
Query Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"What the heck is going on in this market now?"
"Is this the definitive version of the Wind Waker? That's the big question I'm trying to answer here."
"No one else is in that bracket, are they? Let us know."
"Labor hasn't shown up in my world yet, no. Why such a hotbed of fashion here?"
"Is it fashion? But is it fashion?" - Peppermint
"Mission complete, question mark? Yeah, cool."
"Can you go to the how long it will gonna take to read okay."
"Does that sound like a game you're excited about? What Starfield?"
"Could this actually be the best city in the world?"
"It's a full plan, so my question to Senator Cruz is: What are your best campaign suggestions?"
"What do you want that we haven't done before?"
"Are we going to see a formidable performance?"
"Do you think that we can save the movie theater?"
"Are you looking for something that's like this that is more of a traditional approach in school?"
"We're only going to get the titles back, and Inception, Forrest Gump, and Toy Story are going to be the three movies that contain Leonardo DiCaprio or Tom Hanks."
"The select command is going to be a frequently used command by everybody who uses SQL."
"becky has a pop culture corner for us pop culture corner baby and yeah i have a a a query of a what is it and and why"
"This is the power of outer joins."
"So this right here will return all of the associated records for sales territory key of 1 from the Internet sales table."
"...why don't you build a tool similar to chat GPT where I can ask a question in a human language and it somehow converts that to a SQL query executes it on a database and gets me the answer."
"Query: asking questions about geographic features and their attributes and the relationship between them."
"You just made it through a basic query in SQL. Congratulations!"
"The other factor that impacts the choice of database is the query pattern that you have."
"What's her name out eating with the assistant?"
"If you're doing some form of aggregation and you want to filter down by the aggregation, you actually have to put that in something known as a having clause."
"The best data scientist is not someone who can accurately write SQL code, but knowing what is a high level query to ask."
"You can directly use search to look for something in all schemas or tables."
"Exactly! Oh no! Shot! Was that why all the R-pods were going on?"
"Let's write a SQL query where we take these employees and we're going to join this on the salaries table."
"Cumulative table design allows you to query half as much data and still get your answer."
"Graph databases are not suitable for scenarios when the queries don't include a specific starting point."
"...the main thing to note is this is just a unique identifier for your query."
"I haven't the slightest idea. I don't like to interrupt, but how can I be?"
"So let's go create a query using the query design window."
"You know what's about to happen. You feel me?"
"What happens if you're querying for multiple things?"
"Where are you, It Factor? It Factor, where are you?"
"Cross apply, you can do a lot of things. What cross apply do is for each record coming from the left side, it will run this sub-query."
"It's a very, very powerful language that allows us to do some really advanced queries."
"In a relational database you can ask it whatever question you want."
"...react query mutations... pretty simple API... you can manage so many stuff."
"A bit of an expectation, isn't it?"
"How would you query all the items in a database table? The answer would just be model name dot objects dot all."
"... integrate this with a RAG system. So that you can actually just use a Q&A to basically query your screenshots and get the answers back that way."
"Somebody's gotta have an answer like I need the catharsis right I need that somebody to respond with something man."
"An advantage of link is it can be leveraged in our C# code to query data in a standardized way that is independent from the format of the underlying data source."
"We're able to specify which specific columns we want to get back."
"It just allows you to give the query a name, basically, so I'm just going to call this first query 'a'."
"In addition to selecting records by using a WHERE filter, we can also select which columns we want to fetch."
"... maybe we just want the ID and the name of an actor."
"Liberty Ohio was there Gary sighting?"
"I know in one of the um one of our subscribers asked about a sweet potato pie."
"Graph QL allows you to query the schema to know what types and objects are supported."
"Embedding allows you to retrieve all data with a single query. No joins or lookups, super fast!"
"We manually edited the cache of that query so that means that now if we go down there we should see an extra item with information that we created and that's exactly what we see."
"Let's go ahead and start working on the insert query."
"Inner join will going to create the inner join between these two tables and only the matching records will come."
"Wasn't that a cool demo? A whole geoprocessing model in a single query."
"He reminds me in this TR trory do you know anything about Michael kryon"
"Because when you write a very easy to understand query, you make it easy for SQL Server to accurately guess how many rows are going to come back."
"If there are five tables involved, there are 384 logically equivalent plans for the star query."
"Mor, how's it go with the Morty Town Loos?"
"... we now also supporting a binary representation of JSON which not surprisingly lets you query JSON documents ..."
"All right what do I got request ATL where we are right now."
"Spark uses something called lazy execution, and what that means is unless you ask for the data, it actually doesn't run the query."
"Are you in front of the computer?"
"Query pipelines are a declarative query API that allow you to chain different modules into a dag or directed basic graph."
"We're going to create a recursive CTE... this is going to allow us to write a subquery in here to generate a temporary table."
"How much do you love me right now? A lot."
"We really wanted a declarative query language that's readable and expressive."
"That's a really good query letter."
"This motivates the need to not only develop better ways to query these models but probably also build language models that are actually more robust to the query itself."
"I only hope that you've enjoyed yourselves. Have you?"
"It includes a rich query engine which is optimized for really low latency in JSON and lightning flush query performance."
"So, this query starts with the table name. Then we filter by a certain timeframe and generate an aggregation."
"The basic building block for a SPARQL query is the triple pattern."
"Select flight_id from passengers, GROUP BY flight_id HAVING COUNT star greater than 1."
"We're going to be creating a new controller and inside this new controller, we're going to be basically querying our Elasticsearch."
"With Typeform, we can just say that we want to return users.find."
"It's returning the query, the data, and an empty list."
"Select star from monsters where XP is greater than 99 and loot is equal to gems."
"Excuse me, I was wondering if you'd like to come to prom with me."
"...for each context word, can we find some most relevant words in the question from the question for the query words."
"...which context words actually can be most relevant to the query to one of the query words."
"What we're going to do is analyze it using the query function."
"Why is it the married men are the only romantic ones left?"
"Ignition has the power to query that data and whether we're putting it in there whether that data already existed."
"So let's see if we can make sure we understand, so this query that I'm looking at, that's the query that Tableau sent over ODBC to Dremeo."
"Select star from table where one equals zero; obviously one can never equal zero."
"With each statement that our Sackville query is constructed out of, the shape and nature of that data will change."
"A having clause is executed after this query is executed."
"JSON Path is a query language, not a programming language."
"Who's enjoying themselves right now?"
"What's a hamam? Is it a gymnasium, a fast food restaurant, or a bath house?"
"Our query is now successfully ran."
"When you ask the database management system to give me all the Clarks or all the Joneses that live in Chicago, it's a very fast query for the database."
"So a view is a way of writing some query to see our data in a new way and then saving this view of our data, so we can query it later on."
"This allows you to see how the database will run your query."
"Relational algebra is also called a procedural query language."
"Why does A4 always win in challenges?"
"Normalized data models belong in a relational database context where I have an ad hoc query engine that is capable of doing joins."