
Family Well-being Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"This game is going to set your family free. It's going to allow you and your family to have assets when you can't produce anymore."
"It's a threat to your family's well-being, this place truly made me, my family feel not welcome."
"Our quality of life is immediately so much better and Ember's quality of life is better from you know immediately and in growing up in this town we love this town so I think that was a big deal too."
"You could radically transform your family's wealth, health, and spiritual journey."
"I just want happiness for myself and my family."
"We declare miracles over your house, miracles over your children, miracles in your body, miracles in your mind."
"God is changing your situation for the better; He is blessing you and your family with a better life."
"God is improving your lot and bestowing a better life on you and your family."
"Marriage associated with improvements in child well-being, even after adjusting for income differences."
"Life would be better for them, their kids, and everyone around them."
"Health I promise you is the best investment."
"Learn about what you need to learn for your health and your family."
"It was amazing. She was thriving. She was crying less because she wasn't hungry. I was crying less."
"Take a time for yourself. It's actually the most selfless thing you could do for your entire family."
"Only reason I have endured your constant insults and cruelty was for that girl to have a normal life."
"Your family's health is more valuable than that money."
"Do what's gonna work for you and for your family and then ultimately you'll be doing what's gonna work for the community."
"I'm blessed to still be here, that my children are still alive and healthy... I just appreciate everyone." - Cool Boy Steph
"Simplify screen time to make a positive difference in your household."
"The Delta variant comes in like a hurricane but leaves a lot of immunity in its wake."
"Cash flow is financial freedom, so you and your family can sleep at night."
"Stay safe, keep your family safe, and continue learning new skills."
"If all I'm doing is creating beautiful spaces, I'm failing. But if I'm creating beautiful spaces where families are thriving, then I'm really doing something."
"Atrazine is safe for the environment and for families and for your children."
"Their perception of you is costing you and your family wealth and livelihood."
"None of your family members will perish as long as you're alive. Amen. And you both will also live a full, enjoyable life. Amen."
"I realized I wouldn't want my kids to witness such a toxic relationship."
"Happy parents separated are better than sad parents together."
"I am so sick of the sicknesses and just us living this unhealthy lifestyle, it is not healthy and I'm ready to make a change within our home."
"Prosperity is showered over you and your family."
"Your family will be okay, especially your children."
"I pray for household salvation, household deliverance, household healing in Jesus' mighty name."
"It makes me happy and I haven't completely lost touch with my life, bills are paid and the family is happy."
"I'm grateful that my loved ones are in a state of health right now."
"Your family will be fine; the only people who won't are those subjected to brainwashing."
"May your Wi-Fi be strong, may your family be well."
"The less things I can think about, the better it's gonna be for me and for everyone else in my family."
"Kids are doing really well. All they know is that Mommy is doing better and enjoying spending more time with her and the extra energy and playfulness that she hasn't had in a while."
"You know, Alabama power, the Southern Company, they provided our family with a wonderful, wonderful life."
"Knowing that our families are good is really important."
"My children and grandchildren are well."
"Until next time, God bless you, God bless your family."
"Children being calm and having their own outlet really helps with the day-to-day living well for the parents and for the kids."
"We thank you for allowing everyone to come out healthy and strong."
"What you should be thinking about is how can we advance and improve ways for middle-class families to have some security so that if they work hard, they can get ahead and their kids can get ahead."
"And it's not only good for the kids, it's good for me as well."
"Change your life, save your money, use your gains to better your life for your family, spread the joy."
"We're simply trying to do what is best for not just Neo, but for our family as well."
"Physically and emotionally, the girls are doing good."
"I'm looking forward to less stress on my kids and family."
"Having good sleep habits really sets up the whole family for success."
"I'm feeling pumped, you know my family's good, we're getting a new bar, our food is great."
"May God bless you and your family and your every endeavor, and God bless America."
"When people go to work, they feel good; their health is better; their kids do better in school."
"Happy Holidays to you and your family. We are wishing you guys a very happy and healthy holiday."
"I'm really happy that my kids are well, and no one's gotten sick, no one in our immediate family has suffered through COVID, and I'm grateful for all of those things."
"If you want your family to be blessed, be a refresher to others."
"Do you want to live in prosperity, peace, and understand safety and security for your family, education for your kids?"
"If you're paying your bills and your family is healthy, you've made your money and done well with it."
"Your family's alive, you're doing okay."
"And just make sure that you're doing things that are gonna help your family in the longterm."
"My kids are about to have the best life."
"It makes me happy to think that my mom now knows that we're in a better state."
"I truly want what's best for you, for your family, for everybody."
"I'm doing okay, the baby looks healthy, the marriage is going strong."
"You built a home where all families can flourish and where all children can shine and be happy."
"Learn to think logically, stop being led by your emotions, and think about the well-being of your family."
"We should be centering our sense of progress around how our kids are doing, our health, our mental health, our environmental quality."
"Make sure that everything is well with your family, then all will be well for you."