical Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"The continuing with the hawkish pace that they've got right now will literally drive the stock market to zero."
"This is an absolute flat out time critical medical emergency."
"Whether it be the denials, the gaslighting, the gatekeeping, feeling that they're not themselves anymore, have these symptoms that are bothering them, that that's really driving them to kill themselves unfortunately."
"The single biggest component is something to do with racism."
"Corporate media is incompetent, I can't hear you establishment press, where are you?"
"I think sometimes they just leave out the meat. They just leave out the stuff that matters and handle the outside, the garnish."
"A pivotal moment: Washington's army needs assistance."
"If you start destroying the cells of the body, that's a very easy way to destroy the body."
"The reason why it exposes feminism for the fraud that it is."
"It's not comedy and it's beyond propaganda. It's actually hateful." - Unknown
"If your religion is not talking about that then your religion is nothing but trash."
"The 11th Circuit's ruling reads like a complete repudiation, both the legal reasoning behind Judge Cannon's order and some of Trump's more specious factual claims."
"Mass incarceration is one of the critical issues in this country."
"Wokeness and progressivism is just racism in disguise."
"Trust is a huge factor in this particular situation."
"I don't think you have anything else interesting to say."
"A plot with everything on the line is nothing but meaning."
"We literally have a problem with like consciousness as a collective in the United States of America."
"If work makes you miserable and what you're working on is pointless, I don't agree that creating jobs is always helpful."
"Fat [ __ ] needs to finish his book already."
"That is very important, you know, that is a problem."
"It gave me hope that these are the death throes of that entire grift."
"That feeling is the evidence. If it's serious enough, it could mean the difference between life and death."
"History will not be kind when future generations look back on this particular clip."
"Regardless of who is truly to blame for what or what anyone's opinion of the war is the fact at the end of the day is that this war continues to escalate and scope and brutality."
"Two plus two could equal chlamydia like there's no higher don't be Mathis that's Hollywood man."
"We're in some weird down is up and up is down time."
"Not everything has to be a right or left issue."
"Progressivism has become more dogmatic than the faith of someone like Jordan Peterson or myself."
"Love is something you can't go over, stealing okay, but a castle and boy, if it's just something doesn't look good."
"This is one of the worst that feels universally agreed is a bad move."
"It's impossible not to look at the problems that we face on a macro scale and not try to have somewhat of a more robust anti-capitalist critique because that's inevitably where the rabbit hole leads you."
"Elon is ironically the greatest advertisement for not using the company he wants to buy."
"To say that this book was unsettling and not good would be to say the least."
"There should be no romanticizing of slavery in America."
"You're gonna make a very important decision this month about your life."
"I have a strong opinion on this. If Marcus Rashford's third and Jordan Henderson is first for Player of the Year from the Football Writers, this is why I think a lot of the British press are not very good."
"A critical time for America, we're on the edge of a precipice."
"This is why I love that Catholic school did a lot of damage to you dude."
"Warrior meows, I don't know about this one. Is it dope? Yes, but is it Pokemon? I don't know."
"If Chuck offers to suck out the poison, this review is over."
"Believe what God is saying; your very life is dependent on it."
"Focus is the absolute critical requirement for success."
"Old [__] flabby tits Phil Mickelson, no way Phil Mickelson is his mother's Italian all right."
"They are the most important piece in the entire tower that if you pull that piece, it will come crumbling down."
"Seconds matter in that moment, and having a tourniquet on hand would be critical."
"Hand and arm signals are very critical and knowing what hand and arm signals should be in your element and what they mean."
"The paint could either Make It or Break It."
"A potentially life-saving difference."
"This is a very important life-saving piece."
"it's a Make It or Break It Right judgment"
"Maintaining a healthy weight is absolutely critical, especially as we start creeping north of 40."
"You're very critical. I'm here to set things right, but I don't understand how blase you are to the situation."
"Liberty ships are absolutely critical in keeping the allies in the war."
"Personalization becomes a very critical concept in all my thinking."
"I think the value of education in America, anywhere in the world, is critical."
"Intelligence absolutely critical to everything."
"Science is critical for our future."
"They made a dozen smaller changes but in critical areas."
"The freedom to be able to eat what you want is absolutely critical."
"Critical everyday heroes saving lives."
"Water is critical inside a nuclear reactor."
"The pelvis, a very critical part... for bipedal locomotion."
"The supply of ammunition, let alone food, to the troops that were on the high mountains and extremely bad weather in the islands on the last day was critical."
"Process is critical now more than ever."
"Creating that space in which to be creative is absolutely critical."
"Communications are always a critical part of any situation."
"I think this is the make or break step."
"We would say this person is in a critical condition."
"That's the beefy section where the rubber meets the road."
"While it's certainly done enough to be mentioned in the discussion, we unfortunately find ourselves in the role of Devil's Advocate."
"Anything below 92% and her organs could be starved of oxygen."
"Absolutely critically important for your safety."
"You've done everything you can do to succeed... Your preparation is going to be critical for you."
"Education is clearly critical. Clearly critical."
"If you do it, it really means the difference between life or death."
"Balance is always a critical, functional part of your life."
"Your personality will be critical to your survival."
"The power of God's people, the right people are such a critical difference maker in your life."
"Time is critical to God, it's critical to history, it's critical to the word of God."
"If you're buying a home, you should get a home inspection. That's critical."
"Pedro's sacrifice was really, really crucial and important."
"This could be the difference between winning and losing for Andretti."
"We're probably at the tipping point now."
"Ensuring that there's a track for Global cooperation on AI is critical."
"It's such a weird, different thing. It's perceived as like this happy-go-lucky endeavor, but to you, this is like make or break."
"Brooke here taking a shot. If she's successful, Brian, she will win the whole game. It is unbelievable stuff!"
"The main decision to be made in A&E is whether the patient needs to go straight to theater."
"A key goal in an important game like this."
"Easily the biggest rack in this year's Moscone Cup."
"The difference between a criminal being caught or escaping is often a matter of seconds."
"The opening drive of the second half is the most important of the ball game."
"That is a massive and much-needed play."
"He came up big when they needed it the most."
"It's for the times when literally millions of lives might hang in the balance."
"Your ability to maintain concentration now is really critical."
"I think it's important to do both of these things at the same time."
"Those were among the most critical days in American history."
"Raiders play their best football when your best football is required."
"Sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and totally insane. You can see how the world ended."
"Our specification is a really critical document which we have in our toolkit."
"Are you kidding me? This is for the game right here."
"Drawings are the most critical part of learning how to read a set of plans."
"Trust is critical in building rapport."
"The goal kicking in the end was the difference between the sides."
"It's entirely critical that you understand the context of anything."
"Critical listening skills is a must."
"This is a very, very pivotal moment right now."
"This is what increases survivability. This is what's going to make the biggest difference in the first one to three minutes."
"If you don't learn what I tell you in this last tip, it actually can make or break you."
"He needs a double and count to take his team in front. 10th Frame, incredible opportunity."
"This is a critical part of what makes American democracy work."
"Public health is important, it's critical."
"Sometimes that information can mean the difference between a fixable problem and disaster."
"Lil was at death's door, and we weren't even quite sure if she was gonna make it through that first surgery."
"It's whether the human race survives really, it's critical."
"The planet will survive whatever we do to it, it's whether the human race survives really, it's critical."
"That autopilot mode, man, that fraction of a second could make all the difference."
"This is very critical for public health focus on prevention."
"Key performance indicators are absolutely critical in how you gauge your performance."
"Reproducibility is mission-critical to researchers."
"Every presentation you're going to make is this is life or death, this is it."
"Homicide detectives fulfill some of the most critical roles in law enforcement."
"I think he can be a critical player in critical moments."
"This is a high pressure situation where one mistake can determine the game."
"A diving glove save on the short side by Grant Fuhr that may have been a game saver right there."
"This is the most important timeout we've had ever, like that could make or break this game."
"That's an important stroke moving into 18 where anything can happen."
"The role of women in terms of the provision of information, of intelligence, of shelter, of care, of arms, is absolutely critical."
"In a true prolonged grid-down situation, these 8 survival skills can make the difference between life and death."
"The usual story we're fed is deeply ahistorical and deeply apolitical; it ignores history and it ignores power relations in the global economy."
"One first down wins the game, this is it, this is everything."
