
Bullish Outlook Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"China is where I'm most bullish on risk assets."
"There's more upside right now in being bullish."
"If you thought March was gonna be bearish and not bullish, got another story to tell because it is going to be an absolutely massive month for Bitcoin."
"The most bullish case for XRP by the end of the year, I think $30."
"As long as we maintain ourselves above that level, we could still be in a bull market."
"Now my reason for owning Google stock aside from the fact that they pay me a lot of money as a YouTube creator, is the fact that I am very bullish on the digital advertising space."
"During one of the most fundamentally bullish times for bitcoin and for cryptocurrency as a whole, I don't think now is the time to be bearish."
"I do remain long-term bullish on this one... especially as long as you're above like 73 dollars."
"If you're a bull you just want to see this thing going up and if it's going up the Market's going up."
"The VIX in the dollar index the 10-year yield all down at least today and that is bullish for equities."
"I will remain bullish on bitcoin literally forever."
"I'm very bullish...on gold, silver, and these stocks."
"The next 10 years to be bullish for commodities but what about equities?"
"I don't think anything has changed from the bull market. I don't think anything has changed from saying we should be in an uptrend right now."
"I'm super bullish on that space and I think SHIB should be too."
"I'm bullish on Japan. Look, I think there's a secular story there that investors are not paying attention to."
"Fundamentals growing, price action growing, on-chain says we're nowhere near the top. Where's Bitcoin going? Six figures, that's my opinion."
"Gold, all time frames looking quite bullish..."
"Crypto gaming go against the trend which is absolutely bullish for the future."
"The next 12 weeks will be extremely bullish... at least."
"It's definitely the odds are way more bullish than they are bearish."
"This is the perfect time to get into the ecosystem. I'm gonna talk about exactly which coins those are and which ones I'm the most bullish on."
"So in the short run bitcoin technically speaking looks to be bullish looks to be turning the corner from being bearish to bullish."
"This is a massive green flag for NFTs because it's going to allow for more adoption, I think it strengthens every other NFT marketplace on the ecosystem especially decentralized ones, it makes me very, very, very bullish."
"The reality is that I'm looking for the potential for this next year or so to be incredibly bullish for the alts."
"This asset is being widely adopted despite the market conditions and I know people are rattled but it's still going up."
"Not financial advice just financial opinion and that is what is going on with bitcoin and why I'm feeling pretty bullish right now."
"All season hasn't even begun yet. As it begins here, it's gonna be face melting rip raw to the upside in my opinion."
"The most bullish scenario that I could imagine, that's realistic, is to go up around 50k or so and to ultimately come back down and hold the bull market support band as support."
"Getting above that dollar 35 mark and range for XRP price is really going to set us up for a very very bullish position."
"But um, that's bullish guys. Like you've seen the three-hour video, most likely you understand it's one of the most fundamentally sound cryptos."
"That slaps, why is this not in every McDonald's?"
"I to me everything that we've heard thus far is still bullish."
"I am still super bullish, all XRP is doing is going through a wave pullback."
"Bears might lose the battle, but the bulls will win the war."
"This asset class is a sure thing... But hang around till the very end I'll tell you why I still remain very bullish on Bitcoin."
"Anything above $85 long-term macro bullish, very likely trades $175 and $250."
"I'm enormously bullish on the trend line of where we're heading."
"It's the symmetry of the market cycle that has me so bullish on XRP moving forward."
"Bitcoin to me, based on my research, looks extremely bullish."
"Google Cloud could become a bigger, more important part than YouTube for the company. That's how bullish I am on this segment."
"The commodity complex is going to explode, not go up, explode."
"I'm bullish Ethereum; it seems to actually have people."
"I've grown more and more bullish on Cardano the more you understand about the technology behind Cardano."
"I'm extremely bullish on Costco as a company."
"It's hard not to be overwhelmingly bullish on Ethereum in the long term."
"Alaran is most definitely here to stay, and there's just so many fundamental aspects that are really, really bullish."
"The stocks that are on my radar and bullish are the Magnificent 7, would love to add more."
"I am very bullish on Disney; I think it has a high chance of upside, low chance of downside, sustained growth, valuable unique assets."
"If we hold, if Bitcoin starts holding these levels and starts looking slightly bullish, I would expect with these Nvidia earnings coming that we are really going to get a nice little push."
"If demand is greater than supply, the market is bullish."
"I am bullish on gaming, I think the gaming narrative comes in 2025 once we see BTC and Eth break all-time highs."
"We're looking for a bullish trade because the market crossed over here."