
Citation Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"If it's King James, get your ass in there and give the quotation mark."
"Citation is necessary in any context, whether academic or artistic."
"The Book of Enoch was so popular for early Christians that even the New Testament cites it."
"While creating citations, everybody quote from the best damn book," - John Campea
"Imagine turning a paper into your professor where none of your works are cited."
"It became the most cited paper in basically all of medicine at that time."
"...you know shy I don't really like that so we already did get quoted for."
"Remember any case you end up using, you need to have its full citation because you're actually going to refer to that in your submission."
"The modern method of presenting cases to a judge is where you only quote the most recent judgment of the highest court. So if you can find a judgment of the constitutional court that is very recent, that's what you need."
"Wow, that's what Bob Gibbins wrote about him."
"I want to elaborate on that point because part of the citation for the Medal of Honor also talked about your courage, in radioing and continuing those communications."
"Jonathan Carter organization coming from you I'm gonna need a lot more context and probably a couple citations on where this is actually worked."
"So if this is true, then we want to send a response... So response status and this would be an 801, I think, and your citation and message, and we can say something like this: 'This email has already been registered.'"
"One huge problem that I see a lot of copywriters make... is that they just don't cite their sources."
"God said, 'That's Genesis 20ish, 21.'"
"That's according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Chapter 3B, Section 620.2."
"We don't quote verse and chapter from the writings of Otto Loewi when we discuss chemical transmission at neuronal synapses."
"You got a citation for being too stupid to drive."
"I would quickly just forgot a citation."
"Thou shall not steal without proper citation."
"Pretty much every point made is backed by evidence, sources cited."
"Never forget reference pages. Cite everything you've looked at, even if you're not quoting or using statistics from it. And if needed, buy an APA extension for Word if you suck at formatting. Do not forget references ever."
"In each case, named the work and the author."
"You can't miss it, and even Charles Talbert points out that this is precisely what has convinced the vast majority of New Testament scholars."
"The main person who compiled this list was Professor Mortimer Adler."
"That's an exact quote from Pizza Stevens."
"This is where they have this current information and I'm going to of course include this link in the course resources."
"If you are stopped by a law enforcement officer and cited ticketed for a traffic violation you sign the ticket as a promise to appear in traffic court."
"If you know your rules, it'll be hard for a chair to overcome that. Be ready to debate and be ready to cite page and line numbers in Robert's Rules of Order."
"The person who articulates that idea most clearly is Plutarch at the end of the first century."
"Citations matter because your reader is interpreting who you are citing as well as what you are citing."
"...it's fine to use the words but you need to make sure that in addition to those words you give the references to the statements earlier on that justify it."
"It can be highly successful in providing a significant decrease in seizures." - Kellie Barnhill
"I don't want my pain taken away. I need my pain." - Captain Kirk
"Academic writing depends on you using previous works, resting upon the shoulders of giants that have gone ahead of you."
"A biography of a politician is a secondary source."
"There's some good work from Larry Bartels and Christopher Aikens in the book."
"Long story short, the figure most people point to is a citation from a Microsoft survey."
"CT is cited trusting Jon's words."
"...I think he was and the first church father who cites that, calls Enoch scripture."
"...just check out the references which I'll leave in the description below this video."
"Reference... if you're using a word document you can literally just click the reference button and it'll do it."
"Impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year."
"Mendeley allows me to store the article with the citation."
"The 'cited by' feature is a strong indicator that an article is credible."
"The purpose of a reference is twofold: one, it gives you, the writer, the opportunity to give credit where credit's due; and two, it gives the reader the option to access or retrieve any sources you reference in your writing."
"Your sources need to be cited completely and accurately."
"The more an article or a journal is cited, the better the reputation of that article or that journal."
"If you want to be successful in university or high school or college, you must learn about plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to cite correctly."
"You can give the references on where you got information from... it's a lot more precise."
"Many researchers find referencing difficult... the best practice is to recognize the source you got that idea from, and this is called referencing."
"If you're like me using Zotero for many years, I have now so many articles that I've been citing over and over because there are good pieces of articles especially in my research area."
"Please cite this data paper if you use the public data set or the material in this tutorial for your analysis or research."
"Keeping attached the source information is very important."
"We site those sources specifically so that we can retrace our steps."
"It's been cited 1600 times and never overturned since 1906."
"You have to have a standard when you quote our authorities and sources."
"You should always cite your sources."
"Citing your sources consistently and accurately helps you to avoid plagiarism."
"The reference list will always start on the next page after the main text is finished."
"Quote directly from your evidence and try to embed your quotations."
"The references are there so that if you're reading through a journal article, you're going to see citations that tell you what they're saying was based on."
"Academic integrity is always a consideration; it's important that we're citing appropriately."
"Michael said, 'The Lord rebuke you' - that is a direct citation."
"I want to let my reader know precisely where in that previously published research they would be able to find this information."
"You'll have a brief reference in the footnote area and then a more fleshed-out reference in your bibliography."
"I have to cite the sources and it just takes the level of the lectures to a higher level."
"A direct quote is when you pull text exactly as it's written in the original source, put it in quotation marks, and then include that into your paper."
"If you're unsure, always err on the side of oversighting rather than undersiding because underciting can be a form of plagiarism."
"Writing accurate references is important for giving credit to other people's contributions to your own work."
"Referencing is when you acknowledge other people's ideas, information, or quotes within your own work."
"There is nothing wrong with citing your source."
"In Chicago style, most religious texts like the Quran or the Bible, when you are quoting them, do not need to be given a bibliography entry."
"OSCOLA stands for the Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities."
"When you're writing a book or a research paper and you get information from the Internet or from a book, you need to cite it."
"Why do we include in-text citations in the first place? It's simple really, it's the way that you give credit to the author where you found your information."
"In-text citation is how you avoid plagiarism because again, that's how you credit the author."
"Even world scientific papers are now beginning to cite blogs as reference."
"Crafting a source citation is as much an art as it is a science."
"If you're writing a paper... you'll give the author of the source, you'll give their name and you'll give the year, and you continue writing."