
Immunization Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Increased protection from this virus is on the horizon for their children."
"Most people need to be immunized before we can go back to a normal life."
"Increasing community immunity in the United States is leading to less severe illness."
"Prepare everyone's terrain so that when they get the jab or exposed to the natural virus, they have a strong and robust immune response."
"I really see this as part of the healthcare that we provided. We follow the immunization schedule, and I really feel like the COVID vaccine is just on par with that."
"You heard about immunizations right? They're real and they're necessary. I considered this immunization and protection for aging and it's good."
"We need to encourage messages of lifestyle changes alongside immunization."
"The whole point of vaccine is to mimic the disease."
"I'd rather that lie on my back for a week...lots of reasons where I want to get folks immunized."
"There's a level of natural immunization that occurs."
"Artificially acquired active immunity... would be an example of vaccines and booster shots."
"The decision to be immunized or not is the choice of each individual."
"Immunize yourself by acquiring knowledge."
"It's the principle of inoculation with a dead or weakened virus."
"So they say in the discussion in rhesus macaques, where they've immunized, they developed neutralizing titers of a hundred. They are protected against challenge."
"It's about 97% effective, remarkable vaccine."
"What a kick in the chops that vaccine is that makes you sick."
"Immunization may be a very important trigger for that pre-invasive to invasive transition."
"The inactivated vaccine... it's injected in the muscle and gives you antibodies in the blood."
"Vaccination is a community responsibility."
"It had taken our Earth doctors less than six months to develop an immunization method."
"The vaccine is our best line of defense."
"We created an expanded relationship; it did start with immunizations."
"Vaccines really do work to protect people against severe disease."
"National Immunization Days became the largest single public health events in history."
"The balance is an enormous balance in favor of the vaccine."
"If you can get them vaccinated against flu and COVID, that takes two of the three issues off the table."
"Vaccinating large numbers of a population can prevent the spread of a disease."
"Effective immunization against the disease was starting to become available."
"This will boost your immune response, will increase your protection from COVID-19."
"Vaccinations are a powerful tool in preparing the lymphatic system to combat diseases."
"Vaccination is the key to our safe transition from the pandemic."
"Immunization prevents diseases and it's easy and it's free."
"The ultimate treatment for the virus, of course, is a vaccine."
"It's a very effective vaccine for producing herd immunity."
"The pediatrician wants to check to see what immunizations might be due for this child."
"If we could generate antibodies against those conserved regions, then you'd get one flu shot and be done with the flu, maybe."
"Vaccines help us to prevent diseases caused by viruses."
"The origins of immunization don't just stretch back into history; they also span geography."
"213 million children have been immunized as a result of these efforts, and millions of lives have been saved."
"Immunizations do not cause or contribute to sudden infant death syndrome; it's actually protective."
"A vaccine... basically gives you a special cocoon where you actually limit the worst harmful effect of the virus itself."
"Vaccinations can prevent viruses from growing in the body."
"Immunization of pregnant individuals or healthy term-born infants during their first winter season could have a major effect on the health care burden caused by RSV infections."
"Memory is the basis for vaccination."
"Edward Jenner... inoculated people with cowpox and then proved that this caused them to be immune to smallpox."
"An immunization that costs a few dollars versus getting the treatment being hospitalized for some sort of disease that was completely preventable."
"More people have got this vaccine than many others, and safety has been proven."
"Vaccines work by training the immune system to recognize and remember the infection without ever getting infected."
"A vaccine helps your immune cells recognize a bad germ even if they haven't seen it before."
"The vaccine only works if we take it."