
Video Game Nostalgia Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Playing it now in 2022 I do think it's a bit of a product of its time and playing it again for this video it does remind me that you're playing something made back in 1999."
"Sonic Heroes: One of the most nostalgic Sonic games for me of all time."
"Windows Millennium Edition had the first iteration of 3D Pinball Space Cadet."
"I love subspace emissary, me and Chris have great memories playing this when we were kids."
"By now, the title theme of Ocarina embodies nostalgia and a longing for the past on two fronts."
"This scratches the games I liked on Super Nintendo goldeneyes literally N64."
"It almost looks like um, it looks like fallout 2. Remember? I don't know how many people remember the old school Fallout games but they were, they were isometric as shit."
"If you feel nostalgic or want a mechanically solid free-to-play shooter, you could go worse than Halo Infinite."
"Jet Set Willy continues to be remembered 35 years later."
"People keeping this niche little series from the late 2000s alive makes me just so happy."
"The course of entire battles can be shifted on such small little things."
"Double Dash still looks great, just like Wind Waker or Sunshine."
"Grab your tires, stop signs, and chainsaws, it's time to find out what happened to Anarchy Reigns."
"Sonic Mania is the best thing that come out of the franchise since 1994."
"Personally, this is probably one of the most iconic Maddens of all time, man."
"The game industry is always changing and it's never too late for an old classic to bring us the joy we experienced so long ago."
"I'm just happy that lately in the past couple years like Star Wars games have been pretty damn good again because I grew up on like an endless stream a full diet of Star Wars games."
"GTA 3 holds a place in my heart as the best of the last generation of GTA games."
"Just seeing Mario kind of referenced in 8-bit would be so cool."
"The fact that you can't drive up to Peach's castle on Royal Raceway anymore is a massive shame."
"I'm such a sucker for old games, lost in nostalgia and loving it!"
"I'm happy for people who are gonna get to play it for the first time, but like, I still have my Gamecube, I think I'm probably gonna stick to that version."
"Beta 1.7 was the peak of Minecraft. I don't care what anybody says."
"Digital Devil Saga one is everything that defines classic Megaton with a retro futuristic 90s cyberpunk coat of paint."
"There's nothing more hidden gem from Capcom in this era than the Mega Man Legends series."
"Nostalgia really makes me want to pick these book 1 & 2 for the TurboGrafx CD but Ys 8 is objectively the best game in the series in my opinion."
"I have wanted something like this again in a game for so many years, another descent into uncanny esoteric Kingdom Hearts Anarchy."
"Nothing's ever gonna take away the greatness of the first Mortal Kombat for me, so I'm fine if you want to attempt it again."
"The Sega Dreamcast is still to this day one of my favorite video game consoles."
"For those who have grown up and realized that reality isn't kind to you and have drifted away from Final Fantasy, we hope that FF16 will be a game that can bring back anew the passion you once had with the series."
"Conker's Bad Fur Day holds up just like I hoped it would, it's still raunchy and over-the-top with the style that's all its own and really unmatched even to today."
"Could they create a game that finally brings me back to the combination of sheer terror and absolute satisfaction I felt when playing these classic survival horror games in my youth? Well I'm Jared and this is Avalanche reviews."
"Rival Schools, a franchise that should be brought back."
"Extreme Rise Of The Triad is the ball-breaking Apogee platformer that Apogee never made."
"This game came packaged with this crazy thing a lot of products had back in the day, it's called an instruction manual."
"But in that giant conglomerate of licensed video games that they pissed out came some of the most memorable and best games of our childhood."
"Okay, where's it living with Street Fighter one."
"It is very good for the game to see those characters come back and headline these anniversaries."
"Super Mario Advance: a nostalgia trip, a tech demo, and a bizarre reinvention of a classic."
"Phantom Fury captures the feeling of late '90s and early 2000s shooters in a modern way."
"The Ocarina of Time remains my all-time favorite video game."
"It seems that games like this, that were state-of-the-art at the time, are usually the ones to hold up the worst."
"Love what Night Dive does with classic games."
"The twin blade fight is probably one of the most early 2000s video game style boss fights I can think of..."
"Secret of Mana is one of my favorite childhood games."
"Mario Kart Wii is an incredibly memorable game with loads of fantastic content that's both fun and intriguing."
"I love the one with the eight worlds where they like jump in the mushrooms and all that."
"I love this, oh my God, it's the dark star and the final form of Fawful from Bowser's Inside Story."