
Personal Capabilities Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"Life is not fair, 100. Not everybody has the same skills, not everybody has the same opportunity, not everybody has the same love life. Life is not fair."
"There was absolutely nothing that I cannot do as a black American in this country that a white American can do."
"That's why I'm willing to do the things you never could."
"I have a lot of tricks on my sleeve you don't know about."
"He may not be the world's smartest human...but he is absolutely unquestionably the world's most effective engineer."
"Human personality has far more abilities than those usually ascribed to it."
"Most of you probably wouldn't be able to do that, would you?"
"Don't think that you can't be Spider-Man if you go practice parkour."
"If he can do it, that means that I should be able to do it as well."
"Even your most experienced diplomats could envy your ability to turn the true nature of any situation and act accordingly."
"This guy can do no wrong... He was born for such a time as this."
"I just want them to be shocked because they have no idea what I could do."
"You have what it takes... blessings and satisfaction here in your life."
"I know what I can do, I know what I can bring to the table."
"It's not about flexing, it's about showing what's possible."
"If you change the way you think, it changes the way you feel and therefore it changes what you can do."
"I don't have money but what I do have are a very particular set of skills... survival."
"This is just kind of proof that you too can do whatever you want if you're a billionaire and you wake up and you're like I want to go into space, you can do it."
"I think anybody with an athletic spirit can do anything within reason."
"So many of our limitations are self-imposed... until we can get past that and see what we're really made of... you don't really know what you're capable of."
"I'm far more capable of creating magic than I ever believed before."
"Success depends not alone or chiefly on the possession of these special faculties, but more upon the power which uses the tools."
"We can do anything, we just can't do everything."
"It's a bit greedy, but can he do it? Of course!"
"You can tell that Jay-Z really is one smart cookie."
"There's a difference between having things in your control and not being able to do them."
"Women don't submit to a man. They submit to a man's abilities."
"There really is no limit to what you're capable of."
"You really haven't seen much of what I'm capable of yet."
"It is fun to experiment and see what you're capable of."
"Recognize what you could do, what you can do."
"So, Tony has like a person, he has a person that we could all dream of. Like, Carlos could never do what Yoni does."
"I can do this on my own, watch and see, you think you know better than me."
"I know a lot more than what you're giving me credit for."
"This is a guy who knew exactly what he was doing."
"The best part was challenging myself and seeing really what I was made of."
"No man can give that which he does not have." - Christian Wachovia
"Be honest with yourself about your capabilities and desires."
"You are accomplished enough to do whatever the heck you want at this point."
"This here is basically saying whatever you're doing, whatever you're manifesting, it's in your DNA."
"You are strong enough to let go of anything."
"I told you I don't mess around when it comes to holiday feasts like I can't do a lot of things in life but cook a holiday feast I can nail it."
"I can operate a Sally quantity, Lance Palma Lamborghini."
"You can be proved me wrong or take my advice and do something that you're actually like really phenomenally good at."
"Nobody as a person is poor, they have value, they have gifting, they have talent."
"All that you desire you are 100% capable of achieving."
"Tough as nails if she set her mind to it, I can see her... get through that kind of stuff."
"He knew I couldn't do it, so he did it himself."
"You might not all be Mad Men like me and have a lot of Tanks, maybe you've only got five, and it's really easy."
"You have everything it takes. You are your manifestor."
"Trading is a risky thing, and as I always say, although I can do it doesn't mean you can replicate the same thing."
"Knowing yourself and knowing what you can and cannot do is usually useful."
"Focus on your game, focus on your abilities, on what you need to do."
"You are going to learn this weekend just how capable you really are."
"One of the greatest powers that you have is the problem to solve problems."
"I always love it when they have legs yeah like strength like I should be one of the if not the strongest like quarterback because I'm so so strong but they had me a little weaker you know."
"No challenge is too difficult for you, believe in yourself and your capabilities."
"There's more skills in your head than you can even think about right now."
"I've always believed in myself with what I could do."
"Through this power that's inherent within me, I'm able to tap more into abilities that I have."
"Just realize that you're a person who's capable of love, joy, and connection."
"You can be an educated idiot and you can be a savant street guy and be a genius." - John Mayer
"This is the tier where strengths become so strong that they can be overpowering."
"Trust in your ability to make excellent choices."
"Their ambitions exceed their abilities and when people's ambitions exceed their abilities, they can be very dangerous."
"I can do manual work and I work very hard. You can count on me to get things done."
"If you can talk, if you can walk, if you can see, if you can hear, if you can taste, if you can smell, if you speak a language, if your mind works and you can do enough of that, you can do whatever you want to do in your life, period."
"Emphasize what you do have and how much you can actually do with that."
"You have the chance to show the world what you can do now."
"You have always had this ability, you just have to tap into it."
"I'm an extremely dangerous individual. Everybody with a brain knows that. Doesn't matter if it's conquering the internet or fighting in the ring, I'm good at things."
"Are you gonna keep spending your life never knowing what you're really capable of?"
"The ability to kind of go, 'Okay, this is what I've got, this is what I need to do.'"
"You definitely can do this. You have a firm foundation."
"Make sure to tap into your talents, gifts, skills, and abilities."
"Your heart's in the right place, your mind's in the right place, but more importantly you have the skill to do it."
"Know that you are enough. You can do whatever it is that you're setting out to do."
"I refuse to believe this hit can do it better."
"I might look like it, but I'm actually a pretty good cook."
"When God speaks to you, what he will show you will be greater than what your strength can do, what your skill can do, what your education can provide."
"There is so much more that belongs to you that you can do yourself."
"I understand that I'm autistic; it doesn't mean that I can't go out into a crowd."
"I know what's in me. I know what I can do. I know what I'm capable of."