
Recovery Journey Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"I'm really glad that you're actually in treatment."
"Alcoholics Anonymous wasn't unlike a to-do list. I didn't get to A.A. because I had a bad weekend; I had a couple of bad decades."
"After gruesome physical therapy and within a month, I was walking with the normal walker and after 2 months, I was back on the road."
"Getting her magic back doesn't fix her, it's just a sign that she's on the path to recovery."
"I contracted the coronavirus, was very ill, in and out of the hospital. But I'm on the road to recovery."
"It's easy to say 'I'm 14 months clean' than actually do it."
"I wanted to come on here and show you guys to kind of like end this video off and show y'all how I've been doing lately ever since I got home."
"Type 11 11 if you've overcome any kind of addiction."
"Will the change of scenery and therapy and rehab and finally telling his story to the world be enough to break him from this cycle Brian started over two decades ago?"
"Substance abuse is a disease and their recovery journey should never be used to shame someone."
"Three years clean from heroin, and people like you helped me survive. I love it."
"Exploring life after trauma, illuminating the path forward."
"I woke up not dead, 365 days clean and sober."
"My best advice always is you absolutely can crush it, but do it fun. Make sure it's fun."
"I'm also proof that you can get completely sober from drugs and alcohol and continue on a path that's super [__] up."
"It's like real progress. One thing that I never realized about a traumatic injury is that the mental challenges can be harder than the physical challenges."
"My wife was getting over her bills from beating stage three cancer."
"Hard things will happen to us. We will recover."
"Even with recovery, you know I worked the steps and now I'm fine it's like it's a constantly evolving process."
"Resilience, recovery, coming out of the dark."
"I was in such a bad slump, I literally thought I was never gonna be able to read again or enjoy reading again."
"Life didn't really get better until I started cleaning up my act, getting my life together, stopping..."
"I don't have anyone really to tell, but I'm eight months sober from alcoholism."
"I don't feel like I'm a slave to my addiction anymore."
"I think a lot of people's relapses are part of their sobriety story."
"People need hope, and there finally is some. It has been a long road to get here, but that which was before can now be left in the past."
"I got accepted into rehab and then I went before central local."
"Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom before you can begin to work your way back up."
"Addiction, anybody that fights addiction knows how hard that is."
"Let this not be a story of how far we fell but how far we climb back up."
"We'll overcome all of this and we'll be well on our way."
"No more falling off the wagon, I am so, so proud of you."
"I was out of my mind, narcotics can have that effect," - Brett Butler
"Recovering from the harmful conditioning of religion is lifelong."
"Out of the ashes will come Beauty and out of pain will come purpose."
"If what I had when I went on the drugs was 3 out of 10, what I had when I came off the drugs was you know 9 and 3/4 out of 10."
"Recovery is just little base hits over and over again."
"I believe in planting the seed of sobriety."
"Loved ones have heard many different large amount the experience with the sufferer feeding their pain but also often feeling helpless to ease it they played an integral role assisting me through the points of recovery."
"Anybody that's in recovery knows it's what's happening now that really matters."
"He enrolls in an experimental recovery program where he must complete a series of tasks to start his life anew amidst an epidemic of amnesia."
"You have to go forward you have to accept it and and take day-by-day you know the challenge recovery is a rather uneven process isn't it."
"You start to take the power back that alcohol took from you; you start to get your own power back, and that's really a beautiful process."
"The story now is about the King and his cancer and the treatment and his recovery."
"Don't measure your progress based on your symptoms; measure it based on your response."
"If you want guidance through the recovery journey, you want to overcome this as quickly as possible, go back to living, and you're tired of doing this alone and you want direct help from my team, you can always apply for mentorship down below."
"What's it like to be homeless and what does it take to get your life back on track?"
"I'm in a really good place with healing from my eating disorder."
"I want to be clear that I am in recovery and I'm a member of a variety of recovery programs."
"Things have gradually gone up and down, and what has been characteristic of my recovery is that all the ups and downs... they're not as deep, they're not as threatening."
"I'm not a bad person trying to be good; I'm a sick person trying to get well."
"It's possible to recover; use me as an example."
"It's going to take some time, but we're all withing behind you, you know we love you."
"Recovery is brutal... but there is always hope."
"I've been in recovery for over 16 years, 17 years... I'll be five years brilliant mate, and that's a miracle."
"Every day there's a new withdrawal symptom, a new trigger, a new craving... but yes, you are going to be happy, you are going to be free."
"It's taken me 10 years to get 90 days clean."
"Step three is the beginning of the real recovery program."
"I'm a person navigating recovery and just really connecting on a journey to connect back to myself and really make peace with food and my body."
"Recovery is all about opening up to the stuff you don't know you don't know."
"When you re-enter sobriety, you have to learn how to feel things all over again."
"It's been interesting watching your whole sober journey and how much you've grown in yourself."
"We don't have to wait to step 12 to get something good out of this; every step brings a positive result."
"I'm a recovering opiate addict; I've been clean for almost a decade."
"Recovery is so much better than living a sad life."
"I am living evidence that it is a recoverable condition with the right treatment and support."
"I got sober after being in active addiction to heroin for eight years."
"The fight is worth everything you're doing; keep up the good work."
"From the day that happened until now, we've gone through a lot with Memphis in terms of recovery and making sure that she could walk again."
"We have a charmed life and every bit of it is a direct result of Alcoholics Anonymous."
"My recovery is lifelong, something I'm going to have to work on every day."