
Ephemerality Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"That means we are ephemeral; we're not going to last forever. But it also means we are interesting."
"We are just one person that more people have clicked follow on, that's it, that can be gone in an instant."
"Our life is but a vapor, only lasts one second and then it's over."
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."
"The internet has a memory of a goldfish. Everything is 15 minutes of fame."
"This is news today and it's chip paper tomorrow."
"Beauty and innocence are by their nature fragile and short-lived."
"Most people make content that's jumping on a trend for that week, and it's kind of dead after that week."
"All those moments will be lost like tears in rain."
"Ephemerality gives you the luxury of taking on greater risks since the costs of doing so are cheap."
"Butterflies are beautiful. They only live a day, and they live a good day."
"Some volume types are backed by ephemeral storage like emptyDir, configMap, and secrets, and these volumes do not persist after the pod ceases to exist."
"It's the opposite of the Snapchats of the world, so to speak, in the sense that it's the opposite of the thing that is ephemeral; it's a thing that's for all time."
"His life was a party, and parties aren't meant to last."
"Memes have become so powerful and so short-lived that their endurance is now measured in negative time."
"I want the fragility, I want the idea of precarity and ephemerality and entropy to be right on the surface when you look at it."
"You will be forgotten like yesterday's newspaper after today."
"Just remember that we can record as many memories as we want, but when we're gone, we're [gone]."
"Your anger is like a violent flame. It burns hot and bright, but not for long."
"Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die."
"The internet is forever, but what if it wasn't?"
"Life is a short warm moment, and death is a long cold rest."
"Humor has the shortest shelf life."
"For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."
"Songs are like clouds, they're out there, floating around."
"Take fidget spinners for example, they quite literally blew up overnight and sold millions if not billions of units within a couple months and then nobody ever heard about them ever again."
"Promises are written on the water."
"The forward-moving and progress-oriented nature of fashion is governed by novelty, ephemerality, and obsolescence."
"Once it's there, it's fairly lightweight and it disappears."
"The Evanescence of time reminds us that here we have no continuing city; we are ephemeral beings radically dependent on the God who sustains us moment by moment out of his sheer favor and love."
"The beauty of life is defined by its ephemerality."
"Gossip is like the wind; it will pass and disappear without a trace."
"Many of the materials that these artists use are going to be, by their very natural nature, ephemeral."
"We're all gonna die. So it's like our attempt of just like grasping something that's so ephemeral, especially the things that are important to us."
"The singularity of life is not here, it's there in a flash and each moment is a flash."
"Out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow."
"When it comes to projection, that can be oftentimes even more fleeting than performance in terms of longevity."
"This is the kingdom of the fading apparition."
"Life is like a soap bubble, it will pop."
"Famous fleeting, it often never comes at all."
"Most secrets have very short lives, and the more valuable they are, the more limited is their life."
"Punk rock is meant to be played live, as in it's meant to be experienced in person in the moment in its violent splendor and then disappear."
"The ephemeral nature of the experience, the fact that this doesn't last, that we do bring it out here and then we take it all away."
"We're like a vapor; we're here for a little while and then we're gone."
"I've watched them come, I've watched them get a million followers, and I've watched them vanish."
"Fame is fleeting, fear is forever."
"Your life is even as a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away."
"The Twitter fame ends, starts, and dies on Twitter."
"There is a special feeling with anything that you get new; it lasts for a second and then it dies out."
"Life is a mist; it's here one second and gone the next."
"Beauty is transitory; that beauty can only be grasped for a second and it can only last in painting."