
Financial Constraints Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Yes, yes we can. So um, question: what if you can't pay the lawyer? The lawyer can make a motion to remove themselves from the case."
"Tomorrow would be Christmas day, and she had only $1.87 cents with which to buy Jim a present."
"Nowadays the thing that's hampering beautiful graphically appealing games is not the hardware it's just pure budget."
"No money, no politic, a Terabithia no solution."
"They suspended construction for something and money's the most likely reason."
"Over the years I found myself in a deadly and inflexible cycle, entrapped in working just to afford to keep working."
"The January transfer window is going to be like no other... Deals can still be done cheaply but clubs aren't gonna have a lot of money to spend."
"What you just said that I think really really stands out when you said, 'Look, man, I don't have any money for it. Can you do this?' He's like, 'No problem.' And that, if there's one thing, Nelson, that drives me crazy, and it really does."
"A massive thing is going to be to have a big squad... teams that are that have less money."
"It's tough because we can only afford one army."
"Not everyone can afford to pour that kind of money into equipment like that."
"It's a complete bag for the vast majority of people, that's impossible."
"We're kind of running out of opportunities here because we have too many opportunities but not enough cash."
"I couldn't afford to enter a dispute against the legal machine."
"There's nothing more frustrating to a veterinarian than diagnosing a very manageable condition and being unable to proceed simply due to cost."
"The only limiting factor here is how much interested money exists."
"The West Coast is also home to a burger so good that people literally travel from all over the world just to smell it."
"The injuries have definitely changed arsenal's transfer strategy and they now can't spend as much money on a wide forward if they're gonna sign one."
"Beautiful indie games that are subtle, that are poetic almost, you know, it's limitless—it's only limited by the bastards with the money."
"Love you guys and plan to stick around even if I can't afford to actually sub myself."
"We need a standout midfielder this summer, and if we don't get to do that because we don't have enough money, I'm going to be frustrated."
"Growing up, I had a lot of the same style, to be honest with you. I didn't have the money to buy what I wanted, but when I did get to go to the store and pick stuff out, I was shopping in places that didn't have things that really fit my body."
"Your thirst or your hunger to buy a player can be ravenous but it doesn't mean you get them if the fee is unachievable."
"Wouldn't it be cool if you didn't have to choose between eating and playing?"
"If we can't afford to get another attacking midfielder, you have to keep Lingard."
"The game is going to be free and we have no budget."
"I wanted to go to college... we can't send you to college."
"I couldn't run anything because I didn't have an ID or money."
"It's amazing what fanaticism can do when you don't have money."
"You don't have any spending money, it's crazy."
"Anyway, he doesn't have a lot of money to spend."
"When it comes to Big Dreams, sometimes what you need is time and money, and if you don't have a lot of the latter, then you definitely need a lot of the former."
"It might just be money. They can't afford it."
"...we must factor that into our budget so we are going for a lower budget than last time because we need to factor in my very high student loan payments."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video like the video and subscribe if you did if you want me to do more Tryon hauls well you'll have to wait until I have more money saved up to do so"
"How many hopes, dreams, goals, aspirations have been put on hold or cast aside entirely simply because of the need to make ends meet?"
"I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to the world fair this year. I haven't made nearly enough money to make it possible. Anyway, I'm completely on my own out here and where I to leave, my business would disappear completely."
"How many couples dysfunctional toxic couples who should have broken up years ago are still together just because they can't afford to live on their own?"
"If it hadn't been for his debt and financial constraints he would have never agreed to such offers that disturb his peace as a commoner."
"Money is always going to be tight, and when it comes to suing, it can get pretty expensive."
"I was basically helped him promote the shows too you know because I didn't I never had money to pay to go to wrestling school so I worked it off that way."
"I cannot afford mascara right now, so I know what it means to live on a budget."
"Weddings are a budget with nothing to spare."
"Kelly shrieked, 'We're at the stores!' 'That's right. But we can't buy anything because I haven't much money left. But we can go to the house.'"
"I know you're a nice guy and all, but listen, we all have budgets. There's some things that are budget, yeah, that's true."
"I've been living in New York City The Last Five Years and love it. I can get by easily with no car and can walk and bike almost anywhere, but it's tough to be a car Enthusiast unless you're very wealthy."
"Don't let anyone else's journey demotivate you or don't let the financial factor not let you dream big."
"You give with the right heart, even if you don't have the money."
"I wish I could have done this sooner, finances didn't allow me to do this sooner but I am so relieved to be in here."
"If you don't have the financial means to tackle a violation of your copyright laws, what good are the copyright laws to you?"
"Financial and economic reasons were why he didn't become a star in football."
"Getting married is becoming a luxury that many middle class households can no longer afford."
"I don't care if money's tight, I'm getting that kid like four piece nuggets."
"We've got champagne ideas with coca-cola pockets."
"It's not that way because I don't have the money to make the change, I just... I haven't had the desire."
"Not everybody can just drop that money... for everybody it's a different situation and some people just can't afford that money."
"You can change things even if you feel like you're boxed in with money concerns and time restrictions."
"I was a kid once; I didn't have any money to buy scooter parts, so budget-friendly parts were huge for me."
"I'm not made of money; I'm a college student."
"When you have no money... you can be quite inventive."
"I'd like a PS5, but my folks can't afford one," he added.