
Power Of Love Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"People say it's cheesy to say things like love, but I think it's the most powerful force."
"Creating authentic power means living from a place of love."
"Where there is love, nothing is too much trouble, and there is always time."
"Love is the most powerful phrase we utter as humans."
"One of the great things about this series are how there are so many common themes throughout the story, most notably being the power of love defeats all."
"A love so powerful that it's truly the engine behind the planets moving around each other."
"Love is the only thing that is alive... imagine others lovingly and it happens automatically."
"Love is one of the most powerful forces out there."
"You can defeat me, but you can never defeat The Power of Love."
"Friendship can defeat anything out there in the entire world."
"Pure love is an incomparable potent power for good. Righteous love is the foundation of a successful marriage."
"Sometimes the negative comments are louder than the positives, but love always drowns them out."
"Love is always stronger than hate, and it's good for both the giver and the receiver."
"Love is the most durable power in the world."
"Love is the most powerful medicine." - Gladys
"The power is in the people, and love will change everything."
"Let's show the whole world how powerful love is."
"Just holding the energy of love is more powerful than ten thousand men or women out there with arms and fighting."
"Every time we choose to get up, we do so by the power of the love that sustains us."
"Love wins, and that's really what at the essence of all of this, beyond all the fluffiness of it. That is the separation."
"You can't consistently influence somebody for a greater good while you're judging them. Love can get through almost any barrier."
"Love is one of these strongest influences that a human can have project or feel and I just told you that it changes chemistry."
"There's nothing we can do that can't be done with love."
"Love is stronger than sin and death and hatred."
"Love lasts forever and is hundreds of times more powerful than hate will ever be."
"Love is more powerful than money anytime. Loyalty, love, those are my principles."
"Love is probably one of the most powerful things."
"Love is literally like one of the most powerful things humans could do."
"Love isn't always will be stronger than hate."
"Love is the answer. Love does conquer all. Love does move mountains."
"Love has been hijacked on this planet because it is so powerful."
"I believe it's the most powerful thing in this universe: love."
"Elend, fueled with the power provided by his love, burns duralumin and atium, giving him a flash of insight."
"Netero disregarded the power of love represented through the heart shirt he wears in the final battle, by literally stopping his own heart and using the strength of hatred."
"'Infinitrix saber gauntlet: Wielded by the ancients, feared by many, and destroyed many more. Love is the most powerful thing in the universe.'"
"Love is like lead poisoning to the ego. Love knocks the ego out faster than anything."
"Talk about the power of love, I love you both so much."
"Love has the power to heal and transform; it is a force that transcends time and space, connecting us all in a beautiful tapestry of existence."
"Family is power, love, loyalty, that's power."
"Whenever we love, we give power. Wherever there's love, there's almost a surrender."
"Let us then try what love will do; for if men did once see we love them, we should soon find they would not harm us. - William Penn"
"Love is the most powerful thing in the world."
"It's love. What he doesn't understand is that love is more powerful."
"Love is the most powerful magic in the universe."
"It's the love, so love saved her."
"When love takes a hold of you, it's undeniable."
"...deep down I know that love is the most powerful thing."
"Love can do things that condemnation cannot."
"Love can stop you in your tracks."
"It's amazing what you love can do."
"You never know what you're gonna do whenever true love takes all of you."
"I truly do believe that love is very powerful when it comes to healing."