
Unique Approach Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Black Star is Bowie looking back on his life."
"Stepping into your uniqueness, finding your unique approach to it."
"Wow, this is so interesting and I've never heard of a step-by-step process like this."
"That's why I wrote in on the horse this one's different because this is a new opponent but we're ready to go he's gonna have to bring a whole lot of stuff to give me to quit."
"They followed a very unique mold and as a result, they've got the loyal fan base."
"He still pulled off the feeling of a sniper in his own convoluted sort of way."
"I'm just really trying to like take it there like doing some stuff that never been done you know what I'm saying being like Warren Buffett but from South Central that never been done you don't know a."
"I've never seen anyone teach this framework before and I actually found some science that has never been used in this way before."
"Thank you for indulging me today on this different video, spider. It definitely has babies because it had like a white thing."
"That weapon is just so strong that like is actually it sounds like an interesting take too."
"I tell people that what we're trying to achieve with Shut Up & Sit Down is a board game review show that is simultaneously both the smartest and the dumbest of all the board game reviews."
"This is a very unique take on Survival horror."
"Vampyre is a great example of doing something different."
"I thank God every day that I'm able to do this, playing games differently, doing things in our own way."
"Super Mario RPG: humor, beautiful backgrounds, and a unique direction for Mario."
"Shaun of the Dead instantly sets itself apart from the competition."
"Miiverse is social media as only Nintendo can do social media."
"Whole Cake Island was different, it was unique, and in my opinion, a much-needed breath of fresh air for a series that had begun to fall into patterns."
"I'm a Spider, So What?: I really hope that we get a season two of it because I think it was a very, very solid isekai that's different enough from your typical isekai formula."
"Hey, I have a solution to end the doll beef: all the dolls, all deathmatch."
"It's gonna be skydiving basically coming in on its belly, you know, which is very different."
"It's a brilliant movie, I love it, and it does something that other Jurassic things just haven't done yet."
"Mirror's Edge: A unique take on a cherished genre."
"Experts agree Kevin Rudd did what no other government on earth did—freak stuff."
"Boom! You've got a G for gym or Gaim as I like to call it."
"The whole concept of Bastoy is to provide a more pleasant experience than most jails."
"This renovation is going to be different from all the other renovations that we've done in the house because me and my dad are gonna do almost all of it by ourselves."
"Matthew Vaughn takes these weird kind of properties and turns them into something infinitely watchable."
"Batman V Superman does things that no other comic book movie has ever done."
"The Shotgun Surgeon operates very differently to other surgeons...he uses a shotgun, and the wasteland is the only operating table that he ever needs."
"The far side isn't like the majority of traditional comic strips. There are no recurring named characters. Everyone and everything is the potential focus of a strip."
"Age of Calamity isn't just a Breath of the Wild-skinned Warriors title..."
"Using furniture in a new way is actually a really amazing way of designing a space and adding a unique touch."
"I'm glad you guys made that choice and didn't just make a generic war game."
"I'm different, so that just forced my writing into a place where even if I ain't the funniest, let me at least start in a place that nobody else is cooking."
"Joker is unlike most other comic book movies. There's no post-credit scene. People actually bleed."
"Quick fist punch, he's trying to do a different kind of commentary that just makes it anything that's great."
"There wasn't really anything like the Blair Witch Project at the time."
"Their soda is like revolutionary; they do it differently than any other establishment."
"It's experimental, stylish, and fun, a unique take on the Sonic formula from a very different era."
"Thank you for your witness, your strength, your... what you're working and sailing in a different way and soaring in a different way."
"I went down to the anti-Koch rally on rollerblades and a camera."
"We need a unique solution, not a eunuch solution."
"Christine Lloyd on the other hand did it completely opposite; she began it and started it at the lower right."
"It's obvious that this couple were not only made for each other but determined to do things their way."
"Kadenas takes a unique and thoroughly modern approach - it almost feels like magic."
"It's called outlaw for a reason, we did what no one else could do."
"Nobody else on the planet was really deconstructing or destroying and reconstructing music like that."
"This is reality TV in a totally different way."
"You're someone who does things differently, you think outside the box."
"Be creative, be you, be different. Switch it up a little bit, put your own twist to it."
"It's a very different type of Batman film compared to what's come before."
"The Color of Friendship handles racism like no other one ever."
"The last phase just kind of yolo it... feels really unique to them."
"Dry is definitely different from the other Neal Schusterman books that I've read but I feel it really does preserve his core talent as a writer."
"We're creating something long-term... unique platform, unique business approach."
"This is like the Doki Doki Literature Club of education."
"For the good of everybody, for both of us, I don't want to be coming down your people's chimneys on Christmas Eve." - Jim Cornette
"Quick maths, no one else is doing that on the channel, man."
"It definitely is a kookier Mario game... but it's a nice change of pace."
"The mission is not to win the game early on. The mission is to let the meme get some breathing space."
"It's incredibly different from any other vampire movie you've ever seen."
"Elden Ring proves that there is another path to success: being faithful to a unique formula, as niche and newcomer-unfriendly as it might be, is sufficient for getting people interested."
"Fallout: New Vegas has an interesting method for displaying cutscenes."
"Welcome back my legends and today I'm going to make a very different video than what I usually make."
"I promise this video is not going to be your cookie cutter copy and paste advice about saving more for retirement."
"I respect that, sitting in the front. That's different, but not a bad different."
"Their originality absolutely floors me, they're doing things unlike anyone else I've seen."
"The minority of exceptional creative achievers operate under a completely different philosophy."
"Ain't nobody gonna be as raw as me, ain't nobody gonna give you all the energy I'm gonna give y'all."
"Broken Roads is doing something very different here that permeates through all aspects of the game."
"Harnessing intuition right now is a very unique way to fight fascism."
"Doom Eternal feels unofficial in the best way possible."
"The tone of the film is like so off in a good way."
"Are they going to turn their report into a song?"
"It's so unique for Disney to do horror, and they do it in such a unique way."
"The sequel has all the tried and tested conventions but puts a unique spin on them."
"Yeah, I came in heavy music from a different angle."
"I mean it's a nice it's a really unique uh way I think of uh introducing this album for what it is."
"We going to build this from scratch and we going to do it a little bit differently this time."
"One Punch Man is really unique compared to other comedy because it breaks the OP character protagonist directly."
"We weren't trying to be like anybody else at all, we were just trying to do our own thing."
"I have a different style, I have a different technique of reaching the youth and I'm gonna do things my way."
"His approach to combat is unique in itself and a special philosophy."
"It is interesting to watch somebody do something well in a way that you've never seen done."
"This is the soulsborne series' one and only character study, and it is a phenomenon."
"Everything I do, I do it like I've never done another thing ever."
"I'm only interested in this little piece of the puzzle: what you guys did that other people didn't do and how you did it."
"Japan has taken a unique path through the decades of interstellar innovation."
"What if it's not doing extraordinary work, but what if it's doing ordinary things in a way no one's ever seen before?"
"He's created a third category; he's a very distinct, unique captain."
"What makes New Vision unique is how they try to strategically set up networking opportunities for your film."
"Medical Medium information is different than any other information in the health field; it's different, it's geared to save lives."
"The idea with Genie was different than the typical family tree; instead of everyone working on their own tree, everyone works on one single world family tree."
"No response was like badass in its own way."
"I am kind of still glad I saw it, just because I like when horror can try and do something a little different."