
Amazing Quotes

There are 451 quotes

"It is pretty amazing. I had no idea it would be this spectacular. It is really an experience."
"Everything about it was just amazing, I think it's actually one of the most atmospheric books I've ever read in my entire life."
"But really, that's wild you know, what an amazing time in history."
"Love it, so that's quite amazing."
"She was amazing, she was very welcoming and warm."
"If you're a single parent, you are amazing."
"Absolutely amazing, loving this place."
"This place is a treasure trove, absolutely amazing."
"This is such an amazing atmosphere here."
"What an amazing showing from Austin Theory."
"It's absolutely amazing but guys I wanted to show y'all a second option."
"It was a life-changing experience. UNBELIEVABLE!"
"This is just amazing stuff that they're working on."
"Guts is just such an amazing character."
"The acting in this was absolutely amazing"
"You must have been sent here from God... they think you're absolutely amazing, stunning, beautiful, intelligent... you're the whole package."
"This project was incredible. This was incredible."
"The quality of the food is just amazing."
"Buggy was such an amazing character."
"So far this food has been amazing and I'm going to say this is just as good dare I say it's just as good as our fish and chips back back home in Nova Scotia"
"Definitely the most amazing thing I've ever done."
"It is completely phenomenal, it's out of this world, it's so cool."
"An amazing set, no matter the price."
"It would be amazing to have in a collection."
"I think what that [__] is doing with his label is amazing."
"It was really special, it was unbelievable, it was just amazing in so many ways."
"This technology feels like we're living with the Jetsons. It's amazing."
"That's how it started, it was just amazing fishing."
"The start of the show is pretty amazing. It's very compelling."
"...one of the most amazing projects that we have ever been a part of."
"That resilience I just think is completely amazing."
"To have nights like this is amazing."
"It's an amazing album and one of the best debuts I've ever heard..."
"It was absolutely amazing I've never had pizza like it"
"I've had an absolutely amazing time."
"This was an amazing way to start the day."
"...they're amazing and I'm all for them and I do believe that this bike is good."
"This thing is absolutely amazing, it's never failed me once."
"...what was already an amazing week at Bonneville has become even more incredible."
"Look at all this coffee, you guys. At dinner and everything is amazing. This place is killing it."
"What an incredible day. Oh, amazing."
"It's incredible, absolutely incredible."
"It's exciting, it's fun to drive, it's totally amazing."
"I scored it so big and I had no idea that Reno was such an amazing town for thrifting."
"These are amazing, you need them in your life."
"His character was amazing in this movie."
"That is amazing, y'all. We did really well."
"I knew it would be amazing, I just didn't have the conception in my brain that we would have so much variety."
"This really is an amazing group of people who have spent months preparing for this moment."
"You can control everything with your voice, which is amazing."
"Everybody loved the food, it was amazing."
"It just turned out amazing, the paint, the color, looks absolutely amazing."
"His superpower and equally amazing is just his nearly insane humility."
"That book was amazing and grabbed me like nothing else ever had before."
"...definitely an amazing set of figures."
"This is such an amazing dining experience."
"Daredevil from start to finish is one of the most amazing shows ever made."
"...we took the time to do all the right prep work and we did it the right way and that made the results look amazing."
"This is delicious amazing I'm shooketh."
"My friend sent me this and it's bloody amazing, right?"
"This should be absolutely amazing, get ready you guys here it comes."
"This show just made me cry over Ymir. Amazing, amazing."
"Honestly, this is such a freaking amazing exciting day."
"the quality of the ingredients are amazing"
"Being around you is just amazing and almost like being in a desert and someone gave them water and they're like 'ah, I'm quenched and I can relax now.'"
"This is really an amazing way to cook salmon."
"This movie was beautiful, amazing. I'm at a loss for words, genuinely."
"It was an amazing movie man stay to the end, uh, a mind-blowing movie."
"This ring is amazing. Really beautiful."
"Max's story and journey through this show has been nothing short but just amazing."
"How do you take something as memorable as The Lion King and make it so forgettable? That's just amazing."
"The most amazing transformation in my life."
"The design of this thing is just amazing."
"That was amazing, that was awesome."
"Love is too amazing and too good to be held as a private possession."
"It's totally like an amazing perfume."
"This is so amazing, it just has this sort of specific sound in some of her songs that just feel so like could have been in like an early 2000s like Teen Movie."
"God is merciful God is amazing God is God is amazing in so many ways."
"This release is amazing. It's also long-lasting."
"And this is amazing, all of the attributes in the other two fields."
"...they went the distance every single series. That's amazing."
"This is unbelievable, this is amazing."
"it was amazing, absolutely amazing result"
"Everything in between was amazing."
"That's amazing. It's super pretty, like the stones."
"It's like something out of Hitchcock, that's amazing."
"He's amazing and he's getting big pops on these things."
"It's amazing and fun and it just makes you laugh."
"Listen, you guys know how amazing this one is. I say we just go ahead and dive straight in."
"It's pretty amazing what they can do."
"This house is fabulous, fantastic, absolutely amazing!"
"There are 112 Techniques of Meditation in the World, and every Technique is amazing"
"Amazing toppings that blow your mind."
"Joseph becomes spiritually amazing."
"It's amazing how all the furniture is here."
"These heat packs are bombs! They turn back to their original substance in just one minute, not 10 minutes like the instructions say. They're amazing!"
"It's amazing, class! It's so awesome that we did this!"
"It was the most amazing moment ever."
"It's amazing the impact that a person makes."
"...now there's a couple options in here that are pretty amazing."
"To say that it's not an amazing personality would be erroneous."
"Aesthetically, they look amazing."
"It's just incredible, I mean, it's just everything as a whole is just simply amazing."
