
Significant Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"One of the most significant projects created after people's sale."
"To have Britney appear in a courtroom and speak directly about her conservatorship is going to be monumental."
"I'm not sure how many people are on that or in attendance right now but I do know that yesterday over a hundred thousand people came to the March for Life at our nation's capital so I think that's pretty significant."
"That's huge. That would be of interest to everyone."
"This is the biggest opportunity of his life."
"This case is probably one of the most important civil rights cases in the last 100 years." - Benjamin Crump
"When you take a step back and look at the collective grace group of policies he has implemented, what I think you're going to see is that it has been monumental."
"There's an enormous amount of evidence in this report, damning evidence."
"It was so momentous... it truly is a very remarkable year."
"Perhaps one of the most important MacBooks ever to come out is the second generation MacBook Air."
"This is going to be very significant, life-changing indeed."
"It's propulsive and tragic and a really important American story."
"It could be one of the most consequential cases involving trans people that we have seen in ages."
"This is as damning evidence of presidential corruption we've ever seen."
"This is probably the biggest match of his career."
"It's absolutely huge. I cannot, honestly, it's so emotional."
"That's the biggest throw of the day for Case."
"We've never seen leaks of this scale before."
"This will be the most important video you've seen on any of these three projects in the last 6 months."
"This is a monumental thing for humans to have figured out."
"Nat Turner started one of the bloodiest and most significant rebellions against slavery in Southampton County Virginia."
"Jinbe's inclusion with Zoro and Sanji as the new monster trio was huge."
"One of the best, one of the biggest, one of the most Talent Laden cards ever put together in the history of boxing."
"Xenoverse might have just had its biggest update in its history."
"The biggest thing that ever happened in my life."
"This is going to be a very big day for money and I don't mean that is not to be taken lightly."
"It's going to be a heavy moment, but a very important moment."
"This is one of the greatest threats to our civil liberties that we have ever faced."
"The year of 2023 was absolutely incredible, it was a Monumental year."
"This is a huge life-defining period for you."
"Adjustments are required; it's going to be quite life-changing."
"A day that I'll remember for a long time."
"Goodness gracious, what a momentous week."
"It's definitely an incredible game-changing."
"That was an amazing moment, man, that was a life-changing moment."
"I will never forget what happened next."
"That day now lives on in personal infamy as the day in which the trajectory of my life was changed."
"This has been a life-changing experience."
"This run was real, it was substantive."
"if there was any other moment oh it was this one"
"Those are some serious, serious increases."
"This connection is mutual, significant, and important."
"This is the year that you know you're going to look back on."
"12.3 million viewers. That is Bonkers bananas huge."
"That's a life-changing amount of money."
"That is a huge, huge improvement."
"It's a lot of money, that's a life-changing amount."
"It is now making a significant contribution to my income."
"Overall, they're a pretty significant player, and the rate of growth has been astonishing."
"The iPhone 15 is truly the first significant upgrade to the regular iPhones in a number of years."
"First time meeting on a quarter Million Dollar application."
"A major announcement that we made today."
"This is one they'll remember for a long time."
"This will change your life for the long term."
"This has probably got to be... a game changer."
"This is going to be an absolute game changer."
"It's like a religious experience."
"Surely the greatest moment in your life."
"This will be the turning point case."
"This is probably the most exciting day of my life."
"Dragon having the most high bounty in the series right now speaks volume."
"My ninth year was certainly more exciting than any of the others."
"It changed the course of my life with such magnitude."
"It was truly the greatest night of my life."
"The growth that you're going to see is going to be tremendous."
"That's a really huge step to take."
"He's made such an impact on this defense."
"You're going to make an absolutely massive, beautiful big life choice."
"They're the type of fights that people remember for many years to come."
"The finish felt like a big watershed moment."
"That's a very momentous opportunity."
"That is life-changing, absolutely life-changing."
"The most important scene in the entire trilogy."
"They are literally game changers."
"AI could be something that would change the world in a significant way."
"I like that, everybody. This is the moment."
"This is one of those days of my life that I would cherish forever."
"It was a daring ask, it was a big ask."
"This is heavy, let's see, okay. This is dense."
"This is a day that I'll never ever forget."
"This is one of the most epic things we've got here."
"It was the best moment of my life."
"This right here is a game-changer."
"This will be one of those days that you remember for many many years to come."
"It's the mother of all concept albums."
"This is a very important pivot point."
"A tremendous dietary shift is happening."
"Over the next few months, I'll be covering some more significant winter events if that's something you're into."
"2024 is going to be a life-changing year for you. It's going to be one of the biggest years for you."
"This is probably the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life."
"This moment is a moment that you never forget."
"That's the liquid gold right there."
"Massive transformation, massive transformation."
"It feels like a major transformation."
"That's quite something for me. This is a dumpable offense."
"We're living in interesting times."
"That was huge, that really was huge."
"It's the greatest thing that some people have ever done."
"This is the most exciting day of my life."
"This moment is like top five for me."
