
Electoral Importance Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Americans are generationally free and we have an independent spirit that no other country in the history of the world has ever seen."
"They [young people] have to consider this coming election as the opportunity to take their country back."
"Getting my generation's vote should be a priority for any presidential candidate."
"The sheer number of competitive districts is important in its own right."
"If we vote, we will win. If we don't vote, we will lose the country."
"Every election is important, but some elections are more consequential than others."
"This presidential election is probably the most consequential election we've had in this country since maybe 1860."
"We need to win in November. November is about stopping fascism in the United States."
"The election that's coming up is... the most important... hopefully again."
"Voting is important because if y'all would have voted, this person wouldn't be in the office."
"We're gonna have to win because all of these things that we've done can be undone."
"That is a former Republican who is now going to vote for President Biden if he has the opportunity to over Donal Trump because he knows what's at stake for his children and his grandchildren and the country at large."
"We need to win both of these Senate seats in Georgia."
"Every single vote counts, and the polls have not gotten it wrong."
"This is the most important election of your lifetime."
"What makes this election so important is the possibility that we have to win what we want and the reality that another four years of Trump will be followed by a version of bolson arrow or bond."
"This is the most important electoral moment that I've been involved in, whether it was Mondale or whether it was others who posed. I'm choosing, I'm standing with someone I believe in, someone whose voice is about truth."
"We live in a democracy where every vote does count."
"When we see polling that says Biden could be up seven or maybe up three or maybe up one in Florida, what that tells me is if I'd live in Florida, I'm going to make damn sure that I'm voting."
"We are in the last stretch of this election and your support is so crucial."
"Everything comes down to voter turnout and who actually shows up at the polls."
"Everything that we've built, low taxes, strong military, taking care of our vets, all of the things we've done can be decimated very quickly if the wrong person gets in."
"We have one chance to save it, and that chance is called 2024."
"This election was 'the most important vote that we ever had.'"
"This election is everything to me. It means that we could change America one vote at a time."
"It's very very important for the voters in Georgia to take that into account when they vote in January."
"Black voters are going to be critical all across this country but especially here in the area of Dallas Fort Worth."
"If every election is the most important election, then just damn it, roll your sleeves up and go do that job."
"This election is about more than politics. It's about who we are as a country."
"Independent voters are the bedrock of our democracy."
"Elections are not just about winning or losing, it's about the signal we're sending to the younger generation."
"Everybody who cares about the future of this nation should turn out and vote. It's vitally important, it's absolutely important."
"If our votes truly count, these should form the basis of electoral campaigns."
"The road to the White House runs through the black media."
"This is the biggest and most important election. That is not hyperbole. I mean, that is what's happening here in less than a month. It's really a big deal."
"This is the most important election in the modern history of this country."
"It begins and ends with Joe because if Joe does not win, we're... so we just need to make sure that Joe wins and we're going to make sure he wins..."
"Vote for Joe Biden like your lives depend on it."
"Texas is pivotal in this election. If we do well in Texas, Joe Biden becomes the president."
"The voting process is the starting gun of the race, it is not the finish line."
"We want to believe in American greatness, and that's what's on the ballot."
"If your vote didn't count they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep you from doing it."
"Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and foundational to the rule of law."
"California is going to help choose the next president of the United States."
"If we win Pennsylvania, we win the whole thing."
"Practically speaking, the 2020 election is the only way that we will remove him from office."
"Vote all the way down the ballot because it is the United States Senate who confirms Supreme Court Justices and it's who you pick for president that's going to decide who gets nominated."
"We must ensure that every single person that is watching this and everyone that you know is registered to vote for the election in 2024."
"We cannot take this election for granted, we just can't do it, ladies and gentlemen."
"The only poll that matters is the poll on Election Day."
"I believe that political scores should be settled at the ballot box."
"We need to elect someone with the right experience."
"The 2024 election isn't just another vote it's a pivotal moment for America."
"It makes the election for the house and the senate more important than any we've seen in our lifetime."
"Elections do have consequences... the 2018 midterms this November will be the most important midterms in history."
"Every vote counts. Keisha Lance Bottom won mayor of Atlanta by 832 votes."
"It's all hands on deck right now; they want to take back the Senate, and Trump sees this as the linchpin to his 2024 chances."
"Black votes in Milwaukee saved Joe Biden and the Democrats and gave them the presidency."
"No right is more precious in a free country than having a voice in the election."
"I think it's crucial if we want to win the election in 2024 that we have an honest discussion about the conversations that are taking place on the ground."
"This is not about a feel-good session. This is about putting people in office who can do the things that we need done."
"We are done with the gaslighting Democrats and it is up to all of you... make sure you talk to everybody... this is a critical election it's going to be very tight and we cannot afford for it to go the wrong way."
"You're not saying I will gift you with my vote. What you're talking about is someone wants to represent you."
"So make sure you vote because literally our lives depend on it."
"Trump needed this. I mean, Trump is looking for his Pennsylvania boost. If Trump wins Pennsylvania, I mean, he's on a path for victory."
"In this election, this is a very, very important election. This could be, and I've said it and I've heard it and they have spoken it many times, this is our most important midterm election perhaps ever."
"I think it is vital that we elect Bernie Sanders as president."
"Without any Black Agenda, there is no black vote, period."
"This election is extremely important, extremely important."
"It's very important for our country and the great state of Georgia that Herschel Walker wins this election." - Donald Trump
"Your vote will decide what century we live in."
"If there ever was a case to illustrate why 'vote blue no matter who' actually means something, it's this."
"We have to go much, much bigger... we're still going to have tens of millions of Americans who are completely at a loss."
"When we vote, we are putting people in office to represent our voice, everyone's voice, black, white, whoever you are."
"This election is about you, no one else. We are a great country, but we can be even better if we have a better government."