
Technological Marvel Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The fact that I have a computer in my pocket exceeds any childhood daydream I could have had."
"Human spaceflight is frankly a miracle of modern science."
"NASA landed a helicopter on Mars, and beyond that, they flew it a lot with great success. Flying a helicopter on Mars is maybe the top of the cool and awesome list."
"No matter how many launches I see, it still blows my mind that they can put satellites in orbit in less time than it takes to drive across town."
"For this to have been made in 1968 is nothing short of miraculous."
"The ISS is the most incredible wonder of the modern world."
"There's this incredible thing with fable where you can see people on the other side of the landscape."
"Just seeing a real 3D cityscape moving at a smooth 30 frames per second was mind-blowing."
"The real marvel of the fusion pack is how small the reactor has been made."
"Modern agriculture is a miracle, just like nuclear energy."
"Seeing this rocket actually take off was mind-blowing."
"So it's not good none of us are happy about this but what happened was the shuttles the shuttle let me just say this is a magnificent flying machine."
"That acceleration is absolutely mind-blowing."
"This is the single most stunning thing that I saw at Tesla's AI day. It's almost like we're peering inside a human brain."
"We have built a machine that reaches virtually everywhere on the continent where people live and it can move energy silently and efficiently from wherever to wherever."
"It's a 50 meter Starship with ease. It's gorgeous!"
"The prius is a specialty car it gets insane gas mileage it is extremely efficient it is a marvel of engineering."
"A computer inside a computer - it's like magic."
"Star Citizen's technology and the marvel of building a universe from the ground up, creating an incredible visual experience."
"The engineering technology behind it is something to truly appreciate."
"It’s one of the most remarkable pieces of military technology ever created."
"The device was much more than just a time machine; it seemed to put participants in direct contact with non-human entities."
"Imagine zipping from Abu Dhabi to Dubai in minutes, leaving the tedious hours behind. It's an eagerly awaited Marvel of modern technology."
"It's not just a Marvel of modern science, it's a testament to human Innovation."
"Our ancestors had a truly uh admirable understanding of form and function. The ancient station is a technological marvel and an aesthetic wonder."
"When you think about ordering a USB charger online and having it delivered to your door, that's really a remarkable accomplishment."
"The engineering that goes into make a car run at 268 miles an hour is pretty amazing."
"Just listen to that glorious otherworldly sound on a freaking 48k no less. Yes, Tim Fallin was a god amongst men, quite frankly."
"It's amazing that anything complex ever works and the fact that so many complex things work around us is really in a sense it's miraculous." - Jordan Peterson
"Despite a troubled start and problematic engines plaguing the aircraft throughout much of its service life, the F-14 was a marvel of Cold War technology."
"This is Tomb Raider on a damn cell phone, and it's kind of amazing."
"It's incredible how many things you can detect."
"How can you look at this unit and not be impressed?"
"It's a miracle that you can point a sheet of glass at the Sun and out the back comes light and cold and information. I mean, that's Hogwarts scale magic."
"The Antonov An-225 Mriya is the biggest plane in the world."
"Witnessing the transformation of his phone, he concluded that his dream had come true."
"It was like waving a magic wand and bringing a 60 million year old fossil back to life."
"I found it amazing... the accuracy was astounding."
"Technology is incredible, you can now store and recall items in Pokemon as data via PC."
"They found me on the new machine, it's amazing! Oh, I love Amaretto."
"I cannot stress enough how incredible this is."
"I think nuke power is absolutely incredible. It's phenomenal."
"I'm just saying, one of the most amazing things, and I've said this a million times and you know I'm going to say it a million more, the amount of engineering that is going into these airplanes blows me away."
"It's unbelievably powerful... it is mind-bogglingly quick."
"The things this little monster can do are incredible."
"So open, fast, clear, high resolution... it dazzles, it will dazzle you with its clarity."
"It's amazing what they can achieve in such a small little package."
"It's still an engineering marvel."
"...a thing of beauty, a perfect Fusion of human and verulean technology."
"...there's no doubt that it was a technological marvel for its time that really took 3D to the next level."
"Technology amazes me. Nuclear reactors on a lake keeping themselves cool can power a whole state."
"I think the connectivity of it all is amazing."
"The suit is actually kind of incredible."
"It's amazing, like everything. Look, you even got the full system working."
"We're actually watching TV from outer space and they're coming here, amazing."
"This is amazing, and there's the switch he talked about."
"It's a magical thing that we have this available to us, it's incredible."
"We are in the middle of nowhere and fully connected to the internet; this is nuts."
"The prediction models in the works are just mind-blowing."
"The whole arena was a symbol of the most advanced and expensive technology of the times."
"This is the amazing thing about this model."
"It's amazing how big the older motors are."
"Planes, aside from being one of the most technical marvels of the 20th century, have brought the world even closer together than ever before."
"It's a fantastic device, a very expensive device, but a fantastic device."
"Every once in a while, humanity invents some weird delightfully clever piece of engineering magic."
"Believe it or not, you can fly; as in, you sit inside and fly around just like a helicopter. Pretty incredible, huh?"
"It's incredible how they could do this back in the day."
"It's an amazing tradition, an amazing technology."
"The Titanic was the ultimate in technology. The biggest and safest ship at sea."
"It was amazing to see this giant piece of metal and machinery move without anything pulling it, belching smoke and steam and making a lot of noise."
"The technology that's inside this simple little cartridge is just amazing."
"This thing is pretty amazing still."
"The Hindenburg could boast two days to Europe, fastest crossing of the ocean ever, and exponentially faster than any ship could possibly do it."
"We are surrounded with such amazing technology."
"This motor home is a true marvel of technology that will turn your travels into a comfortable and unforgettable adventure."
"A man-made machine, a miracle of modern technology, about to launch itself and its human cargo into the heavens."
"It really is incredible the power of an electric locomotive."
"At this moment, the vaunted technology has produced something astonishing, but it remains for the limitations and cleverness of another device, the human brain, to figure it out."
"The automation is just absolutely stupendous."
"The marvel of modern technology now brings these things to light."
"It's pretty impressive, and hopefully by the end of this class, you'll be able to appreciate and sometimes maybe wonder why it is that it actually manages to work."