
Power Outage Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Millions of people in Texas lost power, and it was deadly."
"The power is slowly coming back on in Texas as the state deals with a historic deep freeze."
"Oh, I just blacked out the whole planet, did I blow up the power grid again?"
"Prepare accordingly. Make sure you can live with minimal power if the situation demands it."
"If the power goes down, you are on your own."
"A massive electrical failure left parts of both countries in the dark."
"Maybe we ought to look into ways to generate electricity at home instead of extended power outages."
"Okay thank you for that I'm sorry George I'm gonna do one more I'm gonna steal one more from you you know just to compensate for the power cut that I had."
"What if we get an emp around this [] and all my money is stuck on my goddamn crypto [] and [] we ain't got no electricity [] I want my [__] bread."
"Two million Californians will be without power."
"Now the latest turn in these outages that left millions of Texans in the dark last week: a criminal investigation here in Austin."
"We are experiencing a power outage, and it's at this moment I realize how fortunate I am to have one of these."
"This is a very big deal, please prepare for power outages now."
"I wish that were the only problem. My family and I woke up this morning to a total blackout. Every single house on the block lost power."
"Having a supply of candles... if the power's out, having candle light is going to be better than nothing."
"And then every light in the house went out."
"Our power went out at nine o'clock last night and came back by one o'clock this afternoon."
"One time see Bankhead bounced and the power went out."
"Matriel was the next angel to attack, taking advantage of a sabotage power outage to Tokyo-3's electricity."
"The power company is out, I've seen a couple of other trucks out here, you can see these down lines right here."
"All I'm saying is, I'm amazed it took them so long to realize the power was out."
"...if you ever have a power outage especially an extended power outage you've got solar panels and you've got batteries and everything's going to be fine..."
"...not only does the solenoid shut in a power outage but then the power supply for the blower and the solenoid both get permanently shut off and you have to manually reset it in order to turn it back on even if the power to the building comes back on."
"...the anchor solix can take 12 volts... and that's the thing as people are experiencing more and more blackouts and we're becoming more and more dependent on Power and the internet to live our lives I would now argue that having some form of backup power is essential."
"Power going off is just a starter, wait until you see what happens to the sun."
"The recent power outage is yet another reminder about the plant's precarious nuclear Safety and Security situation."
"The power will be up and down tonight, but we'll have it fixed by first thing in the morning."
"...we need to find a way to get power going without it we have no way to operate the radio to send out a call for help."
"This blackout has now definitely earned itself a masterpiece grade in my collection."
"Does anybody know this squirrel? He chewed through a power line outside, and now the whole neighborhood's out of power."
"In circumstances where the power is out and traffic signals are not active, treat intersections as a four-way stop."
"Having your power out literally just humbles you because it makes you so grateful for having power every single day. Like, you don't realize how much you need your power—your lights, your fan, literally anything."
"Candles, a big one, we just had our power out the other night, we had a ton of candles, we were able to light the house up fine."
"Every day that goes by, more and more people have a way to plug a USB in when the power is out."
"Of all the emergencies to get ready for, a basic short-term power outage is probably most likely to occur."
"One great advantage of those generators is that they can be configured to automatically start up when the power goes out."
"Power goes out, you're good because you know you're with the hospital."
"One big area that gets overlooked when talking about summer power outages is how to prevent as much food as you can from spoiling."
"One of the most important things to do during a summer power outage is to keep your body as cool as possible."
"What happens if the electricity goes off and these machines stop working?"
"Hundreds of thousands of people are without power; the worst of storm Isa may be over, but its effects will be felt for some time to come."
"That's the first time that's ever happened, that we've had a track so hot it turned the whole power off in the entire neighborhood."
"It's also really great if there is ever a time where we don't have power."
"Millions of Texans have no power, no heat, no hot water on one of the coldest days in Texas history."
"One evening during a weekend, the power went off, and we took an old paraffin lamp to my room to just hang out."
"Make sure you are planned for a power outage with this, whatever that happens to be, and you want to get to your safe place with this."
"The wind was so strong it had knocked out the power to my neighborhood."
"It's really great to see all of you here despite the fears of power outages."
"We have seven different areas that we're going to focus on to help you stay cool during a summer power outage."
"In a summer power outage, it is very likely that we will be experiencing some intense heat."
"Yesterday's power outage was one of the biggest Victoria has ever seen."
"One of the most important things to have during a power outage or a blackout is some sort of backup power source."
"Every day there's a live squirrel running around here while nobody has electricity."
"Remember when you were sitting in class and the electricity would go out?"
"Residents are reminded to exercise extreme caution during a power outage."
"This could be a great option for you to be able to run kitchen appliances, run your electronics, things like that to kind of give you that bit of normalcy until power is recovered."
"We've got a big generator that will run the freezers and the refrigerators, and will take care of things in a power outage."
"Now imagine a field a million times that big, packed with people, and imagine the electricity has gone out."
"Every single light in my house turned on a hundred percent then everything went completely black."
"With a growing concern over the threat of power outages, it seemed like a good idea to look at some backup power solutions."
"Power panic improved so you should be able to recover easier if you're in a print and the power goes out."
"If your power goes out, it's nice to save your work and turn your computer off rather than having everything crash."
"It's gorgeous when it falls, it is great, and I don't like it when the power goes out, but when the power is out and the snow is falling and you're like walking in the middle of the street hoping you don't get hit by a car, you're like, 'Oh, this is lovely.'"
"May I have your attention, please. For those of you just starting your shift, about an hour ago there was a major power outage."
"It's a slow, haunting post-apocalyptic story following an Anishinaabe community when the power suddenly goes out."
"Plan for there to be power outages; charge your phones before the storms arrive, have flashlights ready to go as well."
"You might plan ahead, get the flashlight ready, get things ready, get the phone charged up because you may lose power tonight."
"Without power, you actually had to go out and talk to and help neighbors."
"A battery backup is even better because that way if the lights go out, you have that much time until the lights will come back on."
"Several people have been killed, thousands have been trapped in their cars, and more than half-a-million were left without electricity."
"You want to get to that safe spot, you want to keep a phone with you, possibly bring a phone charger until you lose power if that doesn't in fact happen."
"This is really useful when you're thinking about power outages in a residential house or for things like hospitals or military bases."
"We were very lucky, we did not lose power."
"We're likely going to get quite a bit of power outages."
"The whole network including the internet connection will be active during a power cut."
"It's like when the power is out and you're like, 'I have nothing to do, the power's out, it's like 1870 here, what the hell?'"