
Personal Nostalgia Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I really miss making music with them because it's like there's just nothing else like it."
"I have to put Dragon Ball Z at an S tier. The impact it had on me as a kid..."
"Seeing Final Fantasy on the PlayStation was such a mind-blowing experience 20 years ago."
"This is something I feel like I would have loved to see when I was younger."
"Won't You Be My Neighbor for me was... that was my show every day."
"You guys make an old man feel good. Have followed rocket in space programs since the mid 50s."
"I hit the login button and I waited with baited breath and there I was right where I had logged off in the ugly Gates of South Brie."
"This is the exact same case I used to have um and this cooler is the exact same cooler I used to have. This is actually really really creepy."
"Feels just like when I would push objectives in Black Ops 2."
"The scale of the world when you're a child is incredible."
"Sonic has always meant a lot to me... Sonic Adventure 2 is one of my favorite video games."
"It was honestly a big part of my life around this time."
"Dreamcast, good. Am I totally biased? Sure. But what were you obsessed with at the age of ten? For me, it was Fantasy Star Online."
"These are just what I grew up with, you know? You might enjoy the Coruscant police gunship as your number one pick, or maybe you really absolutely love the ATM6 that should be on your top list, but for me, this is what I related with."
"I used to sit down and watch all the whodunits on PBS with my grandma. I love whodunits."
"Got these when I lived in Charlotte and they came to Charlotte for the All-Star basketball game."
"I remember buying the 45, fantastic great memory."
"Reflecting on these memories, SEO Jun realized he'd never lived as passionately as he had during that time."
"That blew my mind, eleven years old, that is what I think, that is why I just absolutely love these GTA games because of just how game-changing they were."
"Tame the inner nostalgia you have for a nice bowl of cereal."
"I think everyone from my generation remembers the first time that they heard the great Weird Al Yankovic as an 80s kid."
"These boys have absolutely loved recapping memories of themselves with their mother."
"My very first cars when I was young... I just, I felt like a Mini was an exciting, awesome car to have."
"Cudi has been fire since 2009 since I was in high school"
"It totally reminds me of Christmas vacation which is one of my all-time favorite movies."
"New Orleans in this movie... made me miss New Orleans."
"I loved the spread of like what's in my bag and celebrity would share what's in their bag those kinds of things always like excited me so these videos are kind of like my little reach into my younger self and what I love and still love doing."
"Treasure Island Dizzy will always stick with me personally."
"How does my personal favorite, cause back in '86, that's the one I raised."
"It absolutely deserves to be here and for this next one you'll have to excuse me while I get it off the shelf, my original copy of Earthbound."
"Regardless of that, I'll never forget my time with the Elder Scrolls 5."
"Golden Sun was such a big part of my childhood... it really shaped my interest as far as games that I would seek out in the future."
"That's my ratatouille; every time I take a bite into that when I'm down it kind of brings me back to a positive place."
"I started as Team Jacob. I literally had a poster of him with his long hair in my room, and he would just stare at me every day when I came home after school. So embarrassing, but I thought he was so cute."
"That was the car that I had on my wall... the Dodge Viper."
"I appreciate it so much. I genuine excitement because it's like I remember opening booster packs getting holographics."
"A winter wonderland is the time of year I went to wonderland."
"This Fusion as a kid, my favorite Pokemon experience."
"I feel like since I was six years old and gotten a strawberry shortcake like I still want a strawberry shortcake tattoo six year old me would have been so proud."
"Ichigo's sword, which is just a dream happening middle school me very very happy."
"Manchester United for me used to represent the best everything."
"I may or may not have cried nostalgia tears okay low-key but i'm so glad that this is what i grew up on."
"Empire was the movie that got me into movies when I was a kid."
"I'm a huge fan of firework fountains, I grew up with them, and it's something that I never knew I would love until I was older."
"What is the Golden Age of film for me? It's the heyday of the Lucas and the Spielberg."
"It captures my appreciation, my nostalgia with Roger Moore being one of my first James Bonds that I ever got used to."
"This perfume is such a nostalgic smell for me."
"I used to have a Capri, I had a 2L laser back in when I was 20... I've desperately wanted another one to put my own stamp on and to make nice and to use and to keep."
"I was hardcore team Edward - I had his cardboard cutout in my room growing up."