
New Challenges Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"You're ready to take on whatever 2022 has got coming for you."
"That's why I wrote in on the horse this one's different because this is a new opponent but we're ready to go he's gonna have to bring a whole lot of stuff to give me to quit."
"The main reason I left was because I was ready for a new challenge."
"It's a new world that we live in and we need to catch up to it."
"New technology generally solves more problems than it creates, but it still creates new problems."
"Sometimes new problems require old solutions."
"This ain't that. This is a whole different reality."
"Jane has asked for a transfer to a different branch."
"If anyone here thinks they understand it totally, they're wrong, because this is a new thing that we're trying to get to grips with and to understand properly, right? That's the kind of my provider."
"It's time to break out and take new territory."
"All side quests strengthen the lore or introduce new enemies."
"Guys, I'm really excited to take on this challenge because I feel like you guys are gonna love this series."
"First of all, don't tell me how to do my job. I just got here."
"Step out of that comfort zone, that's not where you belong."
"I'm hyped to explore the new zones and dangers the swamp will bring."
"It's always about embracing uncertainty, the joy of uncertainty, the joy of facing something new, the joy of new challenges, the joy of just living."
"Thank you, now that one crisis is over, it's time we start working on that mystery in the mountains."
"Season 2 of One Punch Man has been confirmed. Rumor has it that Season 2 might even deviate from the manga, setting up Saitama against new and powerful foes."
"Roe v Wade being overruled, yes, it's worth celebrating a thousand percent but it really began new battles, new frontiers of the war."
"This new world can bring unpleasant surprises."
"It's a whole new ball game, and I am scared, but I am determined."
"Governor Prax speaks of a calm response to the new life forms and seeks to understand it."
"It takes courage and trust to venture into the unknown, step boldly forward without looking back."
"Because I did this project, it has given me the confidence that I need to do some of the plans that I have for the new home."
"They better not give me away. Okay, we got new territory. I don't know what to do. Very scared of all the side windows now."
"Global warming has ended and a new, more ominous threat faces humanity."
"Streaming is terrifying, but I'm enjoying YouTube streams."
"This Premier League season is like that, it's a completely different race now."
"Tomorrow is gonna be a lot of fun, we're starting a hardcore world."
"Now I'm in a new scenario that I would have never been in."
"I feel like this is a whole new puzzle, you know. I feel like I was maybe just starting to kind of figure out that Ronda puzzle but this is like an entirely new challenge with a great support system."
"Almost all my favorite islands in the series have come from the new world era."
"A whole new ball game, a whole new goddamn ball game."
"This next chapter is going to require a lot of confidence in yourself."
"He takes everything he knows and everything he understands and applies it to this new environment."
"I always like a reset, I like a brand new game."
"The new environment and the maybe scrutiny and the points he will have to prove perhaps some skepticism in there no small matter."
"I'm just excited to use Pokemon that I haven't used before."
"There is just this big momentum that is pushing you up this new hill of success, this new mountain you're gonna be climbing."
"You're naturally gifted and relishing new opportunities."
"Heading into a new direction where they have a new external threat is a welcome change."
"Growth happens outside your comfort zone. I'm there now, making a big adjustment into this whole new world."
"Maybe add some new monsters waking up from hibernation or something that threatens his home."
"Now is the time for us, ladies and gentlemen, to be figuring out what we got to do in this new meta."
"Well here we go then boys and girls it looks like i've got a new home in all my years playing football manager 25 plus years playing football manager i've never managed real madrid before this is going to be interesting."
"It's a whole new set of learning and I'm really excited about it."
"We might need completely new solutions for what are effectively entirely new problems."
"I believe in myself while taking on a new project."
"Is it time to find a new level to elevate yourself to? Is it time to open the cage and let yourself further into the world?"
"Disney never let go of their experimental side to bring their storytelling and animation skills to new levels that they've never tested before."
"New year, new problems, and now I'm back to reveal all the secrets you need to know to survive Disney World in 2024."
"We're about to navigate that, it's about to be a whole new roller coaster, it's a whole new world."
"I've never met a challenge like this before, I'm really excited."
"Each of these living legends is being asked to accept a new role."
"I'll be moving my attention away from the show to allow myself the space to focus on new challenges."
"It feels like turning a new page; it's kind of exciting to think about all the opportunities we could work towards."
"I want to leave my current job for the simple reason I now feel I am ready for a new challenge."
"Shaquille O'Neal has officially completed the campaign of life and is now doing side quests."
"We are very much aware that we are facing a whole new set of challenges."
"This is new territory for me, but I'll rise to the challenge."
"There are a lot of unanswered questions, there are new faces, there are departing heroes who've set sail for pastures new."
"The growth mindset is a tool... for helping people navigate this new, unknown world."
"We gonna flex on some new haters, we gonna flex on some new... you know what I'm saying?"
"Once fame took hold... it was very exciting."
"He's a very talented race car driver, jumping into something completely new for him."
"He has already experienced the pinnacle of martial arts, and for him, it's only natural to try a new path for a new challenge."
"It's a new section for us to learn to take, but the good news is it's a new section for schools to try and interpret."
"Life's really funny the way it all happens, you work so hard and... you have to go on and prove yourself again, go do something else."
"Now it's time to explore something new, a new feel, a higher challenge."
"It's a new day and a new salvage hunt."
"While I remain dedicated to the art of animation and inspired by the creative talent at Pixar and Disney, I have decided the end of this year is the right time to begin focusing on new creative challenges."
"Since I enjoy learning new things, I looked forward to the challenge."
"You should never be afraid when you're walking into a new tech situation."
"If you have some impostor syndrome going into this job that you just got, I think that's normal."
"These new worlds would challenge you, and then you have to stretch and adapt to operate within that new world."
"So it appears a good video game stretches us and pushes us somewhere new."
"You're ready for this next big thing."
"An exciting new challenge is taking place in your life and you have what it takes to succeed."
"Goku has now faced a new enemy, and his name was Cumber."
"You're done with the games, and you're about to play a bigger game, the game of life."