
Economic Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"These are some of the best value-for-money packs."
"I loved it, but man if like, you know, find it on sale or better at just rent it over the weekend."
"Creating a more conducive environment for economic independence."
"You can't print a bunch of money and it have no consequence."
"This is both a humanitarian crisis and an economic crisis."
"Living off-grid is about economic sustainability, not just environmental."
"Crowned winner Spotify for when it comes to prices."
"Incredible value considering what you're getting."
"The biggest economic choke point of the 20th century may have been oil passing through the Strait of Hormuz, but now it's microscopic silicon transistors manufactured in Taiwan."
"You're not depending on a government bailout for that. It's structural, which really makes a big difference."
"This is a global political economic war of epic proportions."
"When I say affordable... I mean you're not spending thousands upon thousands of dollars."
"We should be paying much more attention, like I believe the Federal Reserve is, toward the downside risks."
"Every piece of a Regency woman's wardrobe was designed for maximum versatility, adaptability, and economy."
"Once the funds for the benefits expire, we'll be right back at square one once again."
"Thank God I have fed my chickens, now all you need to do is give me some eggs so I can profit off of this!"
"Seniors specifically need a bigger monthly payment to cover the increased cost of living."
"Are you going to let this wealth and income and property all be sucked upward as a massive debt foreclosure or are you going to say we've got to restore equilibrium by just wiping out this enormous overgrowth of debt?"
"I completely understand all of that, why? Because I understand economic Warfare."
"The richest people have as much wealth as the bottom half of the population of the planet."
"I think there's going to be a 10% decline in prices."
"You've got to be ready for any type of economic situation."
"Don't miss this narrative because it's not just a narrative, this is literally like a multi-trillion dollar company, it's a total transition for our society economically."
"When you see economic pain, it creates opportunity for the financially savvy."
"China is the greatest economic and cultural empire in the world."
"China has undergone a meteoric rise to become the second largest economy on the planet."
"If my man was philandering, the last thing I'd do would be put myself in an economic position that I can't leave."
"What value do you put on anything that brings sentimental meaning in your life? ... How much value can you place on everything that it brings beyond its economic value?"
"The average wage of an American has not changed in more than 40 years."
"Venezuela has turned from what was the richest country in South America... into just a garbage heap."
"... the generation born in the 80s is the first in modern history to have less than even odds about earning their parents."
"You've seen how huge it is. Now, in Kenya, we are planning to host the entire East Africa – Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. They intend to host Afcon."
"The most important contest we face is not the contest between Democrats and Republicans. In this century, the most important competition we face is between America and our economic competitors around the world."
"I'm a believer that we are going into a soft landing."
"The thing I'm the most proud of that we do here is the economic empowerment that we allow people to receive because of the financial literacy."
"The economic argument for Europe seems to me to be overwhelming it's nearly half our export market five times bigger than the market of all the 52 Commonwealth countries added together."
"The deficit problem is a clear and present danger."
"Nothing else would have such a positive economic impact."
"The foundations of the nation's economic boom were clearly rotten."
"I would like to see all Americans do better and I certainly would like to see the outlook economic outlook for African Americans improve."
"What everybody needs in this country at the minute is a pay rise."
"The national park system generates tens of millions of dollars of economic activity."
"We came in with a fundamentally different economic vision: an economy that grows from the bottom up and the middle out."
"The court has held that economic duress was not proved."
"Economic rights are human rights."
"Our economic relationship has tremendous potential and continues to expand and to grow."
"As solar technology improves, solar panels will become more and more economically appealing in comparison to traditional energy."
"It could be said that the first movement towards economic and cultural globalization was implemented by pastoralist nomads wandering the steppes of Central Eurasia."
"The process can be very rewarding, both spiritually as well as economically."
"Each ethnic group, each nation of people, has a right to protect its economic interest and has a right to see that its economic resources are used for the advancement of its own people."
"Our country has deliberately undertaken a great social and economic experiment, noble in motive and far-reaching in purpose."
"The growth has been astronomical because as the economy has been weakening, right, and people are maxed out on their credit cards, this is the choice you can make."
"Our series will stress economic well-structured plots containing snappy conversational dialogue and characters whose actions are motivated and believable."
"The Mughal Empire contributed something like 25% of the world's GDP and was the richest empire on the planet."
"Over time, virtually everyone benefits from economic growth."
"The optimal economical solution is using HVDC."
"The automotive industry... it's important in the U.S., in Germany, and globally."
"The Tailwinds from the inflation reduction act will be with us in 2024."
"It's even more important to think of it as an economically driven thing to do."
"The conditions of preservation of self-preservation are social and economic, and we need to move away from the monadic and individualistic structure."