
Payment Systems Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Bitcoin has not been meant and bitcoin was not created necessarily to be a form of payment."
"In the payment space, the key thing is that you're getting rid of that intermediary and you're trusting automation and contracts."
"Can anybody tell me a bank issued card that doesn't have Visa and Mastercard on it? No, because they're grandfather monopolies."
"China is becoming a cashless society. Alipay is the largest cashless payment system in the world."
"Cuba's government looking to recognize Bitcoin and crypto for payments."
"Being able to spend dollars over the lightning network and be able to receive lightning network payments as dollars is an experience that has a good market."
"I think the value is going to go to the best consumer experience, so the best experience for making payments."
"Crypto.com allows you to pay using cryptocurrencies in the app."
"The result is hundreds of closed networks that don't speak to each other, loosely interconnected with unstructured payment messages requiring high manual intervention."
"The first innovation since 1949. Okay, so boom, we initiate the payment."
"Payments are eating the world. Payments burn over five and a half billion dollars a day globally in fees. That's over two trillion dollars."
"These mag strip readers are everywhere, like quite literally everywhere."
"Until we get to legislation and a unified framework for regulation, these payment protocols won't be used to the degree to at least what I want to see happen."
"There's going to be a very interesting time in the near future where I see Ripple in a very good position in the global payments landscape." - Paul Barrow
"Regardless of laws, Banks and payment processors should never be the moral Arbiters of society."
"It should be faster to pay for things with avalanche than to use a credit card. That's my goal."
"My vision is that we need to get to a place in this country where payments can be transmitted virtually instantaneously."
"The Lightning Network is now available on Cash App."
"Mass adoption is individuals paying and receiving with xrp."
"A dash of irony for Bitcoin maximalists, if Bitcoin actually does become used as a currency but it's going to be used through the XRPL."
"For Nimi to have one-minute confirmation times is improving, but then to go now that we're going to proof of stake where we're looking at one-second confirmation times, that really increases usability and makes it a feasible payment protocol."
"The opportunity here for going into payments is real."
"Ripple is now officially working with the Central Bank Central Bank for international payments."
"Portugal views crypto as a form of payments. This distinction is a game changer."
"It's about a hundred thousand times more efficient on a per transaction basis in terms of energy costs, speed of transaction. Is it much more efficient for something like a payment."
"Samsung Pay outperforms Apple Pay by a wide margin and it's compatible with almost every single existing magstripe payment system."
"The car itself knows it has credit. But when you plug into a non-Tesla supercharger, you will have to pay."
"The challenge is to move payment systems in that direction, so we can instantaneously move money from my account to your account."
"Atapol: 'the absolute best feature about atopoll is that they pay instantly everyone once you reach the low minimum cash out of roughly three to five dollars depending on your country'"
"A hundred percent of people will be making payments digitally."
"I think it should be a law that self-pay should be enabled everywhere."
"What are going to be the payment architectures in the future?"
"Lightning: transforming the way we pay."
"Make sure you use some sort of online system where people can pay, because then it does a few jobs for you."
"Let's demystify the process of implementing a reliable and scalable payment system."
"Entities behind payment cards felt the need for consistent data security measures to prevent data security attacks."
"We're talking about disrupting all of the analog payment networks."
"...long Bitcoin long lightning short analog payment networks right um in the same way because if you have you know physically analog issued currency and you're trying to move it or you know other assets like you mentioned..."
"We reoriented the entire company from competing with Visa and Amex to actually thinking about cash as the space that we would play against."
"We're going to have a third real competitor that's broad-based, widely distributed to Visa and MasterCard, that will bring down interchange fees."
"MasterCard is basically a license or a royalty on all future payments by credit."
"PayPal provides incredible value with an all-in-one payment system that makes global selling accessible to more merchants than ever before."
"America is in for a big change in how you pay for stuff."
"This is one of the biggest flaws that we've ever uncovered against payment systems."
"Now new businesses that weren't financially feasible because of the way payments worked will grow."
"The shift will be more pronounced as instant payment schemes globally become interoperable."
"Our entire economy works on creating efficient payment mechanisms."
"The payment world is going to change because it's just terrible."
"We seek to ensure that the payment system is operating in an efficient and effective way."
"We need a standard, we need a way to make payments across ledgers, we need a way to build the system that consists of a number of payment systems forming one network."
"Ethereum going to be the new Global plan for payment."
"We need to make sure that we are protecting our payment systems and flow of currency."
"Tokenization has not disrupted the existing payment processing; it has some impact across the payment ecosystem."
"Bitcoin is not PayPal, Bitcoin is not Visa; Bitcoin's base layer is a final settlement network itself."
"Our payment intent was confirmed, we're all set, our user paid, that's great."