
Christian Hope Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Hope, Christian hope is the thing we need... not false optimism."
"One day Jesus will say, 'No more sorrow, no more death.'"
"We will cry out one day as we see Christ coming in the clouds of glory, 'Lo, this is our God. We have waited for him.'"
"The new Heaven and the new Earth... there will no longer be any mourning or crying or pain; the first things have passed away."
"Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the faith of Christ. Henceforth, says the Spirit, they may rest from their labors, for they take with them the record of their deeds."
"Our ultimate hope as Christians is not on whether the United States of America turns back to its origins, but on the soon appearing of Jesus Christ to rescue us out of this world."
"He died for us, but he was raised by God. If Christ is alive, there is hope in the world."
"Christianity turned on its head because Christianity is a faith of Hope."
"Our hope, the hope of the believer, is in an inheritance that will not fade away."
"The Bible says, 'He who has this hope in Him purifies himself.' The hope of Jesus' return motivates us to live for Him."
"Our hope alone is in what Jesus Christ has done for us."
"Christians will go up in the rapture...expectancy generates in your heart."
"Because of Jesus, we too can be raised to new life."
"When the role is called up yonder, I don't mind you calling the role down here."
"Your citizenship is in heaven and we are expecting a savior from there to come here and transform everything."
"Jesus is promising...I will come again and receive you to myself."
"Our hope is the rapture, that's what the rapture is called, it's called our blessed hope."
"Jesus is coming and that's our only hope amen."
"That is the blessed hope, that's the blessed hope for us for believing the gospel of Christ."
"If God does not keep his promises to Israel, the Christian has no hope."
"In the face of the risen lamb Jesus, God's holy begotten son, there will always be hope found as long as the love for the lamb is found, even if it is found only in one person."
"Our hope, our encouragement, is in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"We have the real hope in the end and that hope is Jesus."
"Every challenge, every difficulty, every trial will soon be over—cling to the promise of Jesus' soon return."
"Let us watch, looking for that blessed hope."
"I am allowed to have my opinion, I'm allowed to do my nails, and I'm allowed to do my hair. I'll do what I want."
"The blessed hope of the second coming." - "The blessed hope of the second coming."
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace."
"Let's love one another as we wait for our blessed hope."
"Our blessed hope is meeting our groom in the air. Let's encourage each other with that, putting our eyes on Jesus."
"One day, Jesus will come, and He will make everything right."
"The Christian hope isn't that we'll live forever in heaven. The Christian hope is that we'll live forever in resurrected bodies in a resurrected City on a resurrected Earth with a resurrected Lord and resurrected Saints."
"The Christian future hope is unique because it's personal, certain, and unimaginably wonderful."
"We will be like him only when we see him when he comes."
"The focus of eschatology is on Christ and our hope is to with him amen that's good amen."
"We have a hope in the raw Christ Jesus."
"The foundational knowledge to understand why we're sinners, why God's Son stepped into history to die on a cross, be raised from the dead—the power of the gospel, and one day there's going to be a new heavens and a new earth to come—the hope of the gospel."
"Jesus may come today, glad day, glad day."
"Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Maranatha."
"We are not just filling pews, we one day are gonna fill heaven because Jesus died for us."
"We're excited because we know Jesus is coming soon."
"Christ in me, that is my hope of glory."
"Our hope, our wish, our desire, our strong earnestness ought to be that the people of God would understand more of God's grace, His unmerited favor, more of His mercy, His pity toward us."
"This world is not our home; our ultimate home is with Jesus Christ in the new Heaven and new Earth."
"We are going in a direction toward a new and better country, and we meanwhile are waiting eagerly for our inheritance to be given us in its fullness."
"We're going to a city where roses do not fade."
"I've been watching, and I've been waiting. Just any day now, His face I'll see."
"He's coming back again for me. How I thank Him that He took me out of hell and brought me into the kingdom of God."
"He hath made us able to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light."
"Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness."
"We do not sorrow and grieve as those who have no hope because we believe that Jesus died and rose again."
"There is one body, one spirit, just as you were also called with one hope of your calling."
"We shall be like Him; we do not know what we will be like when He appears, but we know we'll be like Him."
"We'll go in the air to meet Him and to be with Him and to fellowship together forever."
"He loved me, dying He saved me; justified freely forever, someday He's coming, oh glorious day."
"We await the blessed hope and the coming of Our Savior, Jesus Christ."
"Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ."
"This is our God, this is our Gospel, this is our Hope."
"We eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ."
"After the cross, Jesus rose, and so will I."
"Because He lives, we will live who belong to Him."
"Jesus Christ is your only hope; the only hope for sinners is the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure."
"Better than a title to the noblest palace on earth is a title to the mansions our Lord has gone to prepare." - The Desire of Ages, page 638, 1898
"We know that when Christ appears we shall be like Him."
"If this is the hope you really have, you will purify yourself just as He is pure."
"Our hope is based on the Resurrection. The Resurrection is our initial taste of Eternity."
"The hope of the world is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
"Come Lord Jesus, the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen."