
Ideation Quotes

There are 369 quotes

"It hits something in me that I love to see, which is that creative journey and the birth of an idea and an evolution of an idea."
"It's the power of the idea that's so critical."
"You are the product of your own mind, you are the product of the ideas that you wanna put into this world."
"Now I'm just always thinking of new ideas. I'll wake up in the middle of the night, I'll think of something, I write it down. I don't know, my mind just never stops. It's literally 24/7."
"Your practical creative energy, a good idea machine."
"I get the most work done when I'm not working, because imagine this: why do we have all these brilliant ideas in the shower or when we're driving?"
"I mean, any great product, right, it always starts with the concept, the idea, the spur, the moment, the firework, the light bulb moment."
"Everything starts out as an idea, all the actions that occur around you today begin as an idea."
"It becomes this sort of like cauldron where ideas keep bubbling up because you're all like making each other say yes."
"The best ideas often come when you're relaxed."
"When you write down your ideas, you automatically focus your full attention on them."
"I'm in the dreaming phase here...stay positive on this."
"There are no perfect answers, only ideas that are well developed and ideas that are poorly developed."
"Ideation without execution is utter delusion."
"Ideation without execution is just a delusion."
"They generate simple ideas that directly answer the question."
"Provoke ideas. Don't wait for them to happen."
"Prosperity is not wholly a matter of capital or environment but a condition brought about by certain ideas."
"Beautiful ideas float through the universe in pathways of light, waiting for the perfect moment to be born."
"The best thing is that having to constantly come up with new and unique ideas."
"Knowledge is power after all, creating something out of rural concept is much more difficult than passing the idea on."
"Every institution in this country started off as somebody's idea."
"If you're ever stuck for ideas, start being into more things."
"I want to incorporate that somehow. I'm keeping that."
"When an idea just pops into your mind? It felt like different ideas I'd had came together and formed a clear concept."
"Ideas spread and if it's a proper idea and a good idea it can't be stopped."
"Imagination is the workshop wherein we fashion the purposes of our brain and the ideas of our soul."
"I'm a dreamer; I can come up with a bunch of ideas."
"Ideas in equal ideas out... the more quality ideas you put into your mind... the more value you'll be able to offer the world."
"Throw all the ideas on and then edit later on."
"Thought experimentation is essential for the production of ideas."
"Capture ideas in the void. Every idea is crucial and leads to something."
"Toriyama is known to be forgetful... if I don't forget stuff new ideas won't come to my mind."
"It's more about the idea than it is about it being perfect."
"Your plan isn't marked, your plan is there for you to get ideas down as quickly as possible."
"Your ideas are waves, materializing into particles."
"No matter how many times it takes, there's no point in sitting around thinking about your ideas."
"But sometimes when you wing stuff you get the best ideas."
"I feel so absurdly lucky to be part of a creative process where, you know, on one day, on Tuesday, there's no idea."
"There's so many ideas." - Overflowing creativity in brainstorming sessions.
"Some of the best ideas come when a person's showering."
"You are going to be able to present not just one idea, but multiple ideas."
"You get interested, fascinated, absorbed in your ideal. It begins to gel in your minds."
"Many people talk about the loneliness of the creative process... be alone that is when ideas are born."
"Ideas happen when our minds wander and we go, 'I think they could do that.' That's called innovation."
"How easy it was for us to come up with those things."
"Things are changing, things are shifting. You're coming up with new ideas."
"Ideas change the world, ideas change the way that we know ourselves, and whom it is that we know ourselves to be."
"I now kind of want to get into the idea that Feige really likes to plant ideas."
"It's not the object you use, but it's the idea that you have."
"You're getting big ideas, seriously big ideas."
"Extroverted intuition is taking an idea and bringing it to life externally."
"Good ideas are oftentimes born from bad ideas."
"They are so creative, they're always full of ideas."
"My mind is so creative, I just need to get stuff out."
"I found that it's more likely for a good technology idea to pop into my head when I'm relaxing with a clear mind."
"I love the blank piece of paper exercise because it's based on Neuroscience."
"Always start with the core idea behind the concept and this will set the tone."
"I've had a lot of really really good ideas over the years."
"I take my time with it, you know, developing the concept, revisit it, sit with it a little bit, let it just, you know, marinate in my brain."
"Thinking of ideas is the most important part these days."
"I am a magnet for brilliant ideas."
"Do I have a project yet or do I just have a bunch of pictures? Do I have an idea that is too big to fit into a single photograph? If yes, then I have the start of a project."
"I really love using Milanote to work through my thought process and really figure out what I want to do."
"We are so creative right ideation is one of our greatest strengths so let's use it."
"I find it really helpful to write out ideas and write out my thought process because it helps me think of new ideas, find new ideas, or figure things out. I find it really helpful."
"It's so beneficial to at least just write down that idea and then come back to it later."
"It's the quietness where the best ideas come from."
"I think it's important to show like online to people that you don't have to have an idea and immediately execute on it and like get it done, sometimes it's nice to just be able to like let it stew and just like mhm like roam around in your head and just think about it."
"One of the easiest ways to be original is just to double or triple the number of ideas that you generate because originality depends on variety and the best way to get to variety is sheer volume."
"Initial ideas can help spark new ideas."
"Getting started will usually help the design ideas come."
"We were sampling ideas with our minds."
"I definitely would want to do a good two days of research and then stuff would just start coming out of me and I'd be like what about this what about this what about this."
"How can you really think that? These ideas come into my head just like all of my other ideas. I have no choice but to believe them."
"You want that. You want to create this corpus of ideas that are well-thought-out and select the best ones."
"You're someone who gives birth to a lot of great ideas."
"I typically take a piece of paper, fold it in half, and start drawing and writing. When an idea comes, you write it down quick because you're going to forget it."
"One thing has led to another, and again, having a good idea is one thing, having a good idea and executing on it, right? Which is your music."
"It's important if you create something to have some room to get ideas rolling."
"Why do I come up with this stuff in my head? Why do I think these are good ideas?"
"I had an idea while I was on the plane."
"Boredom seems like the least creative feeling, but it's actually a way of clearing space for a new idea to spring back up."
"I can feel the ideas rumbling through your head."
"Everyone knows about catching ideas. You can just catch more."
"Model the ones that have been successful and you will have basically infinite list of ideas that you can work with."
"I like to do a lot of stuff and just catch ideas constantly."
"...I've got a million ideas all the time."
"I also started to come up with and develop ideas in my spare time."
"Another wave of ideas will come and then we have to refine."
"It's always good to go home to your wife and run these great ideas you have."
"It is the happy marriage of two elements impulse and ideation which if holy divorced would reduce man to a brute or a maniac."
"Quite often I spend a lot of time doing what I call broad strokes... I'm not trying to succeed at anything, I'm really simply trying to get the idea in my head out."
"Just get everything out on paper, even if it's fragments, if it's a run-on sentence, just get the ideas out."
"I like to personally whenever i'm trying to figure out anything creative just brain dump creative ideas onto paper."
"Exploration of ideas guys, that's what this is. This is slightly more refined spitballing."
"The best ideas arise most often and easily through this relaxed state."
"You have ideas that are new ideas that are forming and forming and forming. That’s part of the process. Keep digging. Keep reading. It will happen."
"No one knows what the gestation period is for an idea; we only know we can shorten it through concentration, through focus."
"Sometimes it's more important to just get the idea out so that you have something like some scaffolding to build off of than it is to try and get it perfect before you have anything recorded, you know what I mean?"
"The idea here is to just focus on letting your ideas flow, making sure that you don't worry about whether you can execute it, just do the best thumbnail you can and allow your mind to wander."
"I've actually gotten to where I enjoy conceiving things more than I do giving birth to it."
"Your brain never shut off and so, like, for three, four, five weeks, I just have been writing ideas. Dude, my... No, I'll have to show you my notes folder. It's nuts."
"I should probably try and come up with some ideas now."
"In just a few seconds, you can go from a nugget of an idea in your head to looking at a fully realized image on your computer."
"Another way to use this for research and ideation is to ask for ideas about projects you're working on or problems you're trying to solve."
"A radical idea is starting to take shape in his mind."
"From one idea, you get so many others."
"...walking for an hour gives you uninterrupted time to think where all you have to do is look back on all those ideas you collected in your quick capture system and figure out which ones have potential."
"One of the most important parts of music production is generating the ideas."
"I come to you with the stuff, I just have, I come up with an idea."
"If there's one or two or ten inside of there, then start creating them as well."
"...what else could you make for a pet that people would buy you've got this so just think about it and whenever you come up with your idea make it happen."
"This did spark an idea for me and I thought you know I just want to use that spark of inspiration."
"Even bad ideas can help shape the discussion about what's possible."
"How do you come up with new ideas?"
"you just literally have to do it and a lot of people sit around and wait for the the perfect idea don't wait for a perfect idea wait for a good idea"
"Mind mapping will help you generate great ideas and organize those great ideas."
"Once you have ideas at the heart of the model, you start to open up and start thinking about a lot of new things."
"I just can't stop thinking of ideas."
"Ideation without execution is delusion."
"When you say a light bulb went on in my head or a light bulb went off in my head, it simply means you had an idea or you suddenly solved a problem you were thinking about."
"The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas."
"I think I'll just be in here, kind of brainstorming ideas."
"Doing this is like coming up with ideas is part of who you are."
"You have to have 20 ideas for two of them to work."
"The magic of coming up with ideas and sitting in a room, just the fun, that's the best thing in the world."
"The fall of a great teacher or prophet is the beginning of the rise of his ideas."
"Sometimes you just need to be bored and just have ideas."
