
Visual Impairment Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The tweet says he has one eye missing, but the other eye is all right, all right, all right."
"We see in the visual cortex in the brain and yes if the eyeball is gone if it's broken or something yes, you know you will not it's like your ears if you don't like the signal will not be received properly by the brain."
"I've spanned the whole visual spectrum from complete blindness to sort of pretty heavily impaired."
"I wanted to develop a device that was able to help people with visual impairments adapt to their environment."
"Alternative text describes any meaningful image for someone who isn't able to see the image."
"Color modification increases the contrast of colors on a screen, making the interface easier to see for people with low vision."
"It's better to be blind walking with Jesus than to be able to see and go alone."
"There's so many beautiful things in life which you cannot see if you are blind."
"Those are really basic things for sighted people, but for somebody with my degree of vision loss, I can't just get my guide dog or grab a cane and go do that without getting lessons and trained how to safely do that in my new neighborhood."
"Jaden Smith: 'Dad, please come help me. I can't see.'"
"Wow, I have the perfect wish! So this is my girlfriend, and she's blind, but we've been together a long time, and I just wish she could see the world. So I wish my girlfriend could see."
"An app featuring an easy-to-use navigation system that helps people with visual impairment navigate to their destinations by themselves."
"Eye of God is an easy-to-use navigation system built for visually impaired people."
"Damn, boy, that boy kicked up a million rocks! I'm legally blind!"
"90% of blind people have remaining vision and I do and so because of that My brain really wants to see."
"Blind people are three times more likely to deal with depression and anxiety."
"He's said before that he can't see when he fights."
"I don't see color real well and I even went with the hank."
"Euler was incredibly productive even with the blindness."
"Unseen is the story of Sam who answers a call from Emily a visually impaired woman fleeing her dangerous EX in the woods in a bid to survive she relies on Sam's remote guidance via a video call using their eyesight as a Lifeline."
"People who don't see very well need a seeing-eye dog to guide them around."
"Can you imagine trying to drive with that looting body on the back?"
"This is just how I look, whether you think I look sighted or whether you think I look blind."
"People who are blind, people who have low vision, some users with cognitive disabilities, and others who simply prefer to hear text read aloud, instead of or in addition to reading it off the screen, may use a screen reader to access the computer."
"It's not just all or nothing color; for the vast majority of people that have some kind of color deficiency, it's a gradient."
"Connecting people, dogs, and communities to transform the lives of individuals with visual impairments."
"I was actually born legally blind."
"We believe in connecting people, dogs, and communities to transform the lives of individuals with visual impairments."
"There are around 25,000 blind or partially sighted kids in the UK."
"For blind or partially sighted kids like Ryan, these little things can be really tricky."
"My family definitely wasn't yet accustomed to my blindness and they kept tripping over saying things like 'good to see you'."
"Give visually impaired people independence and freedom with TFI."
"It just makes life so much easier if you've got a visual impairment."
"This is not a benign condition; this can cause permanent visual impairment or loss in up to 10 percent if we leave this untreated."
"You can set up an iPhone and an iPad for someone with a visual impairment."
"There is no one right way to cut foods or to pour a drink for someone who is blind or visually impaired."
"It's critical that the teacher of the visually impaired work closely with the general education classroom teacher."
"Cerebral Visual Impairment can manifest in many different ways."
"Cerebral Visual Impairment is a brain-based visual condition with a wide range of manifestations."
"You have to visualize that you're sitting in the ballpark next to someone that is blind, that can't see, and you're going to tell that person everything that is happening on the field."
"Just because you have a visual impairment doesn't mean you can't play cricket."
"Meeting other people of different eyesight conditions and how vision impaired sports has helped them."
"We are Somerset Visually Impaired Cricket Club, this is our story."
"I spent a week testing out the brand new Apple Vision Pro to see if it's going to be a good device for myself and my community, the Blind and Visually Impaired."
"Hey guys, my name is Sam, this is the blind life where I create content for and about the Blind and Visually Impaired."
"The spatial audio for the Blind and Visually Impaired is fantastic, 10 out of 10."
"I was able to completely set up this device 100% by myself without any problems."
"The potential is definitely there for the Apple Vision Pro."
"Lynn smiles and immediately reveals the item he has bought and explains to them that it is among the top Talisman, and he asks them who is blind."