"The beauty of a long-term relationship: you experience the terrible and the amazing."
"It's honestly amazing. It is an amazing feature. You don't know how amazing it is until you have it."
"This really was absolutely amazing in every sense of the word."
"Heavenly Illusions? [ __ ] amazing!"
"Every single drive, it's always some amazing things happening somewhere."
"I really hope everyone had an amazing week."
"It's amazing Molly, the love inside, take it with you."
"A lot of amazing things happening, and a lot of scary stuff happening at the same time."
"Every person who's ever read this has said it's amazing, like no matter what your book tastes normally are."
"...the ZR1 was amazing it really was..."
"There's just something amazing about it."
"Killing people with kindness is amazing."
"Look how cool that looks. Amazing."
"Being a father is the most amazing privilege."
"I find that story amazing because it was completely haphazard."
"It was just an amazing moment, brilliant."
"This gardens amazing already though."
"Why does this feel so natural? This feeling, it's amazing," Lucas mumbled, his voice unsteady.
"The colors on this figure are absolutely amazing."
"Just an absolutely amazing figure. I cannot recommend this thing enough. It's just that flippin cool."
"Wow so amazing toy for kids I loved it it scared my six-month-old granddaughter."
"Think about today and how you're going to make today amazing for you, because you deserve that."
"We're all amazing in our own unique way."
"This is amazing. It's so tender, full of flavor."
"This story is amazing because the stories about this guy that just became this weird sort of humble guy."
"So far, this place is definitely living up to expectation, this is amazing."
"This was amazing, I am obsessed with the Tuscan flavors."
"The food is always amazing, the experience is amazing, we hope you guys enjoyed this video as we enjoyed every single moment in the actual restaurant."
"This experience has really shown me how above and beyond amazing this community is."
"Absolutely amazing, the feeling that you have you can't I don't know if anybody can express it unless they've been there."
"It was amazing actually um I mean it does help we'll come on to it in a minute but I think it looks great it looks looks look fantastic."
"This is gripping, amazing. I'm having physical reactions."
"Wow, so my thoughts on Potters, it's got an absolutely amazing history."
"Supernatural provision—it's been absolutely amazing."
"We're about to have an amazing video."
"I think it's amazing and I think that you are unique in a unicorn."
"Big haul, priced right, absolutely amazing score, definitely like a once in a lifetime jackpot."
"We were able to create this wonderful business model that's amazing, that's really amazing."
"That thing is just amazing, you know, it's kind of a magic box. I love it."
"Those resolutions are pretty amazing."
"This one's amazing. 10 out of 10."
"If you're worried about condensation... this thing is amazing."
"It's quite amazing what can happen in a week."
"I stayed at Lowe's Portofino Bay Hotel last night... free unlimited express pass for the duration of your stay... that's amazing."
"Most demonstrative I've ever seen Marshall... it's amazing."
"That was awesome, we couldn't leave that, guys that was amazing"
"It's almost like looking into a museum case isn't it? Such detail."
"Oh my God she's [ __ ] amazing I know."
"What a world we live in that you can now do that on YouTube. It's [ __ ] amazing, it's incredible."
"The Louvre Museum is one of, if not the most amazing museum in the entire world."
"There's something happening in your body that's really amazing when you do this."
"The battle at Helm's Deep, everything about this sequence was amazing."
"Back to the Future, amazing set of special features."
"Absolutely amazing, probably a fish about three and a half pounds."
"So far such an amazing experience down to the details."
"It was so lovely, I had the most amazing time."
"An amazing revival took place in the tiny country of wales."
"This thing is going to be amazing."
"Thank you for another year of your support, 2023 was beyond insanely amazing."
"That's pretty amazing. All that background noise, the wind, everything is gone."
"This is amazing, like, the best lamb chops ever."
"Gail King, you are freaking amazing."
"This display is going to be amazing!"
"This cast together they're just amazing like as an ensemble it's ridiculous the amount of chemistry they have."
"It is pretty amazing... how all the scripture... it's all about Jesus."
"This movie is amazing. I freaking love it."
"Wouldn't life be amazing if it was like that every single day? I think it would be so amazing."
"They might look like tiny waddling waiters, but the Gentoo penguin has to be one of the most amazing animals."
"It is going to be an amazing performer."
"The views are just absolutely amazing."
"I love my subscribers, you guys are amazing."
"Have hope that whatever you're beginning right now can start something amazing and beautiful."
"Can we get a Milena appreciation thread by the way? Why? Milena is amazing."
"This place has been absolutely amazing, right, nice little time capsule."
"That's how amazing, yeah, that is a good, that's a public service, it is."
"...you're all amazing and I appreciate all the support."
"Josh volunteered to make breakfast and man he went all out making some amazing omelets and hash browns."
"That is the most amazing toilet I have ever seen."
"That was a spectacular. That was amazing."
"It was amazing. It was the coolest thing."
"That combination of flavors is amazing."
"It's such a fantastic car, it's amazing."
"Everything in your reading is actually saying to you that you're amazing just as you are."
"I mean it was scary at first and then ultimately amazing."
"That seven day training was amazing."
"That's some good insight, amazing."
"Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping."
"It's a really amazing way to catch them."
"This is the most amazing, amazing thing because this does not always happen but we got it back."
"It's so gothic, it looks like something The Addams Family, absolutely amazing."
"This is outrageous, that's amazing, let me try these prayers."
"It's incredible, it's amazing, one of those shows that just flew underneath the radar for me."
"Father Christmas really is amazing."
"This is an unforgettable, amazing experience."
"The quality of the memory foam is amazing."
"This bait is sealed, amazing isn't it, just amazing."
"Absolutely amazing the swag of the he walks in he's dancing afterwards a letter of the crowd he's getting the crowd going."