
Cautious Approach Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"We've got to have a multi-layered defense against it, and at any given point we can maybe raise some things and lower others but we're gonna have to go incredibly cautiously."
"I am more optimistic than I'm bearish but I'm also cautiously optimistic."
"Prudence is the answer... I think prudence is the answer."
"Putting all on Bolton? Littlefinger stays out, waits, then makes his move."
"It's a process, it's not certainly in family medicine it's a process you're not going guns blazing the first time you meet someone unless it's something really obvious and dangerous."
"Taking things slow shows that you're invested in getting to know someone without giving off red flags."
"I don't think it's the right approach at this time."
"Things we accepted before as worth the risk... are now in question."
"I see you taking it slow as hell, slow as hell, really, really, really analyzing the hell out of this new person."
"I'm dubious right now, you know. I'd have to see something that's pretty legitimate."
"We aired in the right direction... in the careful direction from the beginning."
"So when you're ahead, you don't want to take unnecessary risks."
"It is not out of bounds to suggest that we might need to see some evidence."
"History shows that these times are not about trying to make a fortune, but trying to preserve your position."
"Never jump to conclusions about a person based on that first accusation."
"He's going slow at first because he just saved the crane."
"It's one of them things, it's a slippery slope."
"Sometimes you just have to dip your feet in and see if it's going to be okay, take a taste, give it a try."
"I'm actually in favor of a pause or rather I'm in favor of a Slowdown."
"Physical therapy is dipping your toe in the water, seeing how it feels, and always changing things up."
"I would say definitely don't rush it, you know, do what feels best for you and there's definitely no rush for those types of things."
"From someone who had an attachment for the first 12 years of her life, I just think more bad can come than good."
"Absolute guarantees is something we avoid because that kind of thinking invites disaster."
"I think we have to be careful here and just not have the attitude where we're disregarding scripture."
"Take all this information with a grain of salt, my advice included."
"I think we need to be very cautious about anything that is anti-meritocratic and anything that is uh that results in a suppression of free speech..."
"I'm gonna wait for all the information before I try to say hey we should cancel someone and kick them out of the community."
"It's worth a try for most people, in small doses, with reputable programs."
"I prefer to take more on the side of de-risking."
"If she locks the door and it's just the two of you, it's a sign. Just don't move too fast. Take a breath."
"I don't want you playing a game that you've never heard the rules to."
"We need to watch it really closely, really closely."
"If you don't have clarity by the end of this week, don't do anything."
"Easy does it. Slowly, slowly. We need to get it up in the air and spin it round."
"Are they planning for the summer? They're not going to panic buy, which tends to be quite a good thing."
"I'm not trying to start [expletive] that isn't already there."
"Take things slow, not investing your feelings until you've had enough time to really see who this person is."
"I think it's important to not jump to conclusions, let it play out."
"I would rather be safe than sorry. I want people to be alert, on guard, and proactive as opposed to being reactive five years later."
"Wow, there's two of them here. Let's go. Wait, is that the Prototype? We better be careful with that."
"It's such a tricky thing, it's a slippery slope."
"It's important to capitalize on any gains that you have."
"It's not a hard no, it's just that right now, I don't see it in three years."
"Now I know what you're thinking, obvious scam right? But wait..."
"Let's just be honest dollar cost average be an investor and don't do stupid stuff."
"But you don't have to do anything rash, just take a look at your allocations and adjust them."
"Rule two: the double tap. You never know when a zombie is truly dead, so just to be safe, shoot it twice."
"Trust but verify. Adopt a cautious mindset when approached for introduction or a connection to a deal."
"It's best to take it slow and steady, that is for sure."
"They're taking extra precautions to figure out what exactly caused this shift in case it was some sort of mundane source."
"It's like this whole theme is slow down, think before you walk."
"Let's not do anything too crazy until I'm actually served with this case, but yeah, I think you may be the perfect person to represent me."
"The law moves slowly and between slowly and recklessly I'll take slowly every time."
"Not taking off might be the best thing for The Rock."
"Start low and start slow, so start once a week if you haven't used it at all, and then you can build that up."
"We're not going on either side here we are not going to spark concern at the same time we want to make sure that the market feels accommodated."
"Being risky in this game just does not pay off like ever, not really."
"I think that's how they're going to fight they're they're not going to go crazy they're not going to get knocked out but they're going to fight their hearts out."
"As long as it's safe, alright? So if you know that you shot, I don't know, 15 out of your 30 rounds..."
"So much you want to proceed with this connection but you're being careful to avoid heartbreak."
"We're playing with fire, we don't even know what it is."