"Botulism and tetanus are life-threatening neuroparalytic diseases."
"That's a critical shot, hits the fuel tank. Does it blow up? Boom, it blows up!"
"The game marks the first meeting ever between the Eagles and Chiefs, and it's a critical one for both teams."
"A wing will stall when it exceeds its critical angle of attack."
"It takes an unflinching look at the horror that has been forced on black bodies in the name of science."
"And of course, there will be some critical shots to be played in these last few matches."
"This is all or nothing at this stage."
"We're playing for our entire season; it's two games that we cannot afford to lose."
"This interaction with Eve and the serpent is extremely important, very critical, and Eve is a powerful figure."
"It's really critical to start your book in the right place."
"We are at a critical juncture, but it is one where we believe that diplomacy must prevail."
"This is like the do or die moment; if this goes well, we're in for a good chance."
"The first three minutes of a hard conversation will determine the outcome."
"You know I would say Rich was behind on points, but he hit his spot when it mattered."
"This is a critical moment for us as a species."
"It's money time, he doesn't want to go home."
"We need to set a new definition, and that is that hacking is critical."
"Seconds can count. What you do in those first few seconds and minutes can make the difference between life and death."
"It's extremely critical for America to focus on helping the underprivileged."
"He probably wouldn't have made it if you hadn't done that."
"It's a critical part of the race."
"Is everything beautiful with eBay? No, absolutely not. Will it ever be perfect? Absolutely not. But is it the best platform for the type of items that I personally sell? Yes."
"She's so clutch in the postseason."
"If there had been five millimeters closer to your spine, there'd be no point in having this conversation."
"It's a critical moment for the survival of humanity."
"Three holes remaining and the margin is four, and the next shot she plays is quite possibly the only one that could rob a victory."
"What a landing, could that be the difference?"
"A prolonged asthma attack that is unrelieved may progress into a condition known as status asthmaticus, and this is a true emergency."
"Error handling is a critical aspect of all web applications."
"This is a do or die match for us."
"Information is critical when you're buying any car."
"The fate of the world literally depended on it."
"You need the confidence when you're in a sudden death game like this."
"He's absolutely clutch in big moments."
"Air traffic control deals with well, life and death."
"You've reached a critical point in your life."
"Without the surgery, she may not make it through this year. It really is going to be a lifesaver for her."
"Defensive performance when it matters most."
"One goal guarantees survival, one goal."
"If you can't get those right, nothing else matters."
"Bleeding the cooling system is an absolutely critical step when it comes to rebuilding these motors."
"It's the definition of clutch pitching."
"A crucial moment answering the call."
"Every single day is critical; we have to make up for lost time."
"It's really seriously neck-and-neck, this is the critical part of the service right now, it's anyone's game."
"These are the critical things that people really need to do, either people are screwing it up a lot and it's really hurting us, or when people do this better, we will really advance towards solving our problems."
"It's the most important part of our season."
"It probably literally just saved my life."
"It's kind of like the heart of your scooter, you know, a real critical component."
"The way I think about it is there's only a handful of things on an annual basis, maybe three to five, that are critical to drive my goals and dreams forward."
"Teamwork is critical in each and every role that we hold here... if it's not there at the end of the day, things will just fall apart."
"They didn't have days to wait; they may not even have minutes."
"Who can keep their wits about them when they need it most."
"Moments, seconds, they save lives."
"May well turn out to be the most decisive shot we will see today."
"I gained a new appreciation for why they call power and other services critical infrastructure."
"It's really important that we make sure we get this right."
"Do or die moment for the three-time champ."
"Critical thinking is typically the biggest thing that we failed to do."
"It's a scathing commentary on life, pop culture, society as a whole."
"The leash is shortening, and 2024 will truly be a 'Now or Never' year."
"Note-taking is absolutely critical in mathematics."
"In a very good way at this very critical time, where they need the most help and the most love from their community."
"Crunch time is an important or critical time when a decisive or difficult decision has to be made."
"The most important thing is that we're going to be able to learn by critically analyzing what he does."
"Incredible intercept there, really crucial for them."
"Maintaining an adequate blood pressure is absolutely critical."
"DSi keeps you in control; this is the most vulnerable moment in the patient's hospital course, their lives are in your hands."