"It's just been a game changer for me."
"This is going to be a life-changing day."
"High key feels like life-changing."
"That was just so kind and another big update this is actually huge guys."
"This can't be real, this is earth-shaking and it was."
"It was the most amazing experience, life-changing."
"It's definitely a game that is life-changing."
"A real moment there which will grab the headlines."
"April 11 seems like it was a long time ago but it was really memorable."
"This was a huge game changer for me."
"That was an amazing moment in my life."
"This is the kind of thing that we will remember for decades."
"This is a game that people will remember for a long time."
"It's easily the most iconic moment of the whole show."
"It's probably one of the greatest days of my entire life."
"This is a cinematic moment in his life."
"That's an undeniable massive amount of money."
"Big changes are coming soon, big, big, big, much needed changes."
"Absolutely loved it, it was a game changer."
"Easily one of the highlights of the year for us."
"This is huge, a start for the Matildas."
"This is the one you're going to remember the most."
"It's one of the most important gifts that you could ever receive."
"So it's a significant Improvement those 14 extra lines are working very very."
"Thirty years. It's not a small thing."
"Every one of them had a point in their life where they were already a significant way into their story, a significant way into their ministry, already carrying huge loads, had already accomplished worldly speaking something to be proud of."
"You rewrote history when you came out."
"This is a gamechanging, lifechanging month."
"This is a moment even greater than a revival."
"Jim and Pam's wedding is a really big deal, and they needed to nail this one."
"One of if not the best decision of our lives."
"This is the day I'm going to remember for the rest of my life."
"This is like actually history in the making."
"It was perhaps the loveliest moment in his life."
"It's one of those 'where were you when it happened' moments."
"17.5 grand is going to change my life, you know? I mean, it really is."
"This is definitely a memorable day."
"This is the biggest thing I've ever done."
"She's like the chorus of the film."
"...on the whole, this is actually a really significant camera upgrade this year all around..."
"It's almost a life-changing experience."
"This fight will definitely be one that goes down in the history books."
"That is a key moment right there."
"That grand slam was a shot fired."
"It is literally kind of lifechanging."
"The mistake that was made was monumental."
"One of the most significant deaths in television I feel like I can say that."
"your home is probably the biggest purchase you'll ever make"
"It was one of those days that you never forget."
"That is a massive and much-needed play."
"This is such a massive moment in history."
"This is a day that I will remember for a long time."
"It was a day that I'll never forget."
"It truly was the highlight in a lot of ways."
"It's one of the more important role player performances I think in Knicks history."
"2020. I mean it's a pretty big punctuation point for everybody really."
"My productivity went up, and when I mean up, I mean way, way up."
"Chief Lapu Lapu was the dude who killed Magellan."
"The support has been astronomical."
"This is a moment of great historical importance."
"Volcano plots are useful for identifying genes that are significantly regulated."
"I felt like every scene had something significant happening in every single scene."
"I suppose this is the most important moment of our lives."
"Having a baby is a huge life change."
"This is the makings of history right here."
"It's going to be a day that we would never forget."
"This is life-changing, biggest news in our history."
"Postpartum is the biggest hormonal change at one time that anybody can go through in life."
"That was a pretty cool experience, I mean 188 wins in the state of Pennsylvania, that's a big-time number."
"This becomes something extremely special."
"This wasn't one for the ages, this was the one for the ages."
"Your life is changing big time, big time."
"The Megalodon teeth reached about eight inches in length, that's one of the most significant figures of all time."
"It's a huge game, it's about redemption."
"This is just one of those moments you'll never forget."
"She's big, she's huge, and she will make an imposing feature in any point anywhere she sits."
"Step change: significant, traumatic, radical change."
"A huge, major, major improvement."
"Here we had possibly the most significant UFO event ever to have taken place on British soil."
"That was one of the biggest crimes committed in the century."
"I think my most important fight... was my first fight with Muhammad Ali."
"It's the biggest moment of my life."
"It's such an iconic, historic event."
"Yes, I think this is a huge, huge upgrade to the pilot."
"It's a moment you would never forget."
"There is something very interesting that is going to take place, something very personal to you, very significant."
"It was the best and craziest day of my life, good and bad, and turned out to be like one of the most memorable amazing days of my life that I will never ever ever ever forget."
"The first right-hand drive Triumph TR2, a very significant car."
"The most significant election case ever in the history of the United States of America."
"I think it's remarkable that this was probably the biggest story in the world for probably a three-day period."
"It's a huge quality of life improvement."
"Talk about the memory that'll last a lifetime."
"Charlemagne is... the most important figure in Western European history during the Middle Ages."
"Huge growth over three years. Massive."
"Everybody, that is a day that will not be soon forgotten."
"Have yourself a day in a moment that he will never forget."
"This is one of the most life-altering things that we've ever done."
"The Oracle of Delphi... was said to be the most important shrine in all of Greece."
"It was relatively groundbreaking."
"It's going to be groundbreaking, life-changing, extraordinary."