
Animal-description Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"They're so little, they're so fluffy, they're so sweet. It's true, baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet."
"Lemurs were very gentle, pleasant creatures."
"What better description is there other than to suggest it's a kind of adorable Frankenstein's monster of an animal?"
"This elephant he only has one eye and I think if you keep it that way because he's a what can someone please poach this guy."
"All crocodilians have long elongated bodies with powerful tails, short limbs, and armor-like scales known as scutes."
"Rottweiler... confident, calm, and brave with an imposing presence."
"American Pit Bull Terrier: Extremely strong and confident for their size."
"The Central Asian Shepherd Dog: A terrifying sight to see, with a huge physique packed to the snout with muscle."
"Bloodhounds... personification of curiosity in the form of a lovely dog."
"Irish Wolfhound... gentle giant despite the imposing size."
"Meet Kabai Akal, a stallion exuding timeless beauty and nobility."
"Juveniles are very dark red or black, very slender with a large red spherical head."
"What do you call an octopus that's got stubby little tentacles, is bright pink, super squishy, and looks like a Pac-Man ghost?"
"The American bulldog is a beautiful animal that fits into many people's families perfectly."
"That's the biggest guard dog you've ever seen."
"It was like an elephant's trunk, the largest I've ever seen in my life."
"Maine Coon cats are huge big furry babies, basically ideal."
"They are preposterous. What a weird and magnificent beast!"
"This thing was yolked, it's unreal how big its shoulders were."
"Oh, we're flying! He's so cute and fierce, I love her."
"So it's just basically an albino leucistic which is really cool."
"The dingo: one of Australia's most famous lines."
"Known for their distinctive red fur orangutans are great apes native to the rainforests of indonesia and malaysia and are the largest arboreal mammal."
"This thing is like a beast, I mean it was huge."
"This animal could have easily passed as a massive white wolf, but it was too broad."
"Their fur was a dull gray almost white with speckles of what looked like black mud and filth all over them."
"Many of the males are this exquisite coloring and the females are generally just brown or real black, they are rather fabulous in their own right."
"This spiny spider is one prickly customer."
"He had the height of a Great Dane standing at 28 inches tall with the shoulders girth and weight of a bull massive with dark brown Stripes all over him to be totally honest he looked terrifying but would sooner lick you to death than he would growl or even bark at you."
"Leaf pool's colors are beautiful, especially the way her fur and eyes and stripes all kind of melt together."
"These cats are distinctive because they have triangular faces, blue eyes, a long slender body, and something called point coloration."
"One ferocious kitty you got there."
"That is one majestic creature you got there."
"Ring-tailed lemurs are so cute and fuzzy."
"Its most notable feature was its striped markings which ran along the center of its back to the top of the tail, which earns its nickname 'tiger'."
"The red panda is the cutest animal in this book; it looks like a cross between a toy, a raccoon, and a house cat."
"What a majestic beast, that beautiful bark."
"What animal is green and walks slow and lives in a shell?"
"And the horse, every hair was green from hoof to mane."
"They're mammals that lay eggs like a reptile, they've got a duck bill, a beaver tail, these web feet, it's just the bizarrest thing."
"He is such a cool lizard, so regal, so handsome."
"Beautiful animals, the iridescent shines just through the roof."
"He was absolutely tiny, very striking spotty with his big ears, was absolutely gorgeous."
"It's essentially a hairy elephant with long curved tusks and long hair up to three feet and has three types of hair."
"Despite its huge size, the horse is still elegant as ever."
"Charlie is a paint horse, you see, Charlie is the color white and color brown."
"It's an elephant, but I'd say that it's pretty badass."
"And this is Showtime, guys. Beautiful goat, he's got brown poles, he's got some white, he's got some gray, he's got some black, blue eyes."
"He is what I would like to say is like a bombproof horse."
"It looked like this gigantic German Shepherd flying through the air."
"The lioness you were looking at there is the one that we know as the fluffiest."
"She's a beautiful leopard, very serious face all the time, but something about her, there's little pink nose and beautiful kind of honey-colored eyes."
"He's a beautiful steer, very gentle."
"They're really beautiful gentle giants."