
Dating Apps Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"We think we can actually correct what's going on more largely in society through dating apps."
"The bigger leap though is to move much closer to a Matchmaker model and setting up dates with a much higher likelihood of success." - Justin McLoud
"I just had this thesis that if you could make a dating service that was stigma-free, if you could make something that was really fun and easy and lightweight, then young people would use it." - Justin McLoud
"Personality is a huge factor in attractiveness that can make a person's score go up or down and is completely missing from most of the vetting in dating apps."
"That's why you're getting tons of superficial and garbage relationships from dating apps."
"New dating app, Cuffed, making dating apps wholesome again. Go check it out!"
"Dating today sucks... Swipe dating has desensitized us."
"When someone messages me on a dating app after three texts it's like, 'Great wanna hop to text?'"
"Meeting people can be hard, whether it's in person or online, but the apps do have success stories."
"Dating apps are the number one way that people meet, but they're not the number one way to get a good relationship or be happy."
"When I was at a m being on Tinder and like finding guys you always like you want someone to be at your school yeah because it's like you have something to talk about immediately."
"Dating apps are like hitting a slot machine."
"Maybe the most disastrous thing about dating apps is that we're ultimately commodifying love, and that can change the way we view and experience it."
"Dating apps are weaning us off of the warm, cuddly feelings that come with long-term relationships."
"Dating apps are a waste of time" - simple answer is no, they're a useful tool.
"Women are so picky that it's unfair to men, producing gender inequality on dating apps."
"Almost half of women wouldn't have swiped right on their current partner."
"Dating apps are clearly not the only causal factor. So my question to you is, where did we go wrong and how do we go right?"
"Okay, so the dating app thing's not really working out. Yeah, no, I think the men on dating apps are really just there for temporary validation, boredom, or a hookup."
"I was tired of swiping left and right... I was approaching my 40th birthday."
"Stay away from the apps... if you're single, try them out. I met Justin on there, it's a good time."
"Every single dating app is designed to extract money from men, not actually help you find a match."
"Adding a little sense of humor kind of takes the edge off the dating app world in general."
"If you don't know how to talk on dating apps then stop using them."
"While I'm off the apps for now, I never say never."
"Dating apps are this dopamine machine and it feels good to swipe and it feels good to get matches and it feels good to get messages and it feels good to get another one from a new person."
"Get off these dating apps and focus on improving yourself."
"Dating apps have done nothing but a disservice to modern-day relationships."
"Are we getting more unhinged or is the world becoming more hinged? Oh, like what, what's actually happening here? Are we changing? All I know is I am not on hinge, okay? I'm not on hinge."
"I uninstalled all the dating apps especially Tinder but before doing that I complained to The Help Center about her profile which was taken down shortly."
"I really am using it as a tool. If someone can isolate dating apps as a tool and say I am just going to use them as a tool, then it can be a tremendous benefit."
"Know why you're using that dating app."
"Hinge is the app that's supposed to be deleted."
"Which is the best dating app? All of them. The problem isn't the apps. The problem is the people using them."
"I mean, I'm not good at dating apps, I'm more of a real-life person. So it's difficult for me to speculate on what people want to see."
"I'm absolutely furious that the dating apps took off after I was dating, I would so much rather."
"I don't think dating apps are a bad thing... but I do think it's really important to have that confidence to still go up to someone and approach them."
"Dating apps kind of removed a lot of people's reason to go out and meet people."
"Dating apps have kind of made things worse for a lot of people."
"Over the past decade, dating apps have changed the way we seek romantic or sexual connections. For better or for worse, dating apps have become a staple in our lives."
"Dating app crimes are on the increase."
"Find someone worth deleting the app for."
"If I see a butterfly on there that I don't like can I swipe left?"
"Everybody knows that the only thing worse than downloading a dating app is the crushing weight of loneliness."
"You are going to be miserable trying to replace him on these apps."
"Dating apps are a really interesting way to meet people."
"Take the quiz, see which dating app is perfect for you."
"So OkCupid does have a really good success rate from what I can find online."
"Overall though, I would say that OkCupid is a really great dating app, it's very popular for a reason."
"I've never felt more rejected, and I've been on Hinge."
"Dating apps are rough for men, they're aesthetic based purely."
"If you are both looking for something similar, whether it's a casual relationship or a serious relationship, there's a lot of potential to find something meaningful through these apps."
"I have enjoyed dating apps because it takes away that part of it. I already know that they're attracted to me, I already know they're interested in me before we ever start talking."
"I have enjoyed dating apps because I just feel like it allows me to date a little bit easier without the anxiety."
"Do more dating app options make us pickier?"