
Celebrity Trial Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I think when Amber Heard was testifying, is when I kind of felt myself start to lean more towards Johnny Depp's side."
"98.2 percent of people think Johnny Depp's team won this trial."
"People turned against Amber Heard not because Johnny Depp is a powerful man or famous actor but because we watched the trial and saw he was telling the truth and who wasn't, it's literally that simple."
"It's not about money, it's about giving Mr. Depp his life back six years ago when she took it away."
"Render a verdict for Mr. Depp. Set the record straight that he is not the abuser she described and that she is not the heroic survivor she betrayed."
"Johnny Depp was on the cross-examination against Amber Heard's defense and they were trying to do everything they could to make him be the Monster."
"He's winning in my mind, I have a lot of compassion for him."
"Our diet and our gut microbiome may actually hold the key."
"I believe JD is only suing for the truth to get out there. Why should Turd be allowed to defend JD and JD just cop it? AH has been caught lying." - Georgina Lakitus
"It's easy to say I know, now I'm saying all this in the context of me predicting that Johnny Depp has a chance to win $10 million."
"OJ Simpson's trial wasn't just about him, it was a spotlight on the flaws in our justice system."
"If Johnny Depp wins the metoo era is over I I don't think it's over but I do think but I do think it might be coming into question"
"Johnny Depp will be called by Amber Heard's defense on Monday"
"Johnny Depp won all three of his causes of action and won over 10 million dollars in damages."
"Personally, I think that Johnny can win here."
"When you've lost so much, there's... I think Johnny's doing the right thing by taking her to court and sharing his side of the story."
"After deliberating for under four hours, the jury finds O.J. Simpson not guilty on the count of two murders."
"I believe that R Kelly should be punished for what he did and I'm not changing my mind... with him being found guilty I believe Justice was served."
"I've never assaulted Mr. Depp or anyone else."
"I believe Amber was abused by Johnny Depp. I believe Johnny Depp was abused by her too."
"I think Johnny Depp won in the court of public opinion."
"It seems like a very pro Johnny Depp person." - Peter Tragos
"The Jonathan Majors verdict is in, not guilty on counts one and three."
"The facts are so pro-Johnny that the longer this takes, I start to get more and more worried for Johnny."
"Team Johnny Depp did a much better job at winning in the court of public opinion."
"I signed up, man. Johnny Depp wraps up his testimony on redirect in the multi-million dollar defamation case against ex-wife Amber Heard."
"The guilty verdicts in the rape trial of celebrity Scientologist Danny Masterson are a relief."
"They played a recording of amber with Johnny Depp."
"It's not just Amber Heard's word versus Johnny Depp's word."
"That's essentially what the judge did when there were factual issues. It broke in favor of Amber Heard and not in favor of Johnny Depp."
"I'm here to see justice for Johnny because he deserves it. He's a victim, and she's a wrongful victim."
"I hope Johnny wins. I hope Amber gets exposed for all of her lies because she's dirty."
"The judge found that it was Johnny who was throwing bottles not Amber and he believed her when she said she only threw the one."
"After all this time, they finally got your boy R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years."
"There's a lot of overestimating of what Amber went through and underestimating what Johnny went through."
"That's why he got 30 years if it was such an issue or egregious, why didn't they charge him at the time that it occurred?"
"Johnny Depp's victory was always about the Public Image it was always about the public perception it was always about getting him on stand letting him tell his story and getting the truth out."
"People really loved OJ. Most of the signs were supporting OJ. Free OJ!"
"And I think we put on enough evidence showing that Johnny Depp has a lot of good qualities is fundamentally decent is fundamentally non-violent um that ultimately that that comment I don't think made much difference."
"Out of the equation right it's like you have articles like this written like let's read the title amber heard's riveting testimony took apart the Johnny."
"Puffy's amazing lawyers worked hard and he was found not guilty on any charges."
"The jury of the case came back and found in favor of Johnny Depp."
"Alec Baldwin's case seems very, very plausible in his testimony."
"All Mr. Depp wants at the end of the day is a verdict in one dollar."
"This does not happen, folks. A-list celebrities don't end up on a witness stand in a courtroom talking about the intimate details of their lives."
"The trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has made an extraordinary residence in the society and attracted a huge audience."