
Metaphorical Advice Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Can't you know if your house is on fire you don't go putting new windows until you've put the fire out."
"To eat an elephant, you've got to do it piece by piece." - Ron Dennis
"The only way you burn out is when you run out of oil in your lamp."
"Be less afraid of the zombie apocalypse happening and more afraid of becoming a zombie yourself."
"Strength and Stillness be the steady tree be the Mast of the boat be the rudder of the boat."
"To survive in this woolong-poisoned [__] of a world, you have to learn to embrace change and roll with punches, be like water."
"Don't judge a book by its cover because you never know what's gonna be deep on the inside of somebody."
"A good foundation does not guarantee a mansion, but no mansion is built without a foundation." - Mimo
"That's your future. That's a roasted chicken. Do you want to be roasted, you beautiful bird?"
"Your outcome is going to be better if your vehicle is up to par for the heel or the obstacle course that is being laid before us."
"Realize that the wolves of the world simply embrace the ambiguity. Be the wolves, not the sheep."
"Once you have the man, then you have the book, then you need to have the place."
"Maybe you should just let the ship leave the harbor and get out in the ocean and let it do its thing."
"When your hair is on fire, start screaming like your hair's on fire."
"You can't eat an elephant at once. You have to eat it bite by bite."
"Keep your powder a little bit dry because once it's wet it's uh it's tainted."
"Strike them down and you'll become more powerful than you could ever imagine."
"Your website is like a boat and if you wanna go fast, you need to make sure that there's absolutely zero holes in your sail."
"He's got to fill the hole in the middle, that's what he's got to do. You can butter your bagel as much as you like, but there's still a hole in the middle."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Oh bubbly bubbly bubbly!"
"Robots that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones."
"Be like the rock that the waves continuously crash into."
"The seat was not for you to consume, the seat was for you to plant and for you to produce much more fruit of its kind."
"Don't let the tunnel that you use to get out become a trap that keeps you in underground."
"Handle your life like a lighter, and you'll forever burn. You win."
"If you can't make your own bed, how can you expect to take over the world?"
"If you want to catch the pig, you have to become the pig."
"Trading without a plan is like going to war without a weapon or getting married without a prenup."
"Just remember, there are many sides to a mountain and many ways to climb it."
"Never get in the mud with the pigs, but when the pigs are in the mud, sometimes you have to get in the mud with the pigs."
"You can't build something that big on something that weak."
"You can catch more bees if you use honey than vinegar."
"It's not about the size of your sword, it's how you use it."
"Acting like a trainable, docile animal leads to enslavement."
"People are realizing the world is changing, and if they're not on the right inflatable boat off of the Titanic, they might be left in a pretty bad place."
"Life just needs a second coat, sometimes too thick just life itself."
"If your foundation is weak, then it doesn't matter what you put on top of it, it's going to collapse."
"Sell everything, get rid of all distractions, buy the field, buy the pearl."
"Be a remora suckerfish on the whales. Attach and swim with them to succeed."
"You need to get punched in the face. Really hard."
"You don't have to just stick with what you've been doing just because you've been attached to this tree figuratively speaking doesn't mean that you have to keep on growing with it."
"As of today, the salt your life that is salty stop adding more salt."
"The boat is still sinking, you gotta plug the hole before you start bailing out the water." - Unknown speaker
"The more stable your foundation, the stronger the house you build on top is going to be."
"You can't win a car race on a llama or on a donkey. If you want to compete, you need a race car."
"Don't have to outrun the bear, just the person next to you."
"You have to prune to grow, if that makes sense."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we are back at it. Ah, sleeping dogs, boy, sleeping dogs, boy. Yes sir, bro, you better let them sleeping dogs lie."
"Any man who goes into battle without his sword is not properly dressed."
"Do not dribble against the Roman Empire in any way, shape or form by rebelling against God."
"Sometimes you have to pull the band-aid off, and you don't pull the band-aid off slowly because if you do, it's gonna hurt like hell."