"Taking things slow is more important when dating a parent."
"Your future person is somebody who moves slow but they have feelings."
"They're taking things slowly, need to make sure it all makes sense."
"It's always a good rule of thumb to start out light and see what you're working with."
"If you're not sure, if you're nervous, it's better to go slow than fast."
"You've got to try as best as you can to keep one foot in the door."
"Am I suggesting that he did this with extraterrestrial technology? No, because I don't know."
"I'm not waiting for destiny to turn 18 to date her, I'm actually just getting to know destiny a lot more, trying to take things slow."
"Both of you are just like, 'Let's take this one step at a time.'"
"Take things slowly, step by step, especially if you've had broken hearts in the past."
"Go easy, ease into it, be careful, you don't want to go into an overly irritating regimen."
"Do everything very small first. It's like everything that we've done so far that thinks like saved us a ton of time and money because we have no idea what we're doing..."
"It's good news that NASA scrubbed the launch for today and they will do it when they're darn good and ready."
"It's changed how I look at it a little bit. I've always, I think, had a healthy fear of what's out there."
"He doesn't fight battles he can't win." - Mad King
"Go slow, and just research, research, research."
"It's like the most common idiom: never follow a right to a second location."
"This is what I care about the most on the run right now just not dying."
"Your intuition say for example you meet a new person and you're like okay this seems like too good to be true then do your due diligence something may be off if your intuition is telling you it's off you must listen to that."
"Slow and steady wins the race, okay? Listen, you don't want to go in there guns and places. Somebody's gonna get hurt, okay? Remember, you're okay. You got this, friend."
"Don't jump all in right away, start slow, work your way up."
"I try as hard as I can to avoid spoilers for pretty much anything."
"Don't jump head first into a situation or a relationship without doing the proper vetting first."
"A good investing plan isn't necessarily just going after the investment with the highest return."
"Take things slow, don't be so quick to assign a meaning."
"Let the investigation happen before we jump to too many conclusions before we jump to assign absolute blame."
"I'm gonna play safe with Salah. I don't know if I'm going to change my mind."
"Keep them in the friend zone before you take that leap."
"Playing it safe doesn't mean missing out on opportunities."
"Rekindle the flame, be honest and maybe just kind of pull back a little bit."
"Again, I want to emphasize that if you do decide to work with these devices do it safely."
"Turning to things financial for a bit, I'm starting to see more and more of these creaking and popping sounds."
"Psychedelics aren't just for the left anymore and honestly, they never were."
"Rather than rushing headlong into this thing, take a deep breath. It's gonna be okay."
"Don't rush right into it, Pisces. Take your time."
"We're moving toward a space now where there are going to be some youngsters out there who are going to say, 'I'm not taking a chance anymore.'"
"It will be the visibility into turn one that's going to be, I'm sure, the cautious moment for everybody."
"It's dangerous, yeah, it could be dangerous."
"They want to take a leap of faith towards you, but are trying to be more patient."
"I come from the old school mindset of securing your funding before creating something."
"I will say this, most men who are widowers do need to take things a little slow especially if he hasn't dated before."
"Focus on one thing that you know. Don't touch anything that you don't know."
"I'm not full-on bullish or bearish today, I think this is one of those markets where I just want to look for trend in strong names, not try to fight it."
"Before we can think about lifting any of the restrictions, we must make sure we can do it safely."
"I'm actually risk-averse. People think that I'm out here making these moves, no, no, I'm highly risk-averse."
"If you're uncertain at any point in time during the transaction, go and do the transaction in person in a public space."
"If you will not fully trust my plan, Frodo, will you not at least allow us to test it in part?"
"I don't care for the speed, but I can't get enough of that safety gear: helmets, roll bars, caution flags."
"Let's start as friends first; we'll see what the future brings."
"A cautious rise and reign of terror."
"Take your time, be suspicious by default, triple check everything, and never rush."
"Be very careful here because a lot of you are going to be surprised."
"Create a plan for scaling up slowly; don't dive in too deep."
"You've got to go slowly, slowly, slowly."
"Slow is better. It's better to go slow to get to know people, to understand what their attachment issues are."
"My only real concern is that I don't want to raise the temperature too quickly."
"It's better to stick with the devil you know than the one you don't."
"We cannot take a chance, we cannot race hard, we got to think Championship."
"Always test, test, test, and start with baby steps."
"Going slow in the beginning is important but keep in the proper perspective."
"I'm going to take it easy and take it nice and slow."
"I prefer to reserve judgment till the full facts are known."
"I like to give elephants a lot of room, especially when they're at the side of the roads."