"Some of the best ideas we have is when the mind is relaxed, when we do other activities."
"I have lots of questions and big ideas."
"We need bad ideas to get to great ideas."
"...he would wake up and like remember all that was just going through his head and be like oh okay, okay okay that's him and this and and he would like sketch it or write it down or whatever."
"It's way easier to expand an idea than it is to condense an idea."
"We can take your idea and have initial designer go over and sketch stuff and just start drawings, ideas, and how it should look and how it should function."
"This literally started as an idea, I kid you not, 72 hours ago."
"It's really super flexible, so if there's something in your head, you can more than likely get it onto this."
"Writing is not an output medium; for me, writing is the way that you develop the ideas in the first place."
"My creative process is just being able to come up with things on the fly."
"We could spend an hour and just come up with a whole list of things."
"It usually starts with a notebook. I like to write all my ideas down."
"Train yourself to think this way and you'll never run out of ideas."
"I have to have a pencil in my hand in order to have an idea."
"The sketch stage is the most important to get your idea out of your head."
"Creativity is... the ability to generate new ideas by combining, connecting, and reapplying existing ideas."
"Ideas are just a combination of all elements and start combining them in different ways."
"The only thing that I owe the world is the ideas in my head."
"You have to get into that judgment-free space so you can get all of your ideas out there."
"In moments of light-hearted concentration, children come up with ideas related to the current project or ideas for new projects."
"Avoid judging your ideas too harshly in the early stages."
"The ideation part is really how creative you are and that's one of the key things you are doing as a product manager."
"I just kind of come up with the ideas in my head."
"One of my habits is to write down almost every idea that I have."
"Ideas are very important to me. I think that bringing ideas into the world is one of the most important things that people do."
"You're like a good idea machine right now."
"Don't beat yourself up if you can't come up with a lot of ideas."
"I've never really had a problem with coming up with ideas."
"Great idea helps a lot, particularly when you're trying to come up with ideas when you're first starting."
"The job of the creative person is constantly to seek the combination and the recombination of disparate ideas, impressions, and concepts."
"It's a great place to bring ideas to life."
"The brainstorming is the priceless thing for me."
"I sit here before you with an idea, a concept."
"Ideas are only the beginning, but it doesn't make any sense if we can't make these ideas a reality."
"It's not so much about looking at this stuff and copying it... it's like taking little ideas and allowing that to kind of make you think of different ideas for yourself."
"You need to create edges in your ideas that's what's going to trigger your thinking."
"I think that's pretty cool when you just come up with an idea."
"Being forced to dream up new ideas is part of the benefit of the class."
"This is how actually ideas are born, that I just sit down and start to play with things."
"Ideas that generate information and not information that generates ideas."
"Once the ideation realizes there is no root left in the body, it will begin to spontaneously disassemble."
"God creates things on the basis of the eternal ideas of the things that are present in him in his divine essence."
"All I really want to do is get the ideas out of my head and into the physical world."
"Everything we create in the world comes from our mind first; we think it, we see it, think it, and then we create it."
"It's pretty crazy, we were just walking around and thought of the idea randomly."
"Any intuition of something individual can be transmuted into eidetic seeing or ideation."
"If you can make people feel more at home, even through silly things like stickers or emoji reactions, that's a really important part of the ideation process."
"What's the idea and what are the benefits that we think, the what and the why."
"Anything's a thought in someone's head before it happens."
"No idea is a bad idea, right? Because any idea can be transformed into a great idea."
"I can't remember how I thought of the idea or if it was suggested to me, but either way, I thought it sounded like fun."
"It's really fun to see an idea in my head start coming together in reality."
"A lot of good can happen, and like the ideas that you have, think of a sketch as a rough draft."
"Brainstorming is writing, deleting is writing, rewriting is writing, daydreaming is writing."
"In the act of creating our body, we will gain new ideas, we will let go of old ideas."
"Ideas arise in dynamic interaction with the world of which we're part."
"You need to be a creator of ideas, not a creator of the perfect art."
"The best ideas come from literally laughing."
"It all starts with just an idea in your mind, and you can take as much time as you need to get as clear as you can possibly get."
"I just thought of a new short film idea."
"Not all ideas are spotted; some are created or born, but that doesn't do it justice because the truth is many amazing ideas started many years before any of us ever find out about them."
"Inspiration instantly brings ideas to life."
"Ideas don't change the world; it's the world that produces ideas."
"Ideas don't matter; there's a materiality playing through us."
"Having an idea is sometimes half the battle."
"This is the vault for capturing our own ideas and our own thoughts and our own inspirations."
"Instead of having a concept and finding reference images that best fit that idea, this is taking reference images and creating an idea based off of those."
"Getting his ideas into other people's heads and making the world a better place."
"It allows me to quickly iterate some ideas and get things I maybe wouldn't think of on my own."
"There's no such thing as a bad idea when you're sketching."
"I think this is a great place to start making really great ideas."