
Game Mastery Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"AlphaZero used an entirely new approach... had only been taught how to play the game."
"We all want to be more powerful, right? Yeah, you want to get to the point that you can just walk over the hardest enemies of the game feeling like a god."
"Empowers you to go from the opening to the end game with confidence."
"Boss battles are basically a test of your knowledge and Mastery of the game"
"It's still all about map control, dominance, being the best player. Wins and losses really matter."
"All he did was realize how the game is played and decided to be the best player out there."
"Gaining 200 points is possible up to about 2300, but above that, it's almost impossible."
"That was more accomplishing than getting dark steel."
"Unbelievable. The minimum amount of moves to win in chess, the minimum amount of moves is two."
"It's very easy to see the game being played and get really good at playing the game."
"Players are better at the game now than they used to be."
"Caps... makes it look so easy, a thing of beauty."
"Camille truly is a champion that will only get more rewarding the more you play her."
"It's a great way to focus your learning of the game if you need it."
"This taken strength mechanic is the key to this entire encounter."
"Whether you end up choosing the vandal or phantom, you still have to understand the ins and outs of how to use them to your advantage if you ever want to take the fast track to mastering gunplay and fundamentals."
"Eve is only something that should be attempted once you're very confident with Kerbal Space Program."
"There's always room to improve and win more games."
"Chess is an easy game, what can I say? It's just, it's a very easy game to play. I mean it doesn't take much work or effort."
"There's a lot to explore and learn, so start small, learn the game, and then work up from there."
"He just feels two, three steps ahead. Once he gets the advantage in a play, he just never lets it go."
"It's often about the player and not the deck."
"It's a Tekken game, you gotta know a B&B for every launcher."
"Mid to late, Don Juan Kia in absolute control."
"Knowing how far you can take something is one of the most crucial pieces of information in all of League of Legends."
"It took me a while but I'm finally figuring this game out."
"This is what I had to learn from him. This is how he closes out games."
"I've learned so much about these games... to see just how much I've grown."
"Learning all of its complexities would take hours and hours of studying professional gameplay and that's exactly what I did to teach you how to dominate on Ice."
"You've got to level up your DM skills... the whole game of D&D is one of rising escalation across every aspect."
"Once you know the game, you can't be played."
"Once I figured it out, I was like, my life has changed. This game was done for. I'm coming after it."
"It's a difficult but rewarding game to learn, and each god does present a new learning curve."
"Understanding the items effects and more importantly their synergies with other ones is an extremely important step in getting better."
"Talk less, listen more...players will fill your head with ideas."
"You can add so much more spice to this game when you know how to play."
"I think a DM is everything in Dungeons and Dragons."
"We just beat like probably the best lava hound player in the game."
"If you're weak to a string or weak to a character, don't put it off for later. Take a look at it, take notes, and revisit it frequently."
"As said in previous videos consistency is the be-all end-all in regards to competition not just in Smash but any game."
"Me challenging them gets the gears working, gets them thinking."
"This game is interesting, it is rich, it is complex. I know this game inside out."
"Consistently go to the exact same landing spots."
"Chess mastery consists in perceiving these very small details."
"What they don't realize is there are levels to this game, man."
"That's what we needed, you know how to keep the game alive."
"He's really got this table dialed in."
"...arguably the most talented player to ever play the game."
"He plays the game so simply and he makes the game look simple."
"The mental aspect of this game is the toughest to master."
"Don't hate the game, don't hate the player, learn the game and be a player."
"That proves that these guys are the top of the game."
"The only people who truly understand your game are your players."
"It's all about the game and how you play it, it's all about control and if you can take it."
"We are watching a true grade of the game."
"He just makes the game look so easy."
"What's going to be engaging to a brand new player... is going to be quite different than what's engaging to a master."
"On the second and the third run through you know what to avoid and you know what to